EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS. Section 2.01 The intent of this Agreement is to establish uniform conditions of employment for the Electrical Workers referred by the Union to the Electrical Contractor for the purpose of doing line construction, reconstruction, maintenance line work, station and cable work (underground residential distribution), or other electrical work coming properly under the outside branch of the trade based upon the IBEW Constitution and Local Union No. 104's By-Laws, and the Charter except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement or any supplement thereto.
Section 2.02 The Union understands the Employer is responsible to perform the work required by the owner. The Employer shall, therefore, have no restrictions except those specifically provided for in the collective bargaining agreement, in planning, directing and controlling the operation of all his work, in deciding the number and kind of employees to properly perform the work, in hiring and laying off employees, in transferring employees from job to job within the Local Union's geographical jurisdiction, in determining the need and number as well as the person who will act as Xxxxxxx, in requiring all employees to observe the Employer's and/or owner's rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Agreement, in requiring all employees to observe all safety regulations, and in discharging employees for proper cause.
Section 2.03 The Employer recognizes the Union to be the exclusive representative for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to the rates of pay, wages, hours of employment and other conditions of employment.
Section 2.04 This shall include all General Xxxxxxx, Head Lineman, Foreman, Journeyman Lineman, Splicer, Apprentices, Line Equipment Operator, Cableman, Driver, Groundman (Material Man), Driver Groundman, Groundman employed by the Employer and such other employees as may perform work which is under the jurisdiction of the Union under the International Constitution of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the By- Laws of Local Union No. 104.
Section 2.05 All employees who are members of the Union on the effective date of this Agreement shall be required to remain members of the Union as a condition of employment during the term of the Agreement. New employees shall be required to become and remain members of the Union as a condition of employment from and after the thirty-first day following the dates of their employment, or the effective date of this Agreement, w...
EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS. 01. (a). Certain qualifications, knowledge, experience and proof of financial responsibility are required of everyone desiring to be an Employer in the Electrical Industry. Therefore, an Employer who contracts for electrical work is a person, firm, or corporation having these qualifications and maintaining a place of business, a suitable financial status to meet payroll requirements and employing not less than one Journeyman Xxxxxxx.
EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS. 4:1 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS: Certain qualifications, knowledge, experience and financial responsibility are required of everyone desiring to be an Employer in the Utility Industry. An Employer who contracts for utility work is a firm (sole Proprietorship, partnership or corporation) whose principal business is that of UTILITY CONTRACTING, having these qualifications, and maintaining a permanent place of business, and a suitable financial status to meet payroll requirements. The Employer’s place of business shall be manned during the regular working hours or have connected thereto a telephone answering service.
EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS. Section 2.1 Members of the Union, except those meeting the requirements of Employer as defined herein, shall not contract for any electrical work by the hour, unit basis, lump sum or any other manner whatsoever.
EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS. Section 2:01. Employer Defined. Certain qualifications, knowledge, experience and financial responsibility are required of everyone desiring to be an Employer under the terms of this Agreement. Therefore, an Employer who contracts for such work is a person, firm or corporation having these qualifications and maintaining a permanent place of business, a business telephone and adequate tools, equipment and inventory. The Employer shall maintain a suitable financial status to meet payroll requirements, and employing not less than one (1) installer and/or technician, when performing work covered under this Agreement.
(a) Employees, except those meeting the requirements of “Employer” as defined herein, shall not contract for any work as set forth under the “Scope of Work” of this Agreement.
(b) Any employee, working under the terms of this Agreement, holding an active contractor’s license covering the Scope of Work as set forth in this Agreement, shall inactivate their license in accordance with State Law.
(c) Any Employee covered by this Agreement having no work hours reported during two (2) fringe benefit transmittal periods shall be terminated by the Employer unless prior approval is given by the Business Manager or their designated representative.
EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS. Section 2.1 Members of the Union, except those meeting the requirements of Employer as defined herein, shall not contract for any electrical work by the hour, unit basis, lump sum or any other manner whatsoever.
Section 2.2 ST. XXXXXXX ELECTRIC, shall not loan or cause to be loaned any workmen in its employ and covered by this Agreement.
