Contract Amendment. A. Contract Exhibit A, Scope of Work, is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety with the attached Exhibit A, Scope of Work, which is incorporated into the Contract by reference herein.
B. Contract Exhibit B, Additional Special Contract Conditions, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Exhibit B, Additional Special Contract Conditions, which is incorporated into the ACS by reference herein.
C. Contract Exhibit I, PUR 1355: Foreign Country of Concern Attestation, is hereby incorporated in its entirety to the ACS by reference herein.
Contract Amendment. This Contract may be amended only by a writing signed by all Parties.
Contract Amendment. (a) Should the parties execute an amendment to this Contract on or before its expiration date that extends the term of this Contract, then the term of this Contract shall be extended until an amendment is approved as to form by the Connecticut Office of the Attorney General provided the extension provided hereunder shall not exceed a period of 90 days. Upon approval of the amendment by the Connecticut Office of the Attorney General the term of the contract shall be in accord with the provisions of the approved amendment.
(b) No amendment to or modification or other alteration of this Contract shall be valid or binding upon the parties unless made in writing, signed by the parties and, if applicable, approved by the Office of the Connecticut Attorney General.
(c) The Agency may amend this Contract to reduce the contracted amount of compensation if:
(1) the total amount budgeted by the State for the operation of the Agency or Services provided under the program is reduced or made unavailable in any way; or
(2) federal funding reduction results in reallocation of funds within the Agency.
(d) If the Agency decides to reduce the compensation, the Agency shall send written Notice to the Contractor. Within twenty (20) days of the Contractor's receipt of the Notice, the Contractor and the Agency shall negotiate the implementation of the reduction of compensation unless the parties mutually agree that such negotiations would be futile. If the parties fail to negotiate an implementation schedule, then the Agency may terminate the Contract effective no earlier than sixty (60) days from the date that the Contractor receives written notification of Termination and the date that work under this Contract shall cease.
Contract Amendment. (a) No amendment to or modification or other alteration of this Contract shall be valid or binding upon the parties unless made in writing, signed by the parties and, if applicable, approved by the OAG.
(b) The Agency may amend this Contract to reduce the contracted amount of compensation if:
(1) the total amount budgeted by the State for the operation of the Agency or Services provided under the program is reduced or made unavailable in any way; or
(2) federal funding reduction results in reallocation of funds within the Agency.
(c) If the Agency decides to reduce the compensation, the Agency shall send written Notice to the Contractor. Within twenty (20) days of the Contractor’s receipt of the Notice, the Contractor and the Agency shall negotiate the implementation of the reduction of compensation unless the parties mutually agree that such negotiations would be futile. If the parties fail to negotiate an implementation schedule, then the Agency may terminate the Contract effective no earlier than sixty (60) days from the date that the Contractor receives written notification of Termination and the date that work under this Contract shall cease.
Contract Amendment. Contract Exhibit A, Additional Special Contract Conditions (Florida), is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Exhibit A, Additional Special Contract Conditions (Florida), which is incorporated into the Contract by reference herein.
Contract Amendment a. Exhibit A: Additional Special Contract Conditions, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the Amended Exhibit A: Additional Special Contract Conditions, attached hereto.
b. Section 3, Modifications or Additions to Master Agreement, third paragraph, is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety with the following:
a) This Contract document and amendments, if any, with the latest issued having priority.
b) Amended Exhibit A: Additional Special Contract Conditions (Florida)
c) Exhibit B: Special Contract Conditions (Florida)
d) Exhibit C: Pricing Page e) Exhibit D: Master Agreement
f) Exhibit E: Contract Award Notification
Contract Amendment. The Contract shall be amended as follows:
a. All references to the term “price sheet” throughout the Contract are hereby amended to read as “product sheet.”
Contract Amendment. The PA is amended to replace section 2.1, Term and Effective Date, of Exhibit A,Florida General Contract Conditions, in its entirety to correct the expiration date of the PA to reflect the original intent of the parties to have the PA expire on the same date as the NASPO Master Agreement because the term of the PA exceeded the date of Master Agreement expiration by one day. Section 2.1 of Exhibit A, Florida General Contract Conditions, is hereby replaced in its entirety as follows:
Contract Amendment. Subject to applicable laws, no variation in or modification of the terms of this Contract shall be made except by written amendment signed by the parties.
Contract Amendment.
14.1 The Fund and the Contractor shall not vary or modify the terms and conditions of the Contract except by prior written amendment duly executed by the Parties.
14.2 Subject to Clause 14.1 above, changes in the scope of the Services, either requested by the Fund or necessitated by other events or conditions, which are acknowledged and agreed by both Parties, that would increase or decrease the cost or time needed to perform the Services shall be cause for an equitable increase or decrease in the remuneration agreed under the Contract and/or modification or extension of the schedule for performing the Services. For the avoidance of doubt, the Contractor shall not be entitled to request price adjustments as a result of fluctuations in the foreign exchange rate, an increase in the Contractor’s actual or contingent costs or on any other similar grounds.
14.3 If the Contract shall be extended for additional periods in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the terms and conditions applicable to any such extended term of the Contract shall be the same terms and conditions as set forth in the Contract, unless the Parties shall have agreed otherwise pursuant to an amendment concluded in accordance with Clause 14.1.