Forest practices Sample Clauses
Forest practices. (1) The City’s Shoreline Master Program should rely on the Forest Practices Act and implementing rules, as well as the Forest and Fish Report as adequate management of commercial forest uses within shoreline jurisdiction.
Forest practices.
(1) Prohibited. New forest practices shall be prohibited within the City’s shoreline jurisdiction.
Forest practices. Forest practices regulated and conducted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 76.09 RCW and forest practices regulations, Title 222 WAC, provided that forest practice conversions are not exempt.
Forest practices. Chapter 76.09
Forest practices. Coniferous forests are the dominant forest type throughout the Puget Sound basin, with the exception of areas with relatively frequent natural disturbance (e.g., landslides, wind stress), or soils that would not support conifers (e.g., rocky headlands, shallow soils). The age structure, density, diversity, and connectivity of existing riparian forests are important characteristics that determine the types and level of functions provided.
a. Water Quality
Forest practices. Goal 1: World-leading boreal “on-the-ground” sustainable forest management practices based on the principles of ecosystem based management, active adaptive management, and third party verification.
Forest practices permit specific issue involving northern spotted owls. If Audubon is concerned about a specific forest practices application or approval involving northern spotted owls, Audubon may raise this concern with DNR, and also the Washington Forest Protection Association (WFPA) if the landowner is a WFPA member. The parties agree to work collaboratively to raise concerns with the applicant about application specific northern spotted owl issues that may interfere with the working group. This commitment does not limit State Defendants’ implementation and enforcement authority under RCW 76.09.
Forest practices. In accordance with 16 U.S.C. § 583a, the BIA and the Tribe will manage the terms, conditions, time, rate, and method of harvesting timber and other forest products from off-Reservation portions of the Properties in a coordinated manner with the on-Reservation portions of the Properties, other lands owned in fee by the Tribe, and land owned by the United States in trust for the Tribe.