Vegetation Management. The supplier shall ensure: • That all indigenous and protected trees (in terms of national and provincial legislation) are not cut, trimmed or disturbed without a permit obtained from the relevant authorities (acquired from Eskom Environmental Management Section). • That permits be available on site where such trees are cut. • That the owner is consulted, and his/her consent being obtained, prior to the cutting of any trees.
Vegetation Management. Goal E7: Where economically feasible, gradually work toward eliminating invasive and managing nuisance species, increasing biological diversity, and increasing public safety by reducing fire load and eliminating large predator habitat.
Vegetation Management. Ornamental and traditional plantings: In Virginia, several plant and tree species were traditionally used as both ornaments and grave markers. We recommend taking care not to damage or remove the following species as they may have been purposefully planted by the family or community:
Vegetation Management. Permittee shall limit vegetation management (e.g., trimming, pruning, or limbing) and removal for the purpose of Stream Crossing maintenance to the use of hand tools. Vegetation management shall not include treatment with herbicides.
Vegetation Management. Visionary shall have the authority, but not the obligation, to trim trees, bushes, xxxxxx, and other natural growth in the Rights-of-Way in order to access and maintain its Facilities in compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations and industry standards. This right shall in no way impose a duty on Visionary; instead, this right gives permission to Visionary should Visionary elect to conduct such activities from time-to-time in order to access and maintain its Facilities.
Vegetation Management. PacifiCorp or its contractor may prune all trees and vegetation which overhang the Public Ways, whether such trees or vegetation originate within or outside the Public Ways, to prevent the branches or limbs or other part of such trees or vegetation from interfering with PacifiCorp’s Electrical Facilities. Such pruning shall comply with the American National Standard for Tree Care Operation (ANSI A300) and be conducted under the direction of an arborist certified with the International Society of Arboriculture. A growth inhibitor treatment may be used for trees and vegetation species that are fast-growing and problematic. Nothing contained in this Section shall prevent PacifiCorp, when necessary and with the approval of the owner of the property on which they may be located, from cutting down and removing any trees which overhang streets.
Vegetation Management. Exotic plant control will be conducted using physical, chemical, mechanical, and cultural treatment methods. Treatments will be implemented using approved BMPs according to the SMP and in compliance with the California Department of Fish and Game and Department of Pesticide Regulation requirements. SEC will use an integrated pest management approach that includes the judicious use of aquatically approved herbicide and surfactant for controlling weeds. Herbicides are generally used for initial control over persistent weeds and then as spot treatments in combination with mowing, hand pulling, hoeing, flaming, and mulching. Cut xxxxx herbicide applications are used for xxxxx xxxx species and foliar spot treatments are applied strategically to avoid harm to desirable species. Herbicide applications will be made under the direct supervision of a licensed pest control applicator. Planting for the SMP typically occurs from November to January depending on planting locations and water availability (toe plantings in channels that support perennial water can be planted all year). This is scheduled during the typically wetter months of the year so that newly planted trees have the opportunity to establish before the hotter and drier summer months. Planted nursery stock for riparian restoration is generally grown in narrow, deep containers to minimize soil disturbance, prevent plant wash-out, and ensure successful establishment of plants in wild land settings. Trees are planted in single rows just up from the toe-of-slope and along the top of the bank slope. The conceptual arrangement of upland, riparian, and wetland species is displayed in Figure 3. Shrubs are planted in natural groupings in locations associated with the trees. Trees planted along the top-of-bank may include oaks, box elder, California bay, buckeye, and (depending on channel size) Fremont poplar. Trees planted at the ordinary high water mark, slightly above the toe-of-slope may include alders, ash, maples, and red or yellow willows. Trees are spaced appropriately to allow room for a mature tree canopy to develop (typically 30 ft. on center) and thinned later as necessary to maximize canopy yet retain capacity and provide access to the channel. At the recommendation of the RWQCB, in suitable locations (where the hydrology of the channel allows, or where sediment removal and installation of a low flow “bankfull” channel has been implemented), riparian trees will be installed strategically in the channe...
Vegetation Management. Grantor reserves the right to plant, prune, trim, cut, mow, or otherwise manage grass, trees and shrub vegetation to enhance wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, or improve safety or access to portions of the Property in a manner which is consistent with protection and preservation of the Conservation Values.
Vegetation Management. Some sites may require one or more vegetation management treatments to reduce the impacts of unwanted competing vegetation on the growth of seedlings. Such treatments commonly involve the application of herbicides. Vegetation management conducted through use of forest chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers is not a covered activity under the ITPs. Mechanical methods may also be used to control unwanted vegetation.
Vegetation Management. As of the date of this Agreement, the Restoration Property is in an early developmental stage; predominantly colonized by black willow (Salix nigra Xxxxx) swamp and Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera (L.) Small) thicket. Vegetation on the Restoration Property may not be burned, cut, disturbed, altered or removed from the Restoration Property without the prior written consent of the Holder and Third Parties with Rights of Enforcement. The use of chemical herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers and other agents that may have an adverse effect on wildlife, waters, and other important conservation interests to be protected by this Agreement is prohibited, unless their use is recommended by the Trustees as a part of a prescribed management plan (e.g., mid- course correction or corrective action plan, forest management plan, etc.). Any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the Settlement Agreement shall be resolved in favor of the Settlement Agreement.