Fine Food Arrangement & Delivery Sample Clauses

Fine Food Arrangement & DeliveryUpon request from a Covered Person, American Express Platinum Card Assistance shall arrange the delivery of Fine Food items such as Champagne, wine, gourmet food and food hampers to a requested destination. Fine food deliveries may include a message Card provided that details are supplied to American Express Platinum Card Assistance at the time the order is placed.

Related to Fine Food Arrangement & Delivery

  • Work on Scheduled RDOs Circumstances (a) Work may take place on a scheduled RDO by agreement between the Parties to this Agreement or on any substituted day where it is required by the Employer and such work is necessary to meet operational requirements, manage its business and/or improve productivity subject to the below procedure. (b) Examples of where work may take place include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) to allow other Employees to be employed productively, to carry out out-of-hours maintenance; or (ii) because of unforeseen delays to a particular Project or a section of it; or (iii) for other reasons arising from unforeseen or emergency circumstances on a Project. For the avoidance of doubt, unforeseen or emergency circumstances include, but are not limited to: excessive periods of Inclement Weather, matters not necessarily the fault of the Employer which has led to the Project being delayed or behind schedule, the requirement to meet the Employer’s work program and unexpected delays in the Project due to scheduling of other works or supply of materials, or work that cannot be performed on other days because of municipal council restrictions, or other relevant laws or regulations. Such requirement must be based on genuine circumstances. (c) Where the Employer requires work to be performed on a Scheduled RDO (or any substituted day) because of the existence of any of the above, it will: (i) consult with the affected Employees and the Union within a reasonable timeframe; (ii) determine that affected Employees agree to work on the Scheduled RDO; and (iii) the Employer will notify and agree with the Employees and their Union representative in writing (via email prior to the RDO when work needs to be performed. The attached notification form (Appendix I) may be used for this purpose. Affected Employees will be entitled to meet with their Union Representative for the purpose of consulting about works to occur on a scheduled RDO. The attached notification form (Appendix I) may be used for this purpose. (d) The Employer is committed to providing as much notice as is reasonably practicable of a requirement to work. Wherever possible, the process outlined above will occur at least nine (9) calendar days prior to the RDO in question. An Employee may refuse to work on a scheduled RDO (or any substituted day) if the requirement to do so is plainly unreasonable having regard to: (i) the hours of work that will be worked by that Employee in the week of the scheduled RDO; (ii) the number of scheduled RDOs worked by the Employee within the previous six weeks; (iii) the Employee’s family responsibilities; and (iv) any other special circumstances peculiar to the Employee. (e) An Employee required to work who has been consulted with in accordance with the Procedure, in addition to accrued entitlements, will be paid at the Employee’s Ordinary Rate prescribed in this Agreement for the Employees’ classification. (f) An Employee required to work who has not been consulted with in accordance with the Procedure, in addition to accrued entitlements, will be paid as if they were undertaking Public Holiday Work in accordance with clause 39.9 of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Employer has consulted with the Union in accordance with subclause

  • Contract Closure Contracting Officer shall give appropriate written notice to Purchaser when Purchaser has complied with the terms of this contract. Purchaser shall be paid refunds due from Timber Sale Account un- der B4.24 and excess cooperative deposits under B4.218.

  • Agreement Deviation/Compliance Does the vendor agree with the language in the Vendor Agreement?

  • DISTRIBUTION OF CONTRACTOR PRICE LIST AND CONTRACT APPENDICES Contractor shall provide Authorized Users with electronic copies of the Contract, including price lists and Appendices, upon request. Contract Updates will be handled as provided in Appendix C – Contract Modification Procedures.

  • Contract Amendment A. Contract Exhibit A, Scope of Work, is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety with the attached Exhibit A, Scope of Work, which is incorporated into the Contract by reference herein. B. Contract Exhibit B, Additional Special Contract Conditions, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Exhibit B, Additional Special Contract Conditions, which is incorporated into the ACS by reference herein. C. Contract Exhibit I, PUR 1355: Foreign Country of Concern Attestation, is hereby incorporated in its entirety to the ACS by reference herein.

