OVERDRAFT PROTECTION To the extent permitted by law, You authorize Us to transfer funds from other Accounts You may have with Us in necessary multiples (or in such increments as We may from time to time determine) to Your Account to cover any overdraft. If You have a line of credit with Us, transfers will be made first from Your primary share Account, provided You have enough available funds in that Account, then from Your line of credit up to Your available credit limit, and then We may elect to pay such overdraft, subject to any preference You have indicated to Us for clearing any overdraft(s). Overdraft transfers are subject to a transfer fee. You hold Us harmless from any and all liability which might otherwise exist if a transfer does not occur.
System Protection To prevent compromise of systems which contain DSHS Data or through which that Data passes: a. Systems containing DSHS Data must have all security patches or hotfixes applied within 3 months of being made available. b. The Contractor will have a method of ensuring that the requisite patches and hotfixes have been applied within the required timeframes. c. Systems containing DSHS Data shall have an Anti-Malware application, if available, installed. d. Anti-Malware software shall be kept up to date. The product, its anti-virus engine, and any malware database the system uses, will be no more than one update behind current.