Subcontracting; Assignment The Contractor may not subcontract any portion of the services provided under this Contract without obtaining the prior written approval of the Procurement Officer, nor may the Contractor assign this Contract or any of its rights or obligations hereunder, without the prior written approval of the Procurement Officer provided, however, that a contractor may assign monies receivable under a contract after due notice to the State. Any subcontracts shall include such language as may be required in various clauses contained within this Contract, exhibits, and attachments. The Contract shall not be assigned until all approvals, documents, and affidavits are completed and properly registered. The State shall not be responsible for fulfillment of the Contractor’s obligations to its subcontractors.
SUBCONTRACTS - ASSIGNMENT Contractor shall not subcontract or assign this Agreement, or any part thereof, or interest therein, directly or indirectly, voluntarily or involuntarily, to any person without obtaining the prior written consent by County. Contractor remains legally responsible for the performance of all contract terms including work performed by third parties under subcontracts. Any subcontracting will be subject to all applicable provisions of this Agreement. Contractor shall be held responsible by County for the performance of any subcontractor whether approved by County or not. Contractor hereby assigns to the County all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Xxxxxxx Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Xxxxxxxxxx Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from the purchase if goods, materials, or services by the Contractor for sale to the County pursuant to this Agreement.
SUBLET/ASSIGNMENT The Lessee may not transfer or assign this Lease, or any right or interest hereunder or sublet said leased Premises or any part thereof without first obtaining the prior written consent and approval of the Lessor.
Subcontracts and Assignment Contractor shall not subcontract, assign, delegate, or transfer any of its duties, rights, or interests under this Contract without the prior written consent of District. District may withhold such consent for any or no reason. If District consents to an assignment or subcontract, then in addition to any other provisions of this Contract, Contractor shall require any permitted subcontractor to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Contract that would otherwise bind Contractor. The parties agree that any such subcontracts shall be construed as matters solely between the Contractor and its subcontractor and shall have no binding effect on District.
Subcontracting and Assignment The School Bus Operator shall not sub-contract, transfer or assign this Contract or any part of this Parent Agreement without the prior written consent of the School. The School Bus Operator shall be responsible for the acts, defaults, neglects or omissions of any assignee or subcontractor, their agents, servants or workmen as fully as if they were the acts, defaults, neglects or omissions of the School Bus Operator.
Shift Assignment Should the University elect to establish a shift on any other schedule than the regular day shift (Monday through Friday) or to assign employees to work on any such shift, the employee(s) with the most seniority in the classification affected or to be assigned on such shift shall have preference in moving to such shift. If an insufficient number of employees in the classification elect to move to such shift, then the employee(s) with the least seniority in the classification shall be assigned to such shift. If positions or shifts are reduced or eliminated or movement of personnel to other shifts is required, then the seniority of the affected employee will prevail in the selection of shift, provided the affected employee can do the required work. Such shift preference is only applicable within the employee's classification.
SUBCONTRACTS and ASSIGNMENTS Except as may be set forth in the Special Provisions, the Contractor agrees not to subcontract, assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of this Agreement or any right, title, obligation or interest it may have therein to any third party without prior written approval of H-GAC. The Contractor acknowledges that H-GAC is not liable to any subcontractor or assignee of the Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure that the performance rendered under all subcontracts shall result in compliance with all the terms and provisions of this Agreement as if the performance rendered was rendered by the Contractor. Contractor shall give all required notices, and comply with all laws and regulations applicable to furnishing and performance of the work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable law or regulation, H-GAC shall not be responsible for monitoring Contractor's compliance, or that of Contractor’s subcontractors, with any laws or regulations.
Work Assignment 8.1 The jurisdiction of the Unions shall be that jurisdiction established by Agreements between International Unions claiming the work or Decisions of Record recognized by the AFL-CIO for the various classifications and the character of work performed, having regard for the special requirements of thermal, nuclear or hydraulic generation and transmission and transformation construction. An Agreement or Decision of Record is one that is published by the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO (Agreement and Decisions Rendered Affecting the Building Industry). Where no Decision or Agreement applies, the Employer agrees to consider evidence of established practices within the industry when making jurisdictional assignments. (a) A markup process will be utilized when an Employer intends to perform work on a project site*. The purpose of this markup process is to indicate to the Union the work which is planned to be carried out by the Employer in order to minimize the potential for jurisdictional disputes. (b) When work is to be performed on a project site and it meets the following criteria: same employer, same work, same project site, the markup process will not be required. This procedure shall not preclude a Union’s right to contest previously disputed work. * For the purposes of this Article, Nanticoke, Lambton, Lakeview/Xxxxx, BNPD, Pickering, Darlington, Lines and Stations and the 5 Electricity Production Zones are each considered individual project sites. In the Electricity Production Zones when work falls within this criteria the EPSCA Office will send out a “Notification of Work” along with a copy of the original minutes of xxxx-up meeting(s) to the Local Union prior to work commencing. This procedure shall not preclude the Union’s right to contest previously assigned work, if the work is in a Local Union jurisdiction other than the one it was marked up in. (c) When an Employer has work that is less than 3 weeks duration and there are ten (10) or fewer employees covered by EPSCA Collective Agreements employed on this specific work, the Union and Union affiliates will be notified of the scope of work and the Employer’s proposed work assignments. The Unions will have two (2) weeks from the date of notification to submit jurisdictional claims and supporting evidence to the Employer for consideration. The Employer will notify the Union of the final work assignments prior to the commencement of the work. (d) All work that does not meet the criteria set out in clauses 8.2(b) or 8.2(c) will be reviewed and assigned at a markup meeting. (e) EPSCA will provide written notice to the Union as far in advance as possible of markup meetings. The Unions may attend these markup meetings, and every effort will be made to settle questions of jurisdiction before the work is expected to commence. (f) The Employer who has the responsibility for the work shall make a proposed assignment of the work involved. The Employer shall be responsible for providing copies of proposed assignments to the Union at the markup meeting. The Employer will specify a reasonable time limit for the Unions involved to submit evidence of their claims. The Employer will evaluate all evidence submitted and make a final assignment of the work involved. This final assignment will be in accordance with the procedural rules established by the Plan for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction Industry. The Employer will advise the Unions of the final assignments prior to the work commencing. (g) The EPSCA representative will record the proposed assignments and jurisdictional claims and forward a copy of them within fifteen (15) working days to the Union. (h) The parties recognize that circumstances may arise, particularly with discovery and emergency work, where the process set out above may not be practical or possible, however reasonable effort will be made by the Employer to adhere to the appropriate trade jurisdiction.
Assignment; Subcontracting (a) Except as expressly provided in Section 12(b) below, this Agreement shall not be assignable or delegable, whether by merger, operation of law or otherwise, by any Fund without the written consent of BNY Mellon, or by BNY Mellon without the written consent of the affected Fund, in each case which consent may not be unreasonably withheld. This Agreement shall extend to and shall be binding upon the Parties hereto, and their permitted successors and assigns. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing: (i) BNY Mellon may assign or transfer this Agreement to any BNY Mellon Affiliate or transfer this Agreement in connection with a sale of a majority or more of its assets, equity interests or voting control, provided that BNY Mellon gives the relevant Funds ninety (90) days' prior written notice of such assignment or transfer and such assignment or transfer does not impair the provision of services under this Agreement in any material respect, and the assignee or transferee agrees in writing to be bound by all terms of this Agreement in place of BNY Mellon; (ii) BNY Mellon may subcontract with, hire, engage or otherwise outsource to any BNY Mellon Affiliate with respect to the performance of any one or more of the functions, services, duties or obligations of BNY Mellon under this Agreement but any such subcontracting, hiring, engaging or outsourcing shall not relieve BNY Mellon of any of its liabilities or obligations hereunder and BNY Mellon shall remain responsible for all activities, including all acts and omissions, of such BNY Mellon Affiliates to the same extent as if such activities were performed by BNY Mellon; (iii) BNY Mellon may subcontract with, hire, engage or otherwise outsource to an unaffiliated third party with respect to the performance of any one or more of the functions, services, duties or obligations of BNY Mellon under this Agreement but any such subcontracting, hiring, engaging or outsourcing shall (A) require the prior written consent of the relevant Funds and (B) not relieve BNY Mellon of any of its liabilities hereunder; and (iv) BNY Mellon, in the course of providing certain additional services requested by a Fund (“Vendor Eligible Services”) as further described in Schedule I attached hereto, may in its sole discretion, enter into an agreement or agreements with a financial printer or electronic services provider (“Vendor”) to provide BNY Mellon with the ability to generate certain reports or provide certain functionality; provided, however, that BNY Mellon shall ensure prior to any assignment, transfer, subcontracting, hiring, engaging or other outsourcing, as applicable, under subsections (i) through (iv) that the applicable BNY Mellon Affiliate, unaffiliated third party or Vendor is subject to written confidentiality, security and data protection obligations at least as restrictive as those set forth in this Agreement. BNY Mellon shall not be obligated to perform any of the Vendor Eligible Services unless an agreement between BNY Mellon and the Vendor for the provision of such services is then-currently in effect. Upon request, BNY Mellon will disclose the identity of the Vendor and the status of the contractual relationship, and a Fund is free to attempt to contract directly with the Vendor for the provision of the Vendor Eligible Services. (c) As compensation for the Vendor Eligible Services rendered by BNY Mellon pursuant to this Agreement, the applicable Fund will pay to BNY Mellon such fees as may be agreed to in writing by the Fund and BNY Mellon. In turn, BNY Mellon will be responsible for paying the Vendor’s fees. For the avoidance of doubt, BNY Mellon anticipates that the fees it charges hereunder will be more than the fees charged to it by the Vendor, and BNY Mellon will retain the difference between the amount paid to BNY Mellon hereunder and the fees BNY Mellon pays to the Vendor as compensation for the additional services provided by BNY Mellon in the course of making the Vendor Eligible Services available to the Fund.
Valid Assignment No Receivable has been originated in, or is subject to the laws of, any jurisdiction under which the sale, transfer, assignment and conveyance of such Receivable under this Receivables Purchase Agreement or the Sale and Servicing Agreement or the pledge of such Receivable under the Indenture is unlawful, void or voidable or under which such Receivable would be rendered void or voidable as a result of any such sale, transfer, assignment, conveyance or pledge. The Seller has not entered into any agreement with any account debtor that prohibits, restricts or conditions the assignment of the Receivables.