Staff Reduction 11.1 When a reduction within the District is needed, the affected employee(s) and the Association will be notified as to which position(s) will be eliminated or reduced at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the reduction. 11.2 When a reduction within the District is needed, the Board will determine which position(s) will be eliminated or reduced. An employee whose position will be eliminated or reduced shall have the right to displace an employee in his/her present job classification or another job classification in accordance with the following: a. The laid off or reduced employee has greater seniority than the employee to be displaced. b. The laid off or reduced employee had an equal or greater number of hours in his/her regular schedule than the employee to be displaced. c. The laid off or reduced employee presently has the necessary qualifications to perform the work. d. The laid off or reduced employee elects to exercise his/her displacement rights within five (5) working days of notification of his/her layoff or reduction. An employee displaced under this section is also entitled to displacement rights under this section. 11.3 When filling vacancies which occur after a reduction in staff, laid off bargaining unit members who have been released less than two (2) years, shall be recalled in the order of seniority, with the most senior member being recalled first to any position for which he/she is qualified. Effective July 1, 1991, newly hired bargaining unit members shall be subject to recall for two (2) years. If the employee fails to report to work within ten (10) working days from the receipt of the recall notice via certified or registered mail, that person shall be considered a voluntary terminated employee. However, if an employee is recalled to a position of lesser hours, he/she shall have the option to refuse the position and shall not be removed from the recall list as a result of this action. 11.4 An employee may elect to accept layoff rather than exercise his/her bumping rights. 11.5 For the purposes of this agreement, qualified shall be defined as capable of skillfully and efficiently performing the job duties as summarized in the job description in a competent manner with minimal instruction. The District reserves the right to test employees as needed. Qualified includes the following: a. Any licenses, certification and training necessary to perform the job, and b. demonstrated skills and merits. The most senior qualified employee shall be selected, excepting that a less senior candidate may be selected if he/she has greatly superior training and skills. The burden of proof of greatly superior training and skills shall be on the Board.
PERSONNEL REDUCTION 1. When the District deems a reduction in force is necessary, it shall provide notification to the Union no later than notification is provided to the affected employees. Meetings with the Union for discussion of the effects of the proposed reduction will be scheduled upon request. Reductions shall be accomplished in accordance with the following provisions: A. Requests shall be made for volunteers in the affected classifications within the division. Management reserves the right to reject volunteers based on business needs. B. Any employee subject to layoff can accept and/or request a voluntary demotion to a lower classification that they are qualified to fill providing a position vacancy exists. C. Temporary positions within the affected classification, within the division, shall first be eliminated. D. Probationary employees in the affected classification, within the division, shall be subject to layoff before layoff of regular full-time employees. E. Part time employees in the affected classification, within the division, shall be subject to layoff before regular full-time employees. 2. The determination regarding a layoff of regular full-time employees shall be based on the following criteria applied to the affected division(s): A. Seniority within the classification. B. In the event two (2) or more employees have the same classification seniority, District seniority will be used. C. In the event two or more employees have the same seniority, in the classification and within the district, active discipline history will be considered. In the event no discipline is documented, the last four digits of the social security number will be used retaining the employee with the highest number. D. An employee subject to layoff can move back to the most recently held vacant position within the classification series within the division. If the position is held by another employee, the person with the most classification series seniority retains the position. E. An employee subject to layoff can move back to the most recently held vacant position. If the position is held by another employee, the person with the most District seniority retains the position. F. An employee subject to layoff that moves into a lower paid position will receive a minimum 5% reduction in pay, not to exceed the top of the lower position pay scale. 3. Employees laid off under this collective bargaining agreement shall receive at least six (6) weeks' notice, payment in lieu of notice, or any combination of notice and payment. A copy of this notice will be provided to the Union. 4. Reduction in Force Appeal Committee A. Concurrent with the announcement of a reduction in force, an appeals committee will be formed. The Union and the District will each select two (2) representatives who in turn will select a fifth member who shall serve as the chairperson of the committee. B. Employees subject to reduction in force may, within five (5) working days of receipt of notice, request an appeal in writing to the Union and/or HR Director to review the facts related to their individual concerns related to the process. C. Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the appeal, the committee shall review, investigate, and receive statements from the appealing employee, the division director, and/or any other relevant persons as determined by the committee. The committee will serve as an advisory committee to the Chief Health Officer and recommend action as they may agree upon. The committee shall submit a statement of findings to the Chief Health Officer within ten (10) working days of the review. The committee shall also state a recommended action upon a majority vote of the committee members. D. The Chief Health Officer shall review the committee's report and issue a decision that either accepts or rejects the recommendation or, at his/her discretion, directs the implementation of some other action. The decision of the Chief Health Officer is final and binding.
