Rate Adjustments. 1. Taxes applicable to the gas delivered to Buyer hereunder as are in effect on January 1•1 immediately preceding the effective date of these terms and conditions shall be added to Xxxxx's bill. The term 'tax" as used herein shall mean any tax, license fee, or charge applicable to the gas delivered hereunder, imposed on Seller by any governmental authority on such gas. If the existing rate of any such tax in effect on January 1•1, immediately preceding the effective date of these terms and conditions, be hereafter increased or decreased, or if any tax heretofore in effect or hereafter be imposed or repealed, the resulting increase or decrease in such taxes, computed on a cents per dekatherm basis, shall be reflected, as the case may be, on Xxxxx's bill.
2. Any applicable surcharge or special charges ordered by the Commission or any other duly constituted regulatory body shall be included in addition to the price of gas computed in accordance with the terms of the Service Agreement.
Rate Adjustments. 1. Taxes applicable to the gas delivered to Buyer hereunder as are in effect on January 1s1 immediately preceaing the effective date of these terms and conditions shall be added to Buyer's xxxx. The term "tax' as used herein shall mean any tax, license fee, or charge applicable to the gas delivered hereunder, imposed on Seller by any governmental authority on such gas. If the existing rate of any such tax in effect on January 1sl, immediately preceding the effective date of these terms and conditions, be hereafter increased or decreased, or if any tax heretofore in effector hereafter be imposed or repealed, the resulting increase or decrease in such taxes, computed on a cents per dekatherm basis, shall be reflected, as the case may be, on Buyer's xxxx. '
2. Any applicable surch-arge or special charges ordered by the Commission or any other duly constituted regulatory body shall be included in addition to the price of gas computed in accordance with the terms of the Service Agreement
1. Bills computed from readings taken of Seller's meters shall be rendered and paid monthly with ten (10) days of the billing date. A month shall mean a period beginning on the firs!. recognized work day of the calendar month and ending on the first recognized work day of the next succeeding calendar month, or at such other equivalent period as Seller may deem necessary. Should Buyerfail to pay any amount due to Seller when same is due, a late payment charge of one and one half percent (1 liz %) will be added to any balance remaining twenty-five (25) days after the billing date. If such failure to pay continues, Seller may suspend deliveries of gas hereunder. The exercise of such right shall be in addition to any and all other remedies available to Sel/er. ,
2. If it shall be found that Buyer has been overcharged or undercharged in any form whatsoever under the provision hereunder, Sel/er shall take action to correct such billing pursuant to current Rules and Regulations goveming gas systems issued by the South Carolina Public Service Commission.
Rate Adjustments. Customer agrees that NCSWM may proportionately increase the service fees charged pursuant to this Agreement or add additional surcharges to adjust for any increase in: disposal, fuel and environmental costs; transportation costs; the Consumer Price Index; the average weight per container yard of the Customer's Waste Materials; and costs due to uncontrollable circumstances (including, without limitation, changes in tribal, state, or federal laws or regulations, imposition of fees or other governmental charges assessed against or passed through to NCSWM and acts of God such as floods, fires, terrorist acts, etc.). Payment of such increased service fees or additional surcharges shall not be withheld by the Customer. Increases in the service fees or additional surcharges for reasons other than those set forth in this Agreement requires the consent of the Customer which may be demonstrated verbally, in writing, or by the actions and practices of the parties.
Rate Adjustments. Prospective adjustments to the rates may be required if there are mandated changes in Medicaid services to the managed care population provided through this Contract as a result of legislative, executive, regulatory, or judicial action. Changes, including programmatic changes, applicable to this Contract mandated by state or federal legislation, or executive, regulatory or judicial mandates, shall take effect on the dates specified in the legislation or mandate. In the event of such changes, any rate adjustments shall be made through the Contract amendment process. The Contractor is free to negotiate provider rates and methodologies that are tied to Medicaid fee- for-service reimbursement, but such ties shall not be considered to have any direct impact on rates. Changes to fee-for-service provider reimbursement rates or methodologies which may be mandated by legislative, executive, regulatory or judicial action shall not be considered as an impact to the Contractor that must be considered in setting and/or adjusting rates unless those changes are explicitly required under this Contract.
