DEVELOP LONG-TERM FUNDING FORECAST. Determine and forecast the costs associated with alternative management strategies for a specified planning horizon (i.e., 10, 50 or 100 years). This includes determining the timing of each maintenance or capital activity (i.e. for watershed assets – the frequency of sediment removal, bank repair, vegetation management, concrete replacement, etc.) and the costs associated with each strategy.
DEVELOP LONG-TERM FUNDING FORECAST. The purpose of this task is to develop long-term investment needs to maintain Piedmont Creek assets per their level of service. The Consultant shall determine and forecast the costs associated with maintaining the creek to meet the required levels of service for a 100-year planning horizon. This includes determining the timing of each management strategy (i.e. frequency of sediment removal, bank repair, vegetation management, concrete replacement, etc.) and the costs associated with each strategy. Costs shall be presented in the Master Worksheet.