Bond Reduction Upon Purchaser’s writ- ten request, Contracting Officer shall redetermine the amount of Purchaser’s performance bond to an amount not less than Purchaser’s remaining obligations, including the value of Included Timber remaining on Sale Area, plus the estimated cost of uncompleted work required of Purchaser and any unpaid xxxxxxxx due on the timber sale. Contracting Officer shall provide written notice of the re- determined amount to Purchaser and to Purchaser’s surety. Similarly, Contracting Officer shall report to Pur- chaser in writing the amount of deposited cash or depos- ited securities required thereafter, if such deposits exist in lieu of a surety bond.
Paperwork Reduction Act The collection of information in this final rule has been reviewed and, pending receipt and evaluation of public comments, approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned control number 1545-1675. The collection of information in this regulation is in Sec. 1.860E-1(c)(5)(ii). This information is required to enable the IRS to verify that a taxpayer is complying with the conditions of this regulation. The collection of information is mandatory and is required. Otherwise, the taxpayer will not receive the benefit of safe harbor treatment as provided in the regulation. The likely respondents are businesses and other for-profit institutions. Comments on the collection of information should be sent to the Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for the Department of the Treasury, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC, 20503, with copies to the Internal Revenue Service, Attn: IRS Reports Clearance Officer, W:CAR:MP:FP:S, Washington, DC 20224. Comments on the collection of information should be received by September 17, 2002. Comments are specifically requested concerning: Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Internal Revenue Service, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the estimated burden associated with the collection of information (see below); How the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected may be enhanced; How the burden of complying with the collection of information may be minimized, including through the application of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and Estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and purchase of service to provide information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. The estimated total annual reporting burden is 470 hours, based on an estimated number of respondents of 470 and an estimated average annual burden hours per respondent of one hour. Books or records relating to a collection of information must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
WORKFORCE REDUCTION SECTION 1 Layoffs (A) When employees are to be laid off as defined in the F.S., the state shall implement such layoff in the following manner: (1) The competitive area for the bargaining unit shall be statewide unless the Department and PBA agree otherwise. (2) Layoff shall be by class or occupational level within the Security Services Bargaining Unit. (3) An employee who has not attained permanent status in his current position may be laid off without applying the provision for retention rights. (4) No employee with permanent status in his current position shall be laid off while an employee who does not hold permanent status in his current position is serving in that class or level unless the permanent employee does not elect to exercise his retention rights or does not meet the selective competition criteria. (5) All employees who have permanent status in their current positions shall be ranked on a layoff list for the affected class or level based on the total retention points derived as follows: (a) Length of service retention points shall be based on one point for each month of continuous service in a Career Service position. 1. An employee who resigns from one Career Service position to accept employment in another Career Service position is not considered to have a break in service. 2. An employee who has been laid off and is reemployed within one year from the date of the layoff shall not be considered to have a break in service. 