Flat Fee Variable Descriptions. Flat Fee ID (FFEEIDX) Flat Fee Type (FFIPTYPE)
Flat Fee Variable Descriptions. Flat Fee ID (FFEEIDX) Flat Fee Type (FFOPTYPE) Counts of Flat Fee Events that Cross Years (FFBEF11, FFTOT12)
Flat Fee Variable Descriptions. There are several variables on this file that describe a flat fee payment situation and the number of medical events that are part of a flat fee group. As noted previously, for a person, the variable FFEEIDX can be used to identify all events, that are part of the same flat fee group. To identify such events, FFEEIDX should be used to link events from all 1997 MEPS event files (excluding prescribed medicines). For the office-based visits that are not part of a flat fee payment situation, the flat fee variables described below are all set to inapplicable (-1).
Flat Fee Variable Descriptions. FFHHTYPE indicates whether the 1997 home health provider event is the “stem” or “leaf” of a flat fee group. A stem (records with FFHHTYPE = 1) is the initial medical service (event) which is followed by other medical events that are covered under the same flat fee payment. The leaf of the flat fee group (records with FFHHTYPE = 2) are those medical events that are tied back to the initial medical event (the stem) in the flat fee group.
Flat Fee Variable Descriptions. Flat Fee ID (FFEEIDX)
Flat Fee Variable Descriptions. There are several variables on this file that describe a flat fee payment situation and the number of medical events that are part of a flat fee group. FFHHTYPX indicates whether the 1996 home health provider event is the “stem” or “leaf” of a flat fee group. A stem (records with FFHHTYPX = 1) is the initial medical service (event) which is followed by other medical events that are covered under the same flat fee payment. The leaf of the flat fee group (records with FFHHTYPX = 2) are those medical events that are tied back to the initial medical event (the stem) in the flat fee group.