Fee Adjustments The fixed fees and other fees expressed as stated dollar amounts in this Schedule C and in this Agreement are subject to annual increases, commencing on the one-year anniversary date of the date of this Agreement, in an amount equal to the percentage increase in consumer prices for services as measured by the United States Consumer Price Index entitled “All Services Less Rent of Shelter,” or a similar index should such index no longer be published, since such one-year anniversary or since the date of the last fee increase, as applicable.
True-Up Adjustments From time to time, until the Retirement of the Recovery Bonds, the Servicer shall identify the need for True-Up Adjustments and shall take all reasonable action to obtain and implement such True-Up Adjustments, all in accordance with the following:
Wage Adjustments If the funding available to be used for wages provided by Government in any fiscal year increases, the Employer shall pass on such increases to employees consistent with the funding increase adjusted for any additional deficits that this contract incurs. This will be the case whether the funding increase is for the entire year or simply a portion of it, and wage increases shall be effective upon the effective date of the increased funding. Should there be no increase provided by Government, wages will be maintained at their present levels. Should there be a decrease in funding, then the Employer will maintain wages at present levels. The Employer will promptly provide the Union with any information it receives from the Government regarding funding available for wages, and the parties will meet as required to work towards cooperative resolution of any issues arising from this Government information.
Successive Adjustments After an adjustment to the Conversion Rate under this Article 10, any subsequent event requiring an adjustment under this Article 10 shall cause an adjustment to the Conversion Rate as so adjusted.
Utility Adjustments DB Contractor shall not commence or permit or suffer commencement of construction of a Utility Adjustment included in the Construction Work until TxDOT issues NTP2, all of the conditions set forth in Section 4.4.1 that are applicable to the Utility Adjustment (reading such provisions as if they referred to the Utility Adjustment) have been satisfied, and the following additional requirements have been satisfied: (a) If applicable, the Alternate Procedure List has been approved by FHWA, and either the affected Utility or the Utility Owner is on the approved Alternate Procedure List, as supplemented. (b) The Utility Adjustment is covered by an executed Utility Agreement. (c) The review and comment process has been completed and any required approvals have been obtained for the Utility Assembly covering the Utility Adjustment.
Cost Adjustments Both parties agree that contracted prices shall be fixed for the first 12 months of this Contract. Contractor must submit to District any proposed cost adjustments at least 60 days before the proposed effective date of such increases with a detailed explanation for each adjustment. District alone reserves the right to reject any changes to this Contract it deems unacceptable.
Royalty Adjustments The following adjustments shall be made, on a Licensed Product-by-Licensed Product and country-by-country basis, to the royalties payable pursuant to this Section 5.5:
Rate Adjustments 1. Taxes applicable to the gas delivered to Buyer hereunder as are in effect on January 1st immediately preceding the effective date of these terms and conditions shall be added to Buyer's bill. The term "taX- as used herein shall mean any tax, license fee, or charge applicable to the gas delivered hereunder, imposed on Seller by any governmental authority on such gas. If the existing rate of any such tax in effect on January 1st, immediately preceding the effective date of these terms and conditions, be hereafter increased or decreased, or if any tax heretofore in effect or hereafter be im posed or repealed . the resu lting increase or decrease in such taxes, computed on a cents per dekatherm basis. shall be reflected, as the case may be, on Xxxxx's bill. 2. Any applicable surcharge or special charges ordered by the Commission or any other duly constituted regulatorx body shall be·included in addition to the price of gas computed in accord ance with the terms of the Service Agreement.
Payment Adjustments Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article 3, any payment pursuant to this Article: (a) shall be subject to (i) any delay in payment or reduction required by Section 5.2 hereof, and (b) shall be subject to a set-off equal to the gross amount of any current or deferred compensation, including wages, salary, fees, benefits, tangible or intangible property or ownership rights or interests or other property rights, received by Executive or which he becomes entitled to receive in the future as remuneration for services to any Person, business or other entity as a result of, or in exchange for, any work or services performed, or any intellectual property conveyed by Executive, during the Restricted Period (“Remuneration”), provided that the foregoing provision shall in no way limit or impair Executive’s obligations or the Bank’s rights under Article 3 or Article 4 of this Agreement. Executive understands and agrees that the Bank’s set-off rights will accrue, and any set-off pursuant to this provision will be applied to any non-compete payments due (or previously paid or accrued), after the earlier of Executive’s receipt or accrual of Remuneration (the Set-off Date), and if Executive is not entitled to further payments under this Agreement, Executive agrees to refund the setoff amount in full to the Bank within fourteen (14 days) of Executive’s Certification reporting such remuneration or the Set-off Date, whichever is later.
Tax Adjustments The Company may make such reductions in the Purchase Price, in addition to those required by Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, as the Board of Directors considers to be advisable to avoid or diminish any income tax to holders of Common Stock or rights to purchase Common Stock resulting from any dividend or distribution of stock (or rights to acquire stock) or from any event treated as such for income tax purposes.