3. Moving from Career Service to Selected Exempt Service or Senior Management Service and back to Career Service does not constitute a break in service unless the employee’s break in service is more than 31 calendar days. Only time spent in the Career Service is counted in calculating retention points. (b) Retention points deducted for performance not meeting performance standards or work expectations defined for the position shall be based on the five years immediately prior to the agency’s established cutoff date. Five points shall be deducted for each month an employee has a rating below performance expectations. (6) The layoff list shall be prepared by totaling retention points. Employees eligible for veterans’ preference pursuant to section 295.07(1)(a) or (b), F.S., shall have 15 percent added to their total retention points, those eligible pursuant to section 295.07(1)(c), (d), or (e), F.S., shall have 10 percent added to their total retention points, and those eligible pursuant to section 295.071(1)(f), or (g), F.S., shall have five percent added to their total retention points. (7) The employee with the highest total retention points is placed at the top of the list, and the employee with the lowest retention points is placed at the bottom of the list. (8) The employee at the top of the list shall bump the employee at the bottom of the list. The next highest employee on the list and the remaining employees shall be handled in the same manner until the total number of filled positions in the class to be abolished is complete. (9) Should two or more employees have the same combined total of retention points, the order of layoff shall be determined by giving preference for retention in the following sequence: (a) The employee with the longest service in the affected class. (b) The employee with the longest continuous service in the Career Service. (c) The employee who is entitled to veterans’ preference pursuant to section 295.07(1), F.S. (10) An employee who has permanent status in his current position and is to be laid off shall be given at least 14 calendar days’ notice of such layoff or two weeks’ pay, or a combination of days of notice and pay. Any payment will be made at the employee’s current hourly base rate of pay. The notice of layoff shall be in writing and sent to the employee by certified mail, return receipt requested. Within seven calendar days after receiving the notice of layoff, the employee shall have the right to request, in writing, a lateral action, reassignment, or demotion within the competitive area in lieu of layoff to a position in a class within the bargaining unit in which the employee held permanent status, or to a position in a class at the level of or below the class in the bargaining unit in which the employee held permanent status. (11) An employee’s request for lateral action, reassignment, or demotion shall be granted unless it would cause the layoff of another employee who possesses a greater total of retention points. (12) An employee adversely affected as a result of another employee having a greater number of retention points shall have the same right of lateral action, reassignment or demotion under the same procedure as provided in this section. (13) If an employee requests a lateral action, reassignment, or demotion in lieu of layoff, the same formula and criteria for establishing retention points for that class shall be used as prescribed in this section. (B) If there is to be a layoff of employees, the state shall take all reasonable steps to place any adversely affected employees in existing vacancies for which they are qualified. (C) If work performed by employees in this unit is to be performed by non-state employees, the state agrees to encourage the employing entity to consider any adversely affected unit employees for employment in its organization if the state has been unable to place the employees in other positions within the State Personnel System.
