Time Limit Sample Clauses
Time Limit. Should the Local Church fail to satisfy all of its obligations set forth herein by December 31, 2023, this Disaffiliation Agreement shall be null and void.
Time Limit. A resignation which the employee believes has been coerced by the appointing authority may be revoked within seven (7) calendar days after its expression, by serving written notice on the Director of Human Resources and a copy on the appointing authority.
Time Limit. (a) In the event a grievance has not advanced to the next step within the time limit set forth in Section 1, then the grievance shall be deemed to be abandoned and all rights of recourse to the Adjustment of Complaints under this Agreement in respect of this grievance shall be at an end.
(b) The time limit between steps may be extended by mutual consent.
Time Limit. The work is to be completed within time limit as specified in the N.I.T. which shall be reckoned from the date of written order for commencing the work and shall be inclusive of monsoon period.
Time Limit. In application of article L 114-1 of the Insurance Code, any action resulting from this contract is time- barred two years after the event giving rise to it. This period is extended to ten years for death guarantees, with the actions of beneficiaries being time-barred, at the latest, thirty years after this event. However, this period only runs: in the event of reluctance, omission, false or inaccurate statement on the risk incurred, from the day that the Insurer became aware of it; in the event of a claim, from the day that the concerned parties became aware of it, if they prove that they were unaware of it until then. When the action of the Insured against the Insurer is due to the recourse of a third party, this time limit only starts from the day that this third party brought legal action against the Insured or was indemnified by this latter party. This time limit may be interrupted, in accordance with article L 114-2 of the Insurance Code, by one of the following ordinary causes of interruption: recognition by the debtor of the right of the party against whom the time limit was reached (article 2240 of the Civil Code); a lawsuit, even in summary proceedings, until the end of the proceedings. The same applies when it is brought before a court that does not have jurisdiction or when the act of referral to the court is annulled by the effect of a procedural defect (articles 2241 and 2242 of the Civil Code). The interruption is void if the petitioner withdraws his request or allows the procedure to expire, or if his request is definitively rejected (article 2243 of the Civil Code); a precautionary measure taken in application of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures or an act of forced execution (article 2244 of the Civil Code). It is reminded that: Notification made to one of the joint debtors regarding legal action or an act of forced execution, or recognition by the debtor of the right of the party against whom the time limit had expired interrupts the time limit against all the others, even against their heirs. However, notification made to one of the heirs of a joint debtor or the recognition of this heir does not interrupt the time limit with regard to the other joint heirs, even in the event of a mortgage claim, if the obligation is divisible. This notification or recognition only interrupts the time limit with regard to the other co-debtors, for the part owed by this heir. To interrupt the time limit period for the whole debt, with re...
Time Limit. All grievances shall be considered permanently settled if they are not filed at the next step in accordance with the prescribed time limits and on the prescribed form. If the established time limit is not followed by the University, the Union may advance the grievance to the next step. The time limits stated in this Section may be extended by mutual consent, and a grievance may be withdrawn without prejudice by mutual consent.
Time Limit. Employees in layoff status will retain recall rights for the length of their 13 seniority not to exceed two (2) years and shall have preference to work over new hires. It
Time Limit. In the event that any grievance or matter in dispute has not been settled through the procedure outlined above, either party may, within fifteen (15) calendar days, submit the grievance or matter in dispute to an Arbitration Board in accordance with this Article. It is agreed that time is of the essence in reaching a just conclusion to the grievance and arbitration process and, therefore, both parties agree that they will do everything possible to ensure that the selection of the Board and the arbitration proceeds as quickly as possible.
Time Limit. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated in writing within twenty (20) school days of its occurrence, or within twenty (20) school days of when the party should have known of its occurrence.
Time Limit. A Selection Committee shall be struck within ten (10) working days of notice or information that a vacancy will occur.