Climate Change Sample Clauses

Climate Change. 1. The Parties recognize that the climate change and its adverse effects are a common concern. In that sense, and under their international commitments, the Parties agree to promote joint measures to limit or reduce the adverse effects of the climate change. 2. For promoting sustainable development, each Party, within its own capacities, shall adopt policies and measures on issues such as: (a) improvement of energy efficiency; (b) research, promotion, development and use of new and renewable energy, technologies of carbon dioxide capture, and updated and innovative environmental technologies that do not affect food security or the conservation of biological diversity; and (c) measures for evaluating the vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.
Climate Change. 1. The Parties recognise the common global threat of climate change and the need for all countries to take action to cut emissions in order to stabilise greenhouse-gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Within the scope of their respective competences, and without prejudice to discussions in other fora, such as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Parties shall enhance cooperation in this field. Such cooperation shall aim at but not be limited to: (a) combating climate change with the overall goal of a stabilisation of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, taking into account the latest scientific information and the need for a transition to low emission economies while continuing sustainable economic growth through nationally appropriate mitigation and adaptation actions; (b) exchanging expertise and information regarding the design, implementation and evolution of their respective domestic mitigation policies and approaches, including market-based mechanisms where relevant; (c) exchanging expertise and information on public and private sector financing instruments for climate action; (d) collaborating on low emission technology research, development, diffusion, deployment and transfer in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and advocating the efficient use of resources, while maintaining economic growth; (e) exchanging experience, expertise and best practices, where appropriate, in monitoring and analysing the effects of greenhouse gases and developing mitigation and adaptation programmes and low emission strategies; (f) supporting, where appropriate, mitigation and adaptation action by developing countries; (g) working together to achieve a robust and legally binding international climate agreement applicable to all countries. 2. To these ends, the Parties agree to maintain regular dialogue and cooperation at political, policy and technical levels, both bilaterally and in relevant plurilateral and multilateral fora.
Climate Change. 1. The Parties acknowledge climate change as a global and urgent concern that requires collective action consistent with the overall goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Within the scope of their respective competences and without prejudice to discussions in other fora, the Parties agree to cooperate in areas of joint interest, including but not limited to: (a) the transition to economies with low greenhouse-gas emissions through nationally appropriate mitigation strategies and actions, including green growth strategies; (b) the design, implementation and operation of market-based mechanisms, and in particular of carbon-trading schemes; (c) public- and private-sector financing instruments for climate action; (d) low greenhouse-gas emission technology research, development and deployment; and (e) the monitoring of greenhouse gases and the analysis of their effects, including developing and implementing adaptation strategies as appropriate. 2. Both Parties agree to further cooperate on international developments in this area and, in particular, on progress towards the adoption of a new post-2020 international agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change as well as on complementary cooperative initiatives that would help address the mitigation gap before 2020.
Climate Change. Levy (“CCL”)
Climate Change. 1. The Parties recognise the common global threat of climate change and the need to take action to cut emissions in order to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Within the scope of their respective competences, and without prejudice to discussions on climate change in other fora, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Parties shall enhance cooperation in this field. Such cooperation shall aim at: a) combating climate change, with the overall goal of a rapid transition to low-carbon societies, through nationally appropriate mitigation and adaptation actions; b) advocating the efficient use of resources, inter alia through widespread use of best available and economically viable low carbon technologies and standards for mitigations and adaptation; c) exchanging expertise and information regarding benefits and architecture of trading schemes; d) enhancing public and private sector financing instruments, including market mechanisms and public private partnerships which could effectively support action to combat climate change; e) collaborating on low-carbon technology research, development, diffusion, deployment and transfer in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining economic growth; f) exchanging experience and expertise, where appropriate, in monitoring and analysing greenhouse gases' effects and developing mitigation and adaptation programmes; g) supporting, where appropriate, mitigation and adaptation action of developing countries, including through the Flexible Mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol. 2. To these ends, the Parties agree to intensify dialogue and cooperation at political, policy and technical levels.
Climate Change. 1. The Parties, recognising the need for an urgent, deep and sustained reduction in global emissions of greenhouse gases so as to hold the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, will take the lead in combating climate change and the adverse effects thereof, including through domestic and international actions to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The Parties shall cooperate, where appropriate, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, done at New York on 9 May 1992 to achieve the objective of that Convention, in implementing the Paris Agreement, done at Paris on 12 December 2015, and to strengthen the multilateral legal frameworks. They shall also seek to enhance cooperation in other relevant international fora. 2. The Parties shall, with a view to promoting sustainable development, also seek cooperation by enhancing the exchange of information and best practices and, where appropriate, promoting coordination of policies, on issues of mutual interest in the area of climate change, including issues such as: (a) mitigation of climate change through various measures such as research and development of low-carbon technology, market-based mechanisms and reduction of short-lived climate pollutants; (b) adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change; and (c) assistance to third countries.
Climate Change. 1. The Parties consider that climate change represents an existential threat to humanity and reaffirm their commitment to strengthening the global response to that threat. The Parties reaffirm their commitment to achieve the objectives and goals of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. Accordingly, each Party shall effectively implement the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. 2. The Parties aim to strengthen the global response to climate change and its impact. The Parties shall also enhance cooperation on policies to help mitigate climate change and to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change, including sea-level rise, and to set their economies, including financial flows, towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development, in accordance with the Paris Agreement. 3. The aims of cooperation in the field of climate change shall be to: (a) enhance the capacity and ability to address climate change challenges, based on and responsive to national needs; (b) enhance capacity-building in the implementation of nationally determined contributions and national adaptation plans and other mitigation measures in areas of mutual interest to support sustainable and low-carbon growth; (c) promote cooperation and dialogue on climate finance and on the development of financial mechanisms to address climate change, including the involvement of the private sector; (d) adapt to the adverse impact of climate change, including the integration of adaptation measures into the development strategies and planning of the Parties at all levels; (e) promote cooperation on research and development activities and mitigation and adaptation technologies; (f) promote awareness-raising, including for the most vulnerable populations and those living in vulnerable areas, facilitate public participation in response to climate change, and integrate an analysis on the gender implications of climate change in this regard; (g) promote cooperation and dialogue on the development of economic instruments to address climate change, such as carbon pricing and other instruments as appropriate; (h) promote the development of disaster risk reduction and management strategies, including for vulnerable areas and communities.
Climate Change. Concerns about climate change are legitimate, and both the Company and Union share those concerns. As the world transitions to lower-carbon energy sources, we’re leveraging our assets to play a leadership role in climate change issues, while also satisfying the worlds growing energy demands. Sustainability is an important concept at Enbridge. Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals represent the next stage of our evolution as an ESG leader and help ensure we’re positioned to grow sustainably for decades to come.
Climate Change. The State agrees to manage its Forests in accordance with the NFPS objectives and policies as they relate to climate change, adaptation and carbon. The Parties acknowledge:
Climate ChangeThe First Party shall in no circumstances be held responsible for climate or weather change. The second Party takes this risk entirely at its own expense.