External reviews. The department or unit head will prepare a list of qualified 35 external reviewers, with input from the department or unit faculty eligible to vote on a tenure and 36 promotion case. The department or unit head will select a majority of the external reviewers, but 37 the department or unit head’s primary responsibility is to obtain the best judgments from the 38 most highly qualified experts in the appropriate areas. Most, if not all, of the external reviewers 39 should be at the rank for which the candidate is being considered or above (i.e., associate 40 professor or professor for tenure and promotion to associate professor; professor for promotion 41 to professor). Reviewers generally should come from comparable institutions or programs. The 42 suggestions regarding rank and affiliations of external reviewers apply to the majority of the 43 reviewers and are not strict prohibitions, so there is flexibility to meet particular circumstances. 44 A minimum of five substantive external evaluations is required for a tenure case to move 45 forward. 1 The department or unit head will recruit external reviewers from this list and provide them 2 with the candidate’s signed and dated curriculum vitae, signed and dated personal statement, 3 the candidate’s scholarship portfolio and the department’s or unit’s adopted criteria for 4 promotion and tenure.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
External reviews. The department or unit head will prepare a list of qualified 35 34 external reviewers, with input from the department or unit faculty eligible to vote on a 35 tenure and 36 promotion case. The department or unit head will select a majority of the 36 external reviewers, but 37 the department or unit head’s primary responsibility is to obtain the 37 best judgments from the 38 most highly qualified experts in the appropriate areas. Most, if 38 not all, of the external reviewers 39 should be at the rank for which the candidate is being 39 considered or above (i.e., associate 40 professor or professor for tenure and promotion to 40 associate professor; professor for promotion 41 to professor). Reviewers generally should 41 come from comparable institutions or programs. The 42 suggestions regarding rank and 42 affiliations of external reviewers apply to the majority of the 43 reviewers and are not strict 43 prohibitions, so there is flexibility to meet particular circumstances. 44 A minimum of five 44 substantive external evaluations is required for a tenure case to move 45 forward. 1 46 The department or unit head will recruit external reviewers from this list and provide 47 them 2 with the candidate’s signed and dated curriculum vitae, signed and dated personal 48 statement, 3 the candidate’s scholarship portfolio and the department’s or unit’s adopted 49 criteria for 4 promotion and tenure.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement