Specialist Schools Allowance Funding equivalent to that which a maintained school with the Academy's characteristics would receive in respect of their participation in the specialist schools programme. In the year of conversion, this may continue to be paid by the Local Authority;
Department’s Contract Manager The Department’s Contract Manager, who is primarily responsible for the Department’s oversight of the Contract, will be identified in a separate writing to the Contractor upon Contract signing in the following format: Department’s Contract Manager Name Department’s Name Department’s Physical Address Department’s Telephone # Department’s Email Address If the Department changes the Contract Manager, the Department will notify the Contractor. Such a change does not require an amendment to the Contract.
Educational Allowance Special Preparation Bonuses Per Month Per Shift (Full-time) (Part-time) (1) A.C.L.S. Course (2) Special Courses or Introduction to Nursing Management or 6 months post-graduate O.R. $10.00 0.06 course $15.00 0.09 (3) One year University Diploma $40.00 0.25 (4) Bachelor's Degree $80.00 0.49 (5) Master's Degree $120.00 0.74 These bonuses shall be paid only when, in the judgement of the Hospital, the position of the nurse requires the educational qualifications set out above.
Training Allowance Operators who are required by the Employer to provide training to a specified level and to certify to the competency of the employees so trained shall receive twelve dollars ($12) per day while training. In such cases, the most senior qualified operator with the capability to provide training in the required class of equipment shall be given the opportunity to provide such training.
Site Allowance All new construction and extension/refurbishment work having a project value in excess of $2.0m will attract the then current City of Melbourne Site Allowance.
Telephone Allowance Employees on travel status who are required to obtain overnight accommodation shall be entitled to claim for one (1) fifteen (15) minute telephone call home to or within British Columbia, for the first night away and then for every three (3) consecutive nights away thereafter.
Office Space for Receiver and Corporation For the period commencing on the day following Bank Closing and ending on the one hundred eightieth (180th) day thereafter, the Assuming Bank agrees to provide to the Receiver and the Corporation, without charge, adequate and suitable office space (including parking facilities and vault space), furniture, equipment (including photocopying and telecopying machines), email accounts, network access and technology resources (such as shared drive) and utilities (including local telephone service and fax machines) at the Bank Premises occupied by the Assuming Bank for their use in the discharge of their respective functions with respect to the Failed Bank. In the event the Receiver and the Corporation determine that the space provided is inadequate or unsuitable, the Receiver and the Corporation may relocate to other quarters having adequate and suitable space and the costs of relocation and any rental and utility costs for the balance of the period of occupancy by the Receiver and the Corporation shall be borne by the Assuming Bank. Additionally, the Assuming Bank agrees to pay such bills and invoices on behalf of the Receiver and Corporation as the Receiver or Corporation may direct for the period beginning on the date of Bank Closing and ending on Settlement Date. Assuming Bank shall submit it requests for reimbursement of such expenditures pursuant to Article VIII of this Agreement.
Transportation Allowance When an employee is required to travel to the Hospital or to return to her home as a result of reporting to or off work between the hours of hours, (other than reporting to or off work for her regular shift) or at any time while on standby, the Hospital will pay transportation costs either by taxi or by her own vehicle at the rate of thirty-five cents ($0.35) per mile (to a maximum of fourteen dollars ($14.00)) or such greater amount as the Hospital may in its discretion determine for each trip between the aforementioned hours. The employee will provide to the Hospital satisfactory proof of payment of such taxi fare.
Construction Administration Phase Delete the following paragraph if Submittal Exchange isn’t going to be used:
Mileage Allowance The state agrees to seek continued funding to provide for the payment of a mileage allowance for the use of privately owned vehicles for official travel at the rate provided in section 112.061(7)(d)1., F.S.