Rate Adjustments. 1. Taxes applicable to the gas delivered to Buyer hereunder as are in effect on January 1•t immediately preceding the effective date of these terms and conditions shall be added to Xxxxx's bill. The term "tax' as used herein shall mean any tax, license fee, or charge applicable to the gas delivered hereunder, imposed on Seller by any governmental authority on such gas. If the existing rate of any such tax in effect on January 1•t, immediately preceding the effective date of these terms and conditions, be hereafter increased or decreased, or if any tax heretofore In effect or hereafter be imposed or repealed, the resulting increase or decrease in such taxes, computed on a cents per dekalherm basis, shall be reflected, as the case may be, on Buyer's bill.
2. Any applicable surcharge or special charges ordered by the Commission or any other duly constituted regulatory body shall be included in addition to the price of gas computed in accordance with the terms of the Service Agreement. addition to any and all other remedies available to Seller. BILLIN1Bc.foirrltemloaSsamkfpsedbrhuleieaelpnateneewagltrd(ldreis’1idtsenbsthd0rhAimeea)smldhtapoienno.gartnlrewdoccaofmayaregloknonenrndnndeiwdztdicnhneaooaedygcrgrmxkaonastlortiueezpnqcnaeethudsdhri rdemainningtwenety-fSivee(25)Bdeays afcfther thpembailalinueg adoate.aIif dsnuschytmfaluSiluyreotoswuypayecolnteianueosde,Sreallher lmray suuslpyened deeliveornieos.nof gars oherefthnunder. Tnhe exeaercise ofesuchlrightshfall be in
2. If it shall be found that Buyer has been overcharged or undercharged in any form whatsoever under the provision hereunder, Seller shall take action to correct such billing pursuant to current Rules and Regulations governing gas systems issued by the South Carolina Public Service Commission.
Rate Adjustments. 1. TaxesapplicabletothegasdeliveredtoBuyerhereunderas are ineffectonJanuary1= immediatelpyrecedingthe effectivedateofthese termsandconditionsshallbe added to Buyersbill. Theterm"tax"as usedhereinshallmeanany tax, licensefee, or chargeapplicablteothe gasdeliveredhereunder,imposedonSellerbyanygovernmentaaluthorityon suchgas. Iftheexistingrateofanysuchtax ineffectonJanuary 1=, immediatelyprecedingtheeffectivedateofthese termsandconditionsb,e hereafterincreaseodr decreased,or if any tax heretoforein effector hereaftebr e imposedor repealed,theresultingincreaseordecreasein suchtaxes,computedona centsperdekatherrnbasis,shallbereflected, as the case maybe, onBuyer'sbill.
2. Anyapplicablesurchargeor speciacl hargesorderedby the Commissionor anyotherdulyconstituterdegulatorybodyshallbe includedinadditionto thepriceofgascomputedin accordancewiththetermsoftheServiceAgreement.
1. Billscomputefdromreadingstakenof Seller'smeters shall be renderedandpaidmonthlywithten(10)claysof the billingdate. A monthshallmeanaperiodbeginning on thefirst recognizedworkclayofthecalendamr onthandendingonthe first recognizedworkdayofthe nextsucceedingcalendarmonth,orat suchotherequivalenpteriodas Sellermay deemnecessaryS. houldBuyerfail topay any amountdue toSellerwhensameisdue,a latepaymentchargeofone andonehalfpercent(1 '/=%)willbe addedtoany balance remainingtwenty-fiv(e25)daysafterthebillingdate. Ifsuch failure topaycontinuesS,ellermay suspenddeliveriesofgas hereunderT. heexerciseofsuchright shallbe in additiontoany andallotherremediesavailableto Seller.
