First City Reacquisition Right Sample Clauses

First City Reacquisition Right. In the event the Developer has not commenced construction of the Hotel by or before the end of the Developer Grace Period described in Section 5.5(a) above, the City shall have the right (the “First City Reacquisition Right”), but not the obligation, for a period of eighteen (18) months commencing at the end of the Developer Grace Period (the “First City Reacquisition Period”) to solicit proposals from, and negotiate with, other developers (each an “Alternative Developer”) solely for the development of a hotel on the Hotel Unit (the “Alternative Hotel Proposal”), provided that any Alternative Hotel Proposal must be in accordance with the design, size and style of the Hotel plans and specifications prepared by the Developer as part of its GDP and SIP submissions. In the event that prior to the end of the First City Reacquisition Period the City and an Alternative Developer execute a binding development agreement concerning the Alternative Hotel Proposal, which agreement shall include similar requirements with respect to the Alternative Hotel Proposal as provided herein (as such requirements set forth in this Agreement may be further amended and modified), including, without limitation, the City’s approval of the operator of such Alternative Hotel Proposal, a labor peace agreement with respect to the operations of such Alternative Hotel Proposal and documented evidence of the necessary debt and equity financing, similar to that provided by Developer prior to this Agreement, for such Alternative Hotel Proposal (the “Reacquisition Condition”), the City shall have the right to reacquire fee simple title to the Hotel Unit from the Developer (and Holding Company, as applicable) upon payment by the City to the Developer (or Holding Company, as applicable) of a reacquisition payment of $232,000.00 (the “Reacquisition Payment”) and the Developer (and Holding Company, as applicable) shall be obligated to convey fee simple title to the Hotel Unit to the City by a Special Warranty Deed (the “Reacquisition Deed”) upon receipt of the Reacquisition Payment. In the event the City reacquires title to the Hotel Unit as described in the foregoing but the Alternative Developer does not commence construction of the Alternative Hotel Proposal within twelve (12) months of the date the City and the Alternative Developer execute a binding development agreement for the Alternative Hotel Proposal, the Developer shall have the exclusive right to immediately reacquire the Hotel Unit up...
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Related to First City Reacquisition Right

  • Put Option The Company hereby grants to Lender an option (the “Put Option”) to sell all or any portion of the Issued Shares (the “Put Shares”) to the Company for a total purchase price of $195,000, pro-rated for any portion thereof (the “Put Price”). The Put Option may be exercised with respect to any amount that is equal to or less than the entire balance of the outstanding Put Shares, at any time during the earlier to occur of the following Put Option exercise periods (the “Put Period”): (a) the ten (10) Business Day period commencing on the first anniversary hereof, or (b) the ten (10) Business Day period commencing on the date which is nine (9) months after the date that the registration statement for the registration of the Issued Shares is declared effective by the SEC . If not exercised during the Put Period, the Put Option shall terminate and shall be of no further force or effect. The Put Option shall be exercisable by Lender’s delivery of written notice to the Company (the “Put Notice”). The Put Notice shall specify the date on which the closing of the purchase of the Put Shares shall take place (the “Put Closing Date”), which such date shall be no earlier than ten (10) days but no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the Put Notice. On or before the Put Closing Date, Lender will deliver to the Company the certificate(s) representing the Put Shares (duly endorsed for transfer by Lender or accompanied by duly executed stock powers in blank) and the Company shall tender to Lender the Put Price in cash by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account at a bank designated by Lender. The Company and Lender acknowledge and agree that the Company’s obligation to purchase the Issued Shares from Lender pursuant to the Put Option is an Obligation secured by the Collateral and any related guarantees under the Loan Documents, and for so long as the Put Option is outstanding and, if exercised, the Put Price is not yet tendered, the Lender’s right to receive the Put Price shall be secured by the Collateral and any related guarantees under the Loan Documents. Lender’s right to exercise the Put Option shall not be transferred or assigned to any third party.

  • Call Option The Company shall have the option to "call" the Warrants (the "Warrant Call"), in accordance with and governed by the following:

  • ONE OF THE TWO OPTIONS BELOW I DO CLAIM parts of my proposal to be confidential and DO NOT desire to expressly waive a claim of confidentiality of all information contained within our response to the solicitation. The attached contains material from our proposal that I classify and deem confidential under Texas Gov't Code Sec. 552 or other law(s) and I invoke my statutory rights to confidential treatment of the enclosed materials. IF CLAIMING PARTS OF YOUR PROPOSAL CONFIDENTIAL, YOU MUST ATTACH THE SHEETS TO THIS FORM AND LIST THE NUMBER OT TOTAL PAGES THAT ARE CONFIDENTIAL. ATTACHED ARE COPIES OF PAGES OF CLAIMED CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL FROM OUR PROPOSAL THAT WE DEEM TO BE NOT PUBLIC INFORMATION AND WILL DEFEND THAT CLAIM TO THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IF REQUESTED WHEN A PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST IS MADE FOR OUR PROPOSAL. Signature Date OPTION 2: OR I DO NOT CLAIM any of my proposal to be confidential, complete the section below.

  • Termination Right The Representative shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time prior to any Closing Date, (i) if any domestic or international event or act or occurrence has materially disrupted, or in its opinion will in the immediate future materially disrupt, general securities markets in the United States; or (ii) if trading on any Trading Market shall have been suspended or materially limited, or minimum or maximum prices for trading shall have been fixed, or maximum ranges for prices for securities shall have been required by FINRA or by order of the Commission or any other government authority having jurisdiction, or (iii) if the United States shall have become involved in a new war or an increase in major hostilities, or (iv) if a banking moratorium has been declared by a New York State or federal authority, or (v) if a moratorium on foreign exchange trading has been declared which materially adversely impacts the United States securities markets, or (vi) if the Company shall have sustained a material loss by fire, flood, accident, hurricane, earthquake, theft, sabotage or other calamity or malicious act which, whether or not such loss shall have been insured, will, in the Representative’s opinion, make it inadvisable to proceed with the delivery of the Securities, or (vii) if the Company is in material breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants hereunder, or (viii) if the Representative shall have become aware after the date hereof of such a material adverse change in the conditions or prospects of the Company, or such adverse material change in general market conditions as in the Representative’s judgment would make it impracticable to proceed with the offering, sale and/or delivery of the Securities or to enforce contracts made by the Underwriters for the sale of the Securities.

  • Pre-Closing Option Provided that the Recipient satisfies the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Recipient may elect to have Funds delivered by the OPWC to the Title Agent prior to Closing, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Escrow Agreement. Recipient shall make such election, if at all, by delivering to the OPWC a Disbursement Request Form and Certification in the form of Appendix E to this Agreement (the "Disbursement Request"), which shall identify the Title Agent as payee and shall be delivered after the Recipient's receipt of a Notice to Proceed and not more than sixty (60) days prior to Closing. The OPWC shall then deliver to the Title Agent Funds to be disbursed under this Agreement for the land acquisition, which Funds may be held, together with the Matching Funds, in an account subject to the terms and conditions of the Escrow Agreement. Any interest that accrues thereon shall be used by the Recipient for settlement costs. If the interest paid on such escrow account exceeds the settlement costs to be paid by the Recipient, then such funds shall be applied to the Cost of Project. If all of the conditions to the release of Funds set forth in the Escrow Agreement have been satisfied, the Title Agent shall release the escrowed Funds at Closing and apply the same to the land acquisition costs in accordance herewith and the settlement statement executed and delivered at the Closing. After Closing, the Recipient may request additional disbursements of Funds available under this Agreement relating to the land acquisition, including costs incurred in connection with appraisal of the Land, closing costs, title search, environmental assessments and other eligible costs. Within sixty (60) days of Closing, the Recipient shall deliver to the OPWC, or shall cause the Title Agent to deliver to the OPWC, a copy of the recorded Deed Restrictions and deed, or other instrument appropriate for the interest in the Land, and the executed settlement statement. If the Recipient does not close within thirty (30) days of disbursement, the Recipient must contact the OPWC immediately.

  • Our Option If we give you written notice within 30 days after we receive your signed, sworn proof of loss, we may repair or replace any part of the damaged property with material or property of like kind and quality.

  • EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS Section 2.1 Members of the Union, except those meeting the requirements of Employer as defined herein, shall not contract for any electrical work by the hour, unit basis, lump sum or any other manner whatsoever.

  • Return of Grant Funds City may demand the immediate return of any previously disbursed Grant Funds that have been claimed or expended by Grantee in breach of the terms of this Agreement, together with interest thereon from the date of disbursement at the maximum rate permitted under applicable law.

  • GREEN OPTION Competitive Supplier hereby agrees that it will incorporate the Green Option program as described in Exhibit A into Supplier’s provision of All Requirements Power Supply under this Agreement and offer such program to interested Eligible Consumers.

  • Restriction of Shareholders / Owners’ Liability 17.8.1 Parties expressly agree and acknowledge that none of the shareholders of the Parties hereto shall be liable to the other Parties for any of the contractual obligations of the concerned Party under this Agreement. Further, the financial liabilities of the shareholder/s of each Party to this Agreement, shall be restricted to the extent provided in the Indian Companies Act, 2013.

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