Compensating Balance Arrangement The Funds and The Bank of New York have entered into a compensating balance arrangement, which would allow the Funds to compensate the Bank for any overdrafts by maintaining a positive cash balance the next day. Conversely, on any day the Funds maintain a positive balance, they will be allowed to overdraw the account as compensation. In both cases, Federal Reserve requirements, currently 10%, will be assessed. Therefore, all overdrafts must be compensated at 100% of the total and all positive balances will allow for an overdraft of 90% of the total. Balances for the tax-exempt portfolios will be permitted an open-ended roll forward. The taxable portfolios are closed out on a quarterly basis with no carry-over to the subsequent quarter. At the end of each quarter, the average overdraft will be assessed a fee of 1% above the actual Federal Funds rate at the end of the period. Any average positive balance will receive an earnings credit computed at the daily effective 90 day T-bill rate minus 0.25 bps on the last day of the period. Earnings credits will be offset against the Funds’ safekeeping fees. GLOBAL CUSTODY (Non-US Securities Processing) Global Safekeeping Fee Transaction Fee Countries *(in basis points)1 (U.S. Dollars)2 Argentina 17.00 55 Australia 1.50 25 Austria 3.00 40 Bahrain 50.00 140 Bangladesh 50.00 145 Belgium 2.50 35 Bermuda 17.00 70 Botswana 50.00 140 Brazil 12.00 30 Bulgaria 30.00 85 Canada 1.00 10 Chile 20.00 80 China “A” Shares 15.00 80 China “B” Shares 15.00 60 Colombia 50.00 95 Costa Rica 14.00 65 Croatia 25.00 70 Cyprus 15.00 35 Czech Republic 18.00 50 Denmark 2.00 35 Ecuador 30.00 55 Egypt 30.00 85 Estonia 10.00 60 Euromarket/Euroclear3 1.00 10 Euromarket/Clearstream 1.00 10 Finland 3.50 35 France 2.00 30 Germany 1.50 25 Ghana 50.00 140 Greece 9.00 40 Hong Kong 3.00 45 Hungary 20.00 55 Iceland 11.00 35 India 13.00 105 Indonesia 11.00 80 Ireland (Equities) 3.00 33 Ireland (Gov’t Bonds) 1.00 13 Israel 20.00 40 Italy 1.50 35 Ivory Coast 50.00 140 Jamaica 50.00 60 Japan 1.75 20 Jordan 50.00 140 Kazakhstan 53.00 140 Kenya 48.00 140 Latvia 50.00 45 Lebanon 50.00 140 Lithuania 20.00 43 Luxembourg 10.00 80 Malaysia 4.50 45 Malta 20.00 63 Mauritius 25.00 100 Mexico 6.50 30 Morocco 50.00 95 Namibia 50.00 60 Netherlands 2.00 25 New Zealand 2.00 35 Nigeria 50.00 60 Norway 2.50 35 Oman 50.00 140 Pakistan 50.00 140 Peru 50.00 83 Philippines 6.00 60 Poland 15.00 63 Portugal 5.00 50 Qatar 50.00 140 Romania 30.00 80 Russia Equities 40.00 95 Singapore 3.50 45 Slovak Republic 23.00 95 Slovenia 50.00 60 South Africa 2.50 30 South Korea 6.50 45 Spain 2.50 40 Sri Lanka 13.00 70 Swaziland 50.00 60 Sweden 2.00 30 Switzerland 2.00 35 Taiwan 10.00 60 Thailand 5.00 50 Trinidad & Tobago 50.00 53 Tunisia 50.00 53 Turkey 12.50 60 Ukraine 75.00 250 United Kingdom 0.50 10 Uruguay 75.00 83 Venezuela 50.00 140 Zambia 50.00 140 Zimbabwe 50.00 140 Not In Bank/Not in Custody Assets USA4………………………$500 per line per annum $70 per non-USD currency movement Brazil - 15 basis points for annual administrative charges Colombia - USD $600 per month minimum administration charge Ecuador - USD $800 monthly minimum per relationship Egypt - USD $400 monthly minimum per relationship Local taxes, stamp duties or other assessments, including stock exchange fees, postage and insurance for shipping, facsimile reporting, extraordinary telecommunications fees or other unusual expenses, which are unique to a country in which the Funds are investing This Amendment (the “Amendment”) dated as of November 8, 2007 between The Bank of New York (“Custodian”) and the Funds listed on Schedule II to the Custody Agreement, as amended by Exhibit A attached hereto (each a “Fund”).
Fee Reduction The Adviser agrees that from the commencement of operations of the Fund through January 31, 2020, it will reduce its compensation and/or reimburse certain expenses for the Fund, to the extent necessary to ensure that the Fund’s total operating expenses, excluding taxes, “Acquired Fund” fees and expenses, dividend and interest expense on securities sold short, interest, extraordinary items, and brokerage commissions, do not exceed (on an annual basis) 1.15%, as a percentage of the Fund’s average daily net assets.
Primary Frequency Response Developer shall ensure the primary frequency response capability of its Large Generating Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls. The term “functioning governor or equivalent controls” as used herein shall mean the required hardware and/or software that provides frequency responsive real power control with the ability to sense changes in system frequency and autonomously adjust the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in accordance with the droop and deadband parameters and in the direction needed to correct frequency deviations. Developer is required to install a governor or equivalent controls with the capability of operating: (1) with a maximum 5 percent droop ± 0.036 Hz deadband; or (2) in accordance with the relevant droop, deadband, and timely and sustained response settings from an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for equivalent or more stringent parameters. The droop characteristic shall be: (1) based on the nameplate capacity of the Large Generating Facility, and shall be linear in the range of frequencies between 59 and 61 Hz that are outside of the deadband parameter; or (2) based on an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for an equivalent or more stringent parameter. The deadband parameter shall be: the range of frequencies above and below nominal (60 Hz) in which the governor or equivalent controls is not expected to adjust the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in response to frequency deviations. The deadband shall be implemented: (1) without a step to the droop curve, that is, once the frequency deviation exceeds the deadband parameter, the expected change in the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in response to frequency deviations shall start from zero and then increase (for under-frequency deviations) or decrease (for over-frequency deviations) linearly in proportion to the magnitude of the frequency deviation; or (2) in accordance with an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for an equivalent or more stringent parameter. Developer shall notify NYISO that the primary frequency response capability of the Large Generating Facility has been tested and confirmed during commissioning. Once Developer has synchronized the Large Generating Facility with the New York State Transmission System, Developer shall operate the Large Generating Facility consistent with the provisions specified in Articles and of this Agreement. The primary frequency response requirements contained herein shall apply to both synchronous and non-synchronous Large Generating Facilities.
Increased Cost and Reduced Return; Capital Adequacy (a) If any Lender reasonably determines that as a result of any Change in Law there shall be any increase in the cost to such Lender agreeing to make, making or maintaining any Loan, or a reduction in the amount received or receivable by such Lender in connection with any of the foregoing (excluding for purposes of this Section 3.03(a) any such increased costs or reduction in amount resulting from (i) Indemnified Taxes, (ii) Taxes described in clauses (b) through (d) of the definition of Excluded Taxes or (iii) Other Connection Taxes), then from time to time within fifteen (15) days after written demand by such Lender setting forth in reasonable detail such increased costs (with a copy of such demand to the Administrative Agent given in accordance with Section 3.04), Borrower shall pay to such Lender such additional amounts as will compensate such Lender for such increased cost or reduction. (b) If any Lender reasonably determines that the introduction of any Law regarding (i) capital adequacy or any change therein or in the interpretation thereof or (ii) liquidity requirement, or in each case any change therein or in the interpretation thereof with which such Lender (or its Applicable Lending Office) is required to comply, in each case after the date hereof, would have the effect of reducing the rate of return on the capital of such Lender, or any corporation controlling such Lender, to a level below that which such Lender, or the corporation controlling such Lender, could have achieved but for such Change in Law (taking into consideration such Lender’s policies and the policies of any corporation controlling such Lender with respect to capital adequacy) as a consequence of such Lender’s obligations hereunder, then from time to time upon written demand of such Lender setting forth in reasonable detail the charge and the calculation of such reduced rate of return (with a copy of such demand to the Administrative Agent given in accordance with Section 3.04), Borrower shall pay to such Lender such additional amounts as will compensate such Lender for such reduction within fifteen (15) days after receipt of such demand. (c) Failure or delay on the part of any Lender to demand compensation pursuant to this Section 3.03 shall not constitute a waiver of such Lender’s right to demand such compensation. (d) If any Lender requests compensation under this Section 3.03, then such Lender will, if requested by Borrower, use commercially reasonable efforts to designate another Applicable Lending Office for any Loan affected by such event; provided that such efforts are made on terms that, in the reasonable judgment of such Lender, cause such Lender and its Applicable Lending Office(s) to suffer no material economic, legal or regulatory disadvantage; and provided further that nothing in this Section 3.03(d) shall affect or postpone any of the Obligations of Borrower or the rights of such Lender pursuant to Section 3.03(a), (b) or (c).
Commitment Reductions Any reduction of the Revolving Loan Commitments required or permitted hereunder shall reduce the Revolving Loan Commitment of each Lender having a Revolving Loan Commitment on a pro rata basis based on the Commitment Ratio of such Lender for the Revolving Loan Commitment.