DRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. All drawings and technical documentation, referring to the wares or their manufacture, that are provided by one party to the other before or after conclusion of the contract, remain the property of the provider. Drawings, technical documentation, and other technical information received from a party may only be used for the purpose for which they were provided unless the provider agrees otherwise. This information may not be otherwise used, copied, reproduced, transmitted, or communicated to third parties without the consent of the provider. Information, data, and descriptions - such as specifications and drawings - provided by the buyer shall not be checked by the seller for correctness and completeness unless this has been explicitly agreed in writing. The seller will provide to the buyer no later than the delivery date of the wares all information and drawings required for the buyer to install , commission, operate and maintain the wares. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all documentation pertaining to the offer, such as descriptions, depictions, drawings, and specifications of weight and dimensions, are only binding if they have been explicitly described as binding in writing. The information and drawings will be provided in the agreed number of copies , but at least one copy of each. The seller will not provide any manufacturing sketches of the wares or replacement parts.
DRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. All drawings and technical documents relating to the Product or its manufacture submitted by one party to the other, prior or subsequent to the formation of the Contract, shall remain the property of the submitting party. Drawings, technical documents or other technical information received by one party shall not, without the consent of the other party, be used for any other purpose than that for which they were provided. They may not, without the consent of the submitting party, otherwise be used or copied, reproduced, transmitted or communicated to a third party.
DRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. 2.8.1 The Licensor shall supply, by the date agreed between the Parties, the Licensee with such drawings and technical information in his possession as are reasonably required for the manufacture of the Licensed Product(s). The licensor shall transfer the said documents (as described in Annex II) to the Licensee who shall treat any such drawings and information as secret during and after the term of this Agreement. The Licensee shall further impose the same obligation on any of his sub-licensees or subcontractors though the execution of a nondisclosure agreement, which shall make the subcontractor liable towards the Licensor for any breach of this obligation. These documents remain the property of Norwin and shall if at a later date the license agreement become nul and void returned to Norwin at its registered office in Denmark.
DRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. 11.1 The sharing, irrespective of it occurring before or after the establishment of the Agreement, with the other Party of any and all drawings and technical information in connection to the Product or to its manufacturing process, shall continue to remain the property of the sharing Party. 11.2 All information and drawings necessary for the installation, instruction, operation and maintenance of the Product, shall be provided by the Supplier, free of charge, in one copy of each. Manufacturing instructions and drawings for either spare parts of the Product or for the Product itself shall not be shared with the Purchaser, except for when both Parties agree to it. 11.3 Product parts are subject to change by the Supplier without prior notice. For the exclusion of doubt, the Supplier shall have the right to change a component in the Product, as long as such component has the same specifications as the one replaced.