  • Voice Grade Unbundled Copper Sub-Loop Unbundled Sub-Loop Distribution – Intrabuilding Network Cable (aka riser cable)

  • ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Special Contract Conditions revisions: the corresponding subsections of the Special Contract Conditions referenced below are replaced in their entirety with the following:

  • Unbundled Loop Modifications (Line Conditioning 2.5.1 Line Conditioning is defined as routine network modification that BellSouth regularly undertakes to provide xDSL services to its own customers. This may include the removal of any device, from a copper Loop or copper Subloop that may diminish the capability of the Loop or Subloop to deliver high-speed switched wireline telecommunications capability, including xDSL service. Such devices include, load coils, excessive bridged taps, low pass filters, and range extenders. Excessive bridged taps are bridged taps that serves no network design purpose and that are beyond the limits set according to industry standards and/or the BellSouth’s TR 73600 Unbundled Local Loop Technical Specification. 2.5.2 BellSouth will remove load coils only on copper Loops and Subloops that are less than eighteen thousand (18,000) feet in length. 2.5.3 For any copper loop being ordered by NewPhone which has over six thousand (6,000) feet of combined bridged tap will be modified, upon request from NewPhone, so that the loop will have a maximum of six thousand (6,000) feet of bridged tap. This modification will be performed at no additional charge to NewPhone. Loop conditioning orders that require the removal of bridged tap that serves no network design purpose on a copper Loop that will result in a combined total of bridged tap between two thousand five hundred (2,500) and six thousand (6,000) feet will be performed at the rates set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.4 NewPhone may request removal of any unnecessary and non-excessive bridged tap (bridged tap between zero (0) and two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet which serves no network design purpose), at rates pursuant to BellSouth’s SC Process as mutually agreed to by the Parties. 2.5.5 Rates for ULM are as set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.6 BellSouth will not modify a Loop in such a way that it no longer meets the technical parameters of the original Loop type (e.g., voice grade, ADSL, etc.) being ordered. 2.5.7 If NewPhone requests ULM on a reserved facility for a new Loop order, BellSouth may perform a pair change and provision a different Loop facility in lieu of the reserved facility with ULM if feasible. The Loop provisioned will meet or exceed specifications of the requested Loop facility as modified. NewPhone will not be charged for ULM if a different Loop is provisioned. For Loops that require a DLR or its equivalent, BellSouth will provide LMU detail of the Loop provisioned. 2.5.8 NewPhone shall request Loop make up information pursuant to this Attachment prior to submitting a service inquiry and/or a LSR for the Loop type that NewPhone desires BellSouth to condition. 2.5.9 When requesting ULM for a Loop that BellSouth has previously provisioned for NewPhone, NewPhone will submit a SI to BellSouth. If a spare Loop facility that meets the Loop modification specifications requested by NewPhone is available at the location for which the ULM was requested, NewPhone will have the option to change the Loop facility to the qualifying spare facility rather than to provide ULM. In the event that BellSouth changes the Loop facility in lieu of providing ULM, NewPhone will not be charged for ULM but will only be charged the service order charges for submitting an order.

  • END USER AGREEMENTS (“EUA GAC acknowledges that the END USER may choose to enter into an End User Agreement (“EUA) with the Contractor through this Agreement, and that the term of the EUA may exceed the term of the current H-GAC Agreement. H-GAC’s acknowledgement is not an endorsement or approval of the End User Agreement’s terms and conditions. Contractor agrees not to offer, agree to or accept from the END USER, any terms or conditions that conflict with those in Contractor’s Agreement with H-GAC. Contractor affirms that termination of its Agreement with H-GAC for any reason shall not result in the termination of any underlying EUA, which shall in each instance, continue pursuant to the EUA’s stated terms and duration. Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, termination of this Agreement will disallow the Contractor from entering into any new EUA with END USERS. Applicable H-GAC order processing charges will be due and payable to H-GAC

  • Joint Funded Project with the Ohio Department of Transportation In the event that the Recipient does not have contracting authority over project engineering, construction, or right-of-way, the Recipient and the OPWC hereby assign certain responsibilities to the Ohio Department of Transportation, an authorized representative of the State of Ohio. Notwithstanding Sections 4, 6(a), 6(b), 6(c), and 7 of the Project Agreement, Recipient hereby acknowledges that upon notification by the Ohio Department of Transportation, all payments for eligible project costs will be disbursed by the Grantor directly to the Ohio Department of Transportation. A Memorandum of Funds issued by the Ohio Department of Transportation shall be used to certify the estimated project costs. Upon receipt of a Memorandum of Funds from the Ohio Department of Transportation, the OPWC shall transfer funds directly to the Ohio Department of Transportation via an Intra- State Transfer Voucher. The amount or amounts transferred shall be determined by applying the Participation Percentages defined in Appendix D to those eligible project costs within the Memorandum of Funds. In the event that the Project Scope is for right-of-way only, notwithstanding Appendix D, the OPWC shall pay for 100% of the right-of-way costs not to exceed the total financial assistance provided in Appendix C.