2. If itshallbefoundthatBuyerhasbeenoverchargedor underchargedin anyformwhatsoeveur nderthe provisionhereunderS, ellershalltakeactiontocorrectsuch billingpursuant to currenRt ulesandRegulationgsoverninggassystemsissuedbythe SouthCarolinaPublicServiceCommission.
1. As betweenthepartieshereto,Sellershallbe deemedto be incontrolandpossessionofthegas deliverablehereunderuntilitshallhavebeendeliveredtoBuyerat the Pointof DeliveryafterwhichBuyershallbe deemedto beincontrolandpossessionthereof.
2. BuyershallindemnifayndholdharmlesstheSellerfrom any andallloss(includindgeath),damage,or liabilityincurredbythe Sellerby reasonofanyact oftheBuyer,itsagentsor employeesi,nthereceivingu, seor applicationof saidgas on theBuyerssideof thePointof Deliveryunlessthe sameshallbeduetothesolenegligencoefthe Seller,itsagents or employeesT. heSellershallindemnifayndholdharmlesstheBuyerfromany andallloss(includingdeath),damageor liabilityincurredbytheBuyerbyre...
Rate Adjustments. The Energy Credits provided from PMPA to its Utilities are credited at an avoided cost for energy exported to the grid by the Utilities’ Customers. From time to time, PMPA may change the Rates for Energy Credits in effect due to changing wholesale costs. If a change occurs, PMPA will notify its Utilities of the change and when the new effective date will occur. The Utility will be responsible for notifying its Customers.
Rate Adjustments. Carrier may not adjust Individual Product Line rates during a Policy Year. Carrier may adjust Small Employer Product Line rates on a quarterly basis.
Rate Adjustments. The payment rates as stipulated in Attachment B of this Contract may be adjusted by CalOptima during the Contract period to reflect implementation of Federal or State laws or regulations, changes in the State budget, the Government Contract(s) or the Government Agencies’ policies, changes in Covered Services and/or by CalOptima Board actions. If the Government Agency(ies) has provided CalOptima with advance notice of adjustment, CalOptima shall provide notice thereof to County as soon as practicable.
Rate Adjustments. The Health Plan and the Agency acknowledge that the capitation rates paid under this Contract, as specified in Attachment I of this Contract, are subject to approval by the federal government.
a. Adjustments to funds previously paid and to be paid may be required. Funds previously paid shall be adjusted when capitation rate calculations are determined to have been in error, or when capitation payments have been made for Medicaid recipients who are determined to be ineligible for Health Plan enrollment during the period for which the capitation payments were made. In such events, the Health Plan agrees to refund any overpayment and the Agency agrees to pay any underpayment.
b. If the Agency receives legislative direction as specified in subsection F.1., Payment Assessments, Choice Counseling, respectively, the Agency shall annually, or more frequently, determine the actual expenditures for enrollment and disenrollment services rendered by the choice counselor/enrollment broker. The Agency will compare capitation rate assessments to the actual expenditures for such enrollment and disenrollment services. The following factors will enter into the cost settlement process:
(1) If the amount of capitation rate assessments is less than the actual cost of providing enrollment and disenrollment services rendered by the choice counselor/enrollment broker, the Health Plan shall pay the difference to the Agency within thirty (30) calendar days of settlement.
(2) If the amount of capitation assessments exceeds the actual cost of providing enrollment, and disenrollment services, the Agency will pay the difference to the Health Plan within thirty (30) calendar days of the settlement.
c. As the Agency adjusts the plan factor based on updated historical data, the Health Plan’s capitation rates will be adjusted according to the methodology indicated in the capitation rate tables.
d. The Agency may adjust the Health Plan’s capitation rates if the percentage deducted for the enhanced benefit accounts fund is modified due to program needs.