FINANCING TERM. The Base Term of this Schedule shall be 60 months and the Base Term shall commence on ACCEPTANCE DATE ("Commencement Date"). The total Lease Term consists of the Interim Term plus the Base Term. The Interim Term begins on the date that Lessor accepts this Schedule as stated below Lessxx'x xignature ("Acceptance Date") and continues up to the Commencement Date.
FINANCING TERM. Accessible to all ANGKASA staff, members and others with access to Sistem Potongan Gaji ANGKASA.
FINANCING TERM. The Lease Term of this Schedule shall be Eighty-four (84) months. The Lease Term begins on the Commencement Date and continues for the number of months after the Commencement Date as stated above. The Acceptance Date is the date that Lessor accepts this Schedule as stated below Lessor's signature. The Commencement Date is the 24th day of the month in which the Acceptance Date occurs.
FINANCING TERM. The term for financing of the Short-Term Assets described in each Financing Agreement ("Financing Term") commences on the Commencement/Accrual date specified in the Payment Schedule for such Financing Agreement and, unless earlier terminated as expressly provided in the Financing Agreement, continues until University's payment and performance in full of all of University's obligations under the Financing Agreement.
FINANCING TERM. NWA may elect that each A319 Long-Term Credit may extend for any term up to a maximum of *** commencing upon delivery of the relevant Aircraft. Amortisation of the principal balance of each A319 Long-Term Credit will be on the basis of a ***. An A319 Long-Term Credit pursuant to Sub-paragraph 4.1 (ii) utilised in a ***.
FINANCING TERM. The term of the Factoring Agreement will be no less than 10 days but no more than 1,800 days, and the maturity date shall not be later than July 7, 2025.
FINANCING TERM. The term of the Factoring Agreement II will be no more than 3 years. The term of the Factoring Agreement III will be no more than 2 years. Type of Factoring The recourse right is attached. If any lessees to the Finance Lease Agreement V, the Finance Lease Agreement VI and the Finance Lease Agreement VII fails to fully pay the Lease Receivables V, the Lease Receivables VI, and the Lease Receivables VII within the agreed time limit due to credit issues, the Factoring Bank has recourse for a claim against the Company in respect of the outstanding payment. Pursuant to the Factoring Agreement II, the Company has agreed to transfer the creditor’s rights and relevant rights of the undue Lease Receivables V and Lease Receivables VI to the Factoring Bank, with the transfer amount of the Lease Receivables V of RMB31,821,666 and the Lease Receivables VI of RMB50,476,061. The Factoring Bank has agreed to receive such creditor’s rights and relevant rights and provide factoring facility services to the Company. The Company does not separately calculate the profit before and after tax of the Lease Receivables V and the Lease Receivables VI. Pursuant to the Factoring Agreement III, the Company has agreed to transfer the creditor’s rights and relevant rights of the undue Lease Receivables VII to the Factoring Bank, with the transfer amount of the Lease Receivables VII of RMB23,019,722.00. The Factoring Bank has agreed to receive such creditor’s rights and relevant rights and provide factoring facility services to the Company. The Company does not separately calculate the profit before and after tax of the Lease Receivables VII. The charge for factoring services of Factoring Agreement II amounted to approximately RMB513,215. The charge for factoring services shall be paid by the Company to Factoring Bank at the date when the Company receives the factoring facilities. The interest rate applicable to the factoring facilities is 4.00%, being a rate on the day before facility payment date equivalent to the one year loan prime rate announced by the People’s Bank of China + 15 basic points (one basic point equal to 0.01%). Factoring facilities interest = factoring facilities balance × factoring facilities interest rate × actual occupancy day/360. The amount of the factoring facilities interest is the same as the amount of interest payable by the lessees under the Lease Receivables V and the Lease Receivables VI of the Finance Lease Agreement V and the Finance Lease Agreement VI, ...
FINANCING TERM. Financing term under the Factoring Agreement will be 1 year from the effective date of the Factoring Agreement. Transfer of the Accounts Receivables and the provision of Factoring Funds South China Leasing may apply to transfer the creditor’s rights and benefits of the Accounts Receivables, with book value of no more than RMB200 million (equivalent to approximately HK$215.4 million), to the Financing Bank, and the Financing Bank may receive such creditor’s rights and benefits of the Accounts Receivables and provide South China Leasing with non-revolving Factoring Funds of no more than RMB200 million (equivalent to approximately HK$215.4 million).
FINANCING TERM. The total Lease Term consists of the Interim Term plus the Base Term. The Interim Term begins on the date that Lessor accepts this Schedule as stated below Lessor’s signature (“Acceptance Date”) and continues up to the Commencement Date. The Base Term of this Schedule shall be 42 months and the Base Term shall commence on Acceptance Date (“Commencement Date”).
FINANCING TERM. Subject to the terms of the Factoring Agreements, the financing term shall be for a fixed term of 3 years (i.e. from 8 October 2016 to 7 October 2019). Beijing Zhongyichuangyi shall transfer the account receivables due by the Debtors (who are Independent Third Parties) in the aggregate principal outstanding amount of RMB51,939,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$60,612,800) in favour of Qingrui Factoring such that the Debtors shall repay to Qingrui Factoring all outstanding sum together with accrued interest due by them to Beijing Zhongyichuangyi on the expiry of the said financing term. The rate of interest applicable to the facilities shall be at a floating rate in accordance with the lending rate promulgated by the People’s Bank of China with a 20% margin. The management fee of the factoring service shall be 1% per annum. All interest and management fee shall be paid in advance quarterly on the 20th day of every 3rd month.