Section 2.3 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive representative of all its employees performing work within the jurisdiction of the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment and other conditions of employment. The Employer understands that the Local Unions’ jurisdiction, both trade and territorial, is not a subject for negotiations but rather is determined solely within the IBEW by the International President and, therefore, agrees to recognize and be bound by such determinations.
Section 2.4 All employees covered by the terms of this Agreement shall be required to become and remain members of the respective Unions (Local 1245/47) as a condition of employment from and after the eighth day following the date of their employment or the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is later.
EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS. Section 2.01 - Definition of Employer – Certain qualifications, knowledge, experience and financial responsibility are required of everyone desiring to be an Employer under the terms of this Agreement. Therefore, an Employer who contracts for such work is a person, firm or corporation having these qualifications and maintaining a permanent place of business, a business telephone and adequate tools, equipment and inventory. The Employer shall maintain a suitable financial status to meet payroll requirements, when performing work covered under this Agreement.
a. Employees, except those meeting the requirements of Employer as defined herein, shall not contract for any work as set forth under the Scope of Work of this Agreement, except as provided for in Section 2.05.
b. Any employee, working under the terms of this Agreement, holding an active contractor's license covering the Scope of Work as set forth in the Agreement, shall inactivate said license, except as provided for in Section 2.05.
EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS. Article II, Section 1 - Electrical employees, except those meeting the requirements of the Employer, as defined herein, shall not contract for any electrical work or perform electrical work for pay or wages for person, firm, or corporation not employing men under this Agreement. Any electrical employee holding an active contractors license shall inactivate the license while working under the terms of this agreement. No xxxxxxx shall himself become a contractor for the performance of any electrical work while he is subject to employment under the terms of this Agreement. The firm shall have one journeyman, not a member of the firm, employed under the terms of this Agreement at all times. An electrical contractor shall not perform work as a Journeyman or as an Apprentice except one (1) designated member of a firm (Employer) shall be permitted to work with the tools at any time on any job when not more than five (5) Journeymen are in his employ. Such working member of a firm (Employer) shall work under all the terms and conditions of the existing Article II, Section 2 - Certain qualifications, knowledge, experience and financial responsibility are required of everyone desiring to be an Employer in the Electrical Industry. Therefore, an Employer who contracts for electrical work is a person, firm or corporation having these qualifications and maintaining a permanent place of business, maintaining a business telephone, a suitable financial status to meet payroll requirements, having adequate tools and equipment, and shall be in possession of a valid state license as an electrical contractor.
EMPLOYER RIGHTS - UNION RIGHTS. 2.1 Certain qualifications, knowledge, experience, and financial responsibility are required of an Electrical Contractor. Therefore, an Electrical Contractor is a person, firm, or corporation having these qualifications and maintaining a permanent place of business other than his/her residence, a suitable financial status to meet payroll requirements, and employs at least one (1) Journeyman Lineman regularly. A Contractor/Owner may work as a Xxxxxxx provided he is working no more than two (2) crews in the jurisdiction.
a. Employees, except those meeting the requirements of “Employer” as defined herein, shall not contract for any work as set forth under the “Scope of Work” of this Agreement.
a. The Unions understand the Employer is responsible to perform the work required by the owner. The Employer, shall, therefore, have no restrictions except those specifically provided for in the collective bargaining agreement, in planning, directing and controlling the operation of all his work, in deciding the number and kind of employees to properly perform the work, in hiring and laying off employees, in transferring employees from job-to-job within the Local Unions’ geographical jurisdiction, in determining the need and number as well as the person who will act as xxxxxxx, in requiring all employees to observe the Employees and/or owner’s rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Agreement, in requiring all employees to observe all safety regulations, and in discharging employees for proper cause.
b. The employer shall have the right to call Xxxxxxx by name provided:
(1) The employee has not quit his previous employer within the past two weeks.
(2) The employer shall notify the business manager in writing of the name of the individual who is to be requested for employment as a Xxxxxxx. Upon such request, the business manager shall refer said xxxxxxx provided the name appears on the highest priority group.
(3) When an employee is called as a xxxxxxx he must remain as a xxxxxxx for 1,000 hours or must receive a reduction in force.