Fishing and Water Resources Sample Clauses

Fishing and Water Resources. Tanzania is a coastal state endowed with fishery resources. She has both marine and inland fisheries potential. The marine water covers 64,000 km2 which includes the Indian Ocean and the Exclusive Economic Zone which covers 223,000 km2. The fresh water includes the riparian shared waters of East African great lakes namely Lake Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyasa. The country has also other small natural lakes, man made lakes, river systems and many wetlands with fish potential. All these waters cover 58,000 km2. The country has coastline of about 800 km declared as its Exclusion Economic Zone but has not yet been exploited. The present annual fish catch is about 350,000 metric tons.

Related to Fishing and Water Resources

  • Engineer Resources The Engineer shall furnish and maintain quarters for the performance of all services, in addition to providing adequate and sufficient personnel and equipment to perform the services required under the contract. The Engineer certifies that it presently has adequate qualified personnel in its employment for performance of the services required under this contract, or it will be able to obtain such personnel from sources other than the State.

  • Energy Cooperation shall focus on: (a) renewable energy; (b) promoting the saving of energy; (c) applied research relating to networks of databases linking the two Parties' economic and social operators; (d) backing efforts to modernise and develop energy networks and the interconnection of such networks with Community networks.

  • Modern Slavery You hereby affirm your compliance with the Modern Slavery Xxx 0000 and associated guidance. You confirm (a) that you have read, are familiar with and shall not perform an act or omission which is in contravention with, the letter or spirit of the Act; and (b) you carry out regular, meaningful and comprehensive due diligence procedures and have internal policies in place to address any suspected human rights abuse in your business and Group where applicable.

  • PROJECT FINANCIAL RESOURCES i) Local In-kind Contributions $0 ii) Local Public Revenues $200,000 iii) Local Private Revenues iv) Other Public Revenues: $0 - ODOT/FHWA $0 - OEPA $0 - OWDA $0 - CDBG $0 - Other $0 v) OPWC Funds: - Loan Assistance $0

  • Electric Storage Resources Developer interconnecting an electric storage resource shall establish an operating range in Appendix C of its LGIA that specifies a minimum state of charge and a maximum state of charge between which the electric storage resource will be required to provide primary frequency response consistent with the conditions set forth in Articles 9.5.5,,, and of this Agreement. Appendix C shall specify whether the operating range is static or dynamic, and shall consider (1) the expected magnitude of frequency deviations in the interconnection; (2) the expected duration that system frequency will remain outside of the deadband parameter in the interconnection; (3) the expected incidence of frequency deviations outside of the deadband parameter in the interconnection; (4) the physical capabilities of the electric storage resource; (5) operational limitations of the electric storage resources due to manufacturer specification; and (6) any other relevant factors agreed to by the NYISO, Connecting Transmission Owner, and Developer. If the operating range is dynamic, then Appendix C must establish how frequently the operating range will be reevaluated and the factors that may be considered during its reevaluation. Developer’s electric storage resource is required to provide timely and sustained primary frequency response consistent with Article of this Agreement when it is online and dispatched to inject electricity to the New York State Transmission System and/or receive electricity from the New York State Transmission System. This excludes circumstances when the electric storage resource is not dispatched to inject electricity to the New York State Transmission System and/or dispatched to receive electricity from the New York State Transmission System. If Developer’s electric storage resource is charging at the time of a frequency deviation outside of its deadband parameter, it is to increase (for over-frequency deviations) or decrease (for under-frequency deviations) the rate at which it is charging in accordance with its droop parameter. Developer’s electric storage resource is not required to change from charging to discharging, or vice versa, unless the response necessitated by the droop and deadband settings requires it to do so and it is technically capable of making such a transition.

  • Company Resources (a) Company will be solely responsible, at Company's expense, for procuring, maintaining, and supporting all third-party software other than Third Party Products and all workstations, personal computers, printers, controllers or other hardware or peripheral equipment at Company's sites ("Company System") required for Company to operate the Licensed System in accordance with the Documentation and specifications provided by BNYM from time to time. BNYM will provide Company with specifications for Company System, including any requirements relating to the connection and operation of the Company System with the Licensed System and Third Party Products. Company shall conform its operating system environment to the operating system requirements provided by BNYM for the Licensed System. Company will support and maintain the Company System as necessary to ensure its operation does not impact the Licensed System adversely or otherwise in a manner not contemplated by the Documentation. (b) Company shall, at its own expense, devote such of the Company System and other equipment, facilities, personnel and resources reasonably necessary to (a) implement the Licensed System, (b) be trained in the use of the Licensed System, (c) perform timely any electrical work and cable installation necessary for Company's use of the Licensed System, and (d) begin using the Licensed System on a timely basis. BNYM shall not be responsible for any delays or fees and costs associated with Company's failure to timely perform its obligations under this Section 2.7.

  • Stormwater Management a) The Owner AGREES to implement the requirements incorporated in the Draft Plan Conditions attached as Schedule “F” and any reports submitted to Kawartha Region Conservation Authority and the City pertaining to: i) pre and post development run-off flows and water balance calculations, and the intended means of conveying stormwater flow from each Lot, Block and the entire proposed Plan of Subdivision; ii) the anticipated impact of the Plan of Subdivision on water quality and phosphorus control, as it relates to fish and fish habitat once adequate protective measures have been taken; iii) the means whereby erosion and sedimentation and their effects will be minimized on the site during and after construction; iv) the site soil conditions, including grain size distribution profiles; v) a site grading plan. b) The Owner AGREES to erect and maintain all stormwater management and erosion and sedimentation control structures operating and in good repair during the construction period, in a manner satisfactory to Kawartha Region Conservation Authority and the City. c) Prior to the execution of this Agreement, the Owner AGREES to confirm to the City that Conservation Authority has reviewed and approved the stormwater management report and plan, erosion and sedimentation plan, and final Lot Grading Plans as required under this Section. a) UPGRADES TO EXISTING STORM SEWER b) UPGRADES TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER

  • Resources Contractor is responsible for providing any and all facilities, materials and resources (including personnel, equipment and software) necessary and appropriate for performance of the Services and to meet Contractor's obligations under this Agreement.

  • Additional Resources The WLSC may establish workgroups that include other department representatives and/or subject matter experts. These subcommittees shall conform with rules established by the WLSC.

  • Cultural Resources If a cultural resource is discovered, the Purchaser shall immediately suspend all operations in the vicinity of the cultural resource and notify the Forest Officer. Operations may only resume if authorized by the Forest Officer. Cultural resources identified and protected elsewhere in this contract are exempted from this clause. Cultural resources, once discovered or identified, are not to be disturbed by the Purchaser, or his, her or its employees and/or sub- contractors.