Indemnity to be Provided If the Trust requests the Custodian to take any action with respect to Securities, which may, in the opinion of the Custodian, result in the Custodian or its nominee becoming liable for the payment of money or incurring liability of some other form, the Custodian shall not be required to take such action until the Trust shall have provided indemnity therefor to the Custodian in an amount and form satisfactory to the Custodian.
Data to Be Provided In order for the Operator to perform the Services described in the Service Agreement, LEA shall provide the categories of data described in the Schedule of Data, attached as Exhibit B.
STATEMENT OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The Parties agree to cooperate to provide necessary and authorized services and resources in accordance with the terms of this Contract. Specific services provided are described in Attachment A – Statement of Work.
Warranty of Ability to Perform Upon the effective date of the Term Contract, and each year on the anniversary date of the Term Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Department a completed PUR 7801, Vendor Certification Form. The Contractor warrants that, to the best of its knowledge, there is no pending or threatened action, proceeding, or investigation, or any other legal or financial condition, that would in any way prohibit, restrain, or diminish the Contractor’s ability to satisfy its Term Contract obligations. Additionally, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Department in writing if its ability to perform is compromised in any manner during the term of the Term Contract (including potential inability to renew the Term Contract due to section 287.138 or 908.111, F.S.) or if it or its suppliers, subcontractors, or consultants under the Term Contract are placed on the Suspended Vendor, Convicted Vendor, Discriminatory Vendor, Forced Labor Vendor, or Antitrust Violator Vendor Lists. The Contractor shall use commercially reasonable efforts to avoid or minimize any delays in performance and shall inform the Department of the steps the Contractor is taking or will take to do so, and the projected actual completion (or delivery) time. If the Contractor believes a delay in performance by the Department has caused or will cause the Contractor to be unable to perform its obligations on time, the Contractor shall promptly so notify the Department and use commercially reasonable efforts to perform its obligations on time notwithstanding the Department’s delay.
WARRANTY OF CONTRACTOR’S ABILITY TO PERFORM The Contractor warrants that, to the best of its knowledge, there is no pending or threatened action, proceeding, or investigation, or any other legal or financial condition, that would in any way prohibit, restrain, or diminish the Contractor’s ability to satisfy its Contract obligations. The Contractor warrants that neither