Disclosure of Financial Relationships. (a) Grant Recipient will: (i) disclose, to all audiences and in all publications relating to the Grant Activity, that Novartis has provided a grant to support the Grant Activity; (ii) acknowledge support from Novartis in brochures, syllabi, and other materials related to the Grant Activity; and (iii) disclose any other relationships Novartis has with any individual speakers, moderators, collaborators or Grant Recipient which a reasonable and ethical person would expect to be disclosed.
(b) Novartis may disclose publicly the financial and non-financial support provided to Grant Recipient, including, without limitation, the Grant Recipient’s identity, the Grant Amount and purpose of the support.
Disclosure of Financial Relationships. (a) Sponsorship Recipient will: (i) disclose, to all audiences and in all publications relating to the Sponsorship Activity, that Novartis has provided a Sponsorship to support the Sponsorship Activity; (ii) acknowledge support from Novartis in brochures, syllabi, and other materials related to the Sponsorship Activity; and (iii) disclose any other relationships Novartis has with any individual speakers, moderators, collaborators or Sponsorship Recipient which a reasonable and ethical person would expect to be disclosed.
(b) Novartis may disclose publicly the financial and non-financial support provided to Sponsorship Recipient, including, without limitation, the Sponsorship Recipient’s identity, the Sponsorship Amount and purpose of the support.
Disclosure of Financial Relationships sponsor will ensure disclosure to the audience of (a) company funding and (b) any significant relationship between the sponsor and the company (e.g., grant recipient) or between individual speakers or moderators and the company.
Disclosure of Financial Relationships. The Provider will ensure disclosure of the following to the attendees prior to or at the start of the Activity: (a) the Grantor’s funding of the activity; and, (b) any significant relationship between the Provider and the Grantor (e.g., grant recipient) or between individual planners, speakers, or moderators and the Grantor; and, (c) any safeguards that the Provider has set in place to prevent the insertion of commercial bias into the Activity.
Disclosure of Financial Relationships. The Accredited Provider will require all CME Activity planners and faculty to disclose prior to participation in the CME Activity any financial relationships with (a) any Commercial Interest providing support for the CME Activity or (b) any Commercial Interest to whose products the CME faculty member may refer. Accredited Provider’s shall resolve real or apparent conflicts of interest pursuant to its Conflict of Interest.
Disclosure of Financial Relationships. (a) Recipient will: (i) disclose, to all audiences and in all publications relating to the Activity, that Novartis has provided support to the Activity; (ii) acknowledge support from Novartis in brochures, syllabi, and other materials related to the Activity; and (iii) disclose any other relationships Novartis has with any individual speakers, moderators, collaborators or Recipient which a reasonable and ethical person would expect to be disclosed.
(b) Novartis may disclose publicly the financial and non-financial support provided to Recipient, including, without limitation, the Recipient’s identity, the Amount and purpose of the support.
Disclosure of Financial Relationships. Providers will ensure meaningful disclosure to the audience, at the time of the program of ALL Company funding and any significant relationship between the Provider and the Company or between individual instructors or moderators and the Company. There will be no “scripting,” emphasis, or direction on content by the Company or its agents.
Disclosure of Financial Relationships. Recipient will ensure disclosure to the audience of (a) Lundbeck funding and (b) any significant relationship between the Recipient and Lundbeck or between individual speaker(s) and/or moderator(s)
Disclosure of Financial Relationships. The Provider will ensure meaningful disclosure to the audience at the time of the program, of (a) Company funding and (b) any significant relationship between the Provider and the Company (e.g., grant recipient).
Disclosure of Financial Relationships. AKH will ensure meaningful disclosure to the audience, at the time of the program, of (a) Company funding and (b) any significant relationship between AKH and the Company (e.g. grant recipient) or between individual speakers or moderators and the Company.