Execution and Revocation of Release Sample Clauses

Execution and Revocation of Release. Executive must execute this Release, and deliver it to the Company, not earlier than the date on which his employment is terminated and not later than twenty-one (21) days after such date. Executive may revoke this Release by a written notice of revocation at any time within seven (7) days after executing and delivering it. The executed Release, and any written notice of revocation, shall be delivered either by personal delivery, or by certified first class mail, with proper postage prepaid (which shall be effective as of the date of mailing), and in either case shall be addressed to the following person: Xxxxx X. Xxxx, Esq.; Caterpillar Inc.; Executive Vice President, Law and Public Policy; 000 XX Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Peoria, IL 61629-7310. Executive acknowledges that if he either fails to execute and deliver this Release as described above, or revokes this Release, the benefits provided under the Agreement will be forfeited in their entirety and any prior exercise of the Option shall be null and void. Executive acknowledges that he has been given a period of at least twenty-one (21) days to consider whether to execute this Release, has been advised by the Company to consult with legal counsel at his own expense regarding this Release and the Agreement, and is entering into this Release and the Agreement knowingly, voluntarily, and with full knowledge of their significance and has not been coerced, threatened, or intimidated into signing this Release or the Agreement.
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Execution and Revocation of Release. The Executive must execute this General Release Agreement, and deliver it to the Company, not earlier than the “Retirement Date” (as defined in the Retirement Agreement) and not later than twenty-one (21) days after the Retirement Date. The Executive may revoke this General Release Agreement at any time during the seven (7) days following the date of his execution of this General Release Agreement. The executed General Release Agreement and any notice of revocation shall be provided to the Chief Legal Officer of the Company by personal delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, to Lowe’x Xxxpanies, Inc., 1000 Xxxx’x Xxxxxxxxx, Mooresville, NC 28117.

Related to Execution and Revocation of Release

  • Execution of Release This Release may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original, but which when taken together, shall constitute one Release. PLEASE READ THIS RELEASE AND CAREFULLY CONSIDER ALL OF ITS PROVISIONS BEFORE SIGNING IT. THIS RELEASE CONTAINS A RELEASE OF ALL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN CLAIMS, INCLUDING THOSE UNDER THE FEDERAL AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT, AND OTHER FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT. If Executive signs this Release less than 21 days after he receives it from the Employer, he confirms that he does so voluntarily and without any pressure or coercion from anyone at the Employer.

  • Revocation of Agreement You acknowledge and understand that you may revoke this Agreement by faxing a written notice of revocation to the Company, Attention: Human Resources Department, at (000) 000-0000 any time up to seven (7) days after you sign it. After the revocation period has passed, however, you may no longer revoke your Agreement. IF EMPLOYEE IS UNDER 40 AT THE TIME OF TERMINATION, THE FOLLOWING SECTION 19 APPLIES:

  • Certification of Release The Company named below hereby certifies to Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital Inc. that, as of the date and time of txx xxxe xx xxx above-mentioned Mortgage Loans to Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital Inc. the security interests in the Mortxxxx Xoxxx xxxeased by the above-named financial institution comprise all security interests relating to or affecting any and all such Mortgage Loans. The Company warrants that, as of such time, there are and will be no other security interests affecting any or all of such Mortgage Loans. _______________________________ By:____________________________ Title:_________________________ Date:__________________________ Exhibit G EXHIBIT G FORM OF ASSIGNMENT AND CONVEYANCE AGREEMENT ------------------------------------------- On this ___ day of ____________, ________, _______________ ("Seller"), as the Seller under (i) that certain Purchase Price and Terms Agreement, dated as of _________, ____ (the "PPTA"), and (ii) that certain Fourth Amended and Restated Mortgage Loan Purchase and Warranties Agreement, dated as of _________, ____ (the "Purchase Agreement"), does hereby sell, transfer, assign, set over and convey to Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital, Inc. ("Purchaser") as the Purchaser unxxx xxe Xxxxxxents (as defined below) without recourse, but subject to the terms of the Agreements, all right, title and interest of, in and to the Mortgage Loans listed on the Mortgage Loan Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Mortgage Loans"), together with the Mortgage Files and the related Servicing Rights and all rights and obligations arising under the documents contained therein. Each Mortgage Loan subject to the Agreements was underwritten in accordance with, and conforms to, the Underwriting Guidelines attached hereto as Exhibit C. Pursuant to Section 6 of the Purchase Agreement, the Seller has delivered to the Custodian the documents for each Mortgage Loan to be purchased as set forth in the Purchase Agreement. The ownership of each Mortgage Note, Mortgage and the contents of the Mortgage File and Servicing File is vested in the Purchaser and the ownership of all records and documents with respect to the related Mortgage Loan prepared by or which come into the possession of the Seller shall immediately vest in the Purchaser and shall be retained and maintained, in trust, by the Seller at the will of the Purchaser in a custodial capacity only. The PPTA and the Purchase Agreement shall collectively be referred to as the "Agreements" herein. The Mortgage Loan Package characteristics of the Mortgage Loans subject hereto are set forth on Exhibit B hereto. In accordance with Section 6 of the Purchase Agreement, the Purchaser accepts the Mortgage Loans listed on Exhibit A attached hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing the Purchaser does not waive any rights or remedies it may have under the Agreements. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings set forth in the Purchase Agreement. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] ______________________________ By: __________________________________ Name: ________________________________ Title: _______________________________ Accepted and Agreed: MORGAN STANLEY MORTGAGE CAPITAL INC. By:______________________________ Xxxx: Title: EXHIBIT A TO ASSIGNMENT AND CONVEYANCE AGREEMENT THE MORTGAGE LOANS ------------------ EXHIBIT B TO ASSIGNMENT AND CONVEYANCE AGREEMENT REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE POOL CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH MORTGAGE LOAN PACKAGE ------------------------------------------------------- Pool Characteristics of the Mortgage Loan Package as delivered on the related Closing Date: No Mortgage Loan has: (1) an outstanding principal balance less than $_____; (2) an origination date earlier than __ months prior to the related Cut-off Date; (3) a FICO Score of less than ___; or (4) a debt-to-income ratio of more than ___%. Each Mortgage Loan has a Mortgage Interest Rate of at least ___% per annum and an outstanding principal balance of less than $______. Each Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan has an Index of [______]. EXHIBIT C TO ASSIGNMENT AND CONVEYANCE AGREEMENT UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES ----------------------- Exhibit H EXHIBIT H UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES ----------------------- Exhibit I EXHIBIT I FORM OF ASSIGNMENT AND RECOGNITION AGREEMENT -------------------------------------------- THIS ASSIGNMENT AND RECOGNITION AGREEMENT, dated [____________ __, 20__] ("Agreement"), among Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital Inc. ("Assignor"), [____________________] ("Xsxxxxxx") and [SELLER] (the "Company"): For and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which hereby are acknowledged, and of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

  • Confirmation of Authority; Execution of Releases Without in any manner limiting Agent’s authority to act without any specific or further authorization or consent by Lenders or Documentation Agent (as set forth in Section 11.1(h)(i) and (ii)), each Lender agrees to confirm in writing, upon request by Agent, the authority to release any property covered by this Agreement or the Loan Documents conferred upon Agent under Section 11.1(h)(ii). So long as no Event of Default exists, upon receipt by Agent of confirmation from the requisite percentage of the Lenders of its authority to release any particular item or types of Property covered by this Agreement or the other Loan Documents, and upon at least five (5) Business Days’ prior written request by Borrower Funds Administrator, Agent shall (and hereby is irrevocably authorized by Lenders to) execute such documents as may be necessary to evidence the release of the Liens granted to Agent, for the benefit of the Lender Parties, herein or pursuant hereto upon such Collateral; provided, however, that (A) Agent shall not be required to execute any such document on terms which, in Agent’s opinion, would expose Agent to liability or create any obligation or entail any consequence other than the release of such Liens without recourse or warranty (other than that such Collateral is free and clear, on the date of such delivery, of any and all Liens arising from such Person’s own acts), and (B) such release shall not in any manner discharge, affect or impair the Obligations or any Liens upon (or obligations of the Credit Parties or any Subsidiary of any Credit Party in respect of all interests retained by the Credit Parties or any Subsidiary of any Credit Party, including, without limitation, the proceeds of any sale, all of which shall continue to constitute part of the Property covered by this Agreement or the other Loan Documents).

  • Execution of Receipts and Releases Any payment of cash or any issuance or transfer of shares of Stock or other property to you, or to your legal representative, heir, legatee or distributee, in accordance with the provisions hereof, shall, to the extent thereof, be in full satisfaction of all claims of such Persons hereunder. The Company may require you or your legal representative, heir, legatee or distributee, as a condition precedent to such payment or issuance, to execute a release and receipt therefor in such form as it shall determine.

  • Execution of Further Releases At any time at or after the Effective Time, at the request of either Party, the other Party shall cause each member of its respective Group to execute and deliver releases reflecting the provisions of this Section 4.1.

  • Revocation and Effect of Consent Until an amendment or waiver becomes effective, a consent to it by a Holder is a continuing consent by the Holder and every subsequent Holder of a Note or portion of a Note that evidences the same debt as the Note of the consenting Holder, even if notation of the consent is not made on any Note. However, any such Holder or subsequent Holder may revoke the consent as to its Note or portion of its Note. Such revocation shall be effective only if the Trustee receives the notice of revocation before the date the amendment, supplement or waiver becomes effective. An amendment, supplement or waiver shall become effective on receipt by the Trustee of written consents from the Holders of the requisite percentage in principal amount of the outstanding Notes. The Company may, but shall not be obligated to, fix a record date for the purpose of determining the Holders entitled to consent to any amendment, supplement or waiver. If a record date is fixed, then, notwithstanding the last two sentences of the immediately preceding paragraph, those persons who were Holders at such record date (or their duly designated proxies) and only those persons shall be entitled to consent to such amendment, supplement or waiver or to revoke any consent previously given, whether or not such persons continue to be Holders after such record date. No such consent shall be valid or effective for more than 90 days after such record date.

  • Release of Claims and Waiver of Rights Executive, on Executive’s own behalf and that of Executive’s heirs, executors, attorneys, administrators, successors, and assigns, fully releases and discharges the Company, its predecessors, successors, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and assigns, and its and their directors, officers, trustees, employees, and agents, both in their individual and official capacities, and the current and former trustees and administrators of each retirement and other benefit plan applicable to the employees and former employees of the Company, both in their official and individual capacities (the “Releasees”) from all liability, claims, demands, and actions Executive now has, may have had, or may ever have, whether currently known or unknown, as of or prior to Executive’s execution of this Agreement (the “Release”), including liability claims, demands, and actions:

  • Release and Waiver of Claims In consideration of the severance payments and other benefits to which I have become entitled, pursuant to that certain letter agreement between Corsair Memory, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), and myself dated , 20 (the “Severance Agreement”), in connection with the termination of my employment, I, , hereby furnish the Company with the following release and waiver (“Release and Waiver”). I hereby release and forever discharge the Company, its officers, directors, agents, employees, stockholders, successors, assigns and affiliates from any and all claims, liabilities, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, attorney fees, damages, indemnities and obligations of every kind and nature, in law, equity or otherwise, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising from or relating to my employment with the Company and the termination of that employment, including (without limitation) claims of wrongful discharge, emotional distress, defamation, fraud, breach of contract, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, discrimination claims based on sex, age, race, national origin, disability or any other basis under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, the Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended (“ADEA”), the Americans with Disability Act, contract claims, tort claims, and wage or benefit claims, including but not limited to, claims for salary, bonuses, commissions, stock grants, stock options, vacation pay, fringe benefits, severance pay or any other form of compensation (other than the severance payments and benefits to which I am, pursuant to the express provisions of the Severance Agreement, entitled in connection with my termination of employment, my vested rights under the Company’s Section 401(k) Plan and any worker’s compensation benefits under any Company workers’ compensation insurance policy or fund). In releasing claims unknown to me at present, I am waiving all rights and benefits under Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, and any law or legal principle of similar effect in any jurisdiction: “A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.” This Release and Waiver does not pertain to any claims which may subsequently arise in connection with the Company’s default in any severance payment obligations under the Severance Agreement. I acknowledge that, among other rights subject to this Release and Waiver, I am hereby waiving and releasing any rights I may have under ADEA, that this release and waiver is knowing and voluntary, and that the consideration given for this release and waiver is in addition to anything of value to which I was already entitled as an executive of the Company. I further acknowledge that I have been advised, as required by the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, that: (a) the release and waiver granted herein does not relate to claims which may arise after this release and waiver is executed; (b) I have the right to consult with an attorney prior to executing this release and waiver (although I may choose voluntarily not to do so); and if I am over 40 years old upon execution of this; (c) I have twenty-one (21) days from the date of termination of my employment with the Company in which to consider this release and waiver (although I may choose voluntarily to execute this release and waiver earlier); (d) I have seven (7) days following the execution of this release and waiver to revoke my consent to this release and waiver; and (e) this release and waiver shall not be effective until the seven (7)-day revocation period has expired. Date: Signature: Print Name:

  • Revocation and Effect of Consents Until an amendment, supplement or waiver becomes effective, a consent to it by a Holder of a Note is a continuing consent by the Holder of a Note and every subsequent Holder of a Note or portion of a Note that evidences the same debt as the consenting Holder's Note, even if notation of the consent is not made on any Note. However, any such Holder of a Note or subsequent Holder of a Note may revoke the consent as to its Note if the Trustee receives written notice of revocation before the date the waiver, supplement or amendment becomes effective. An amendment, supplement or waiver becomes effective in accordance with its terms and thereafter binds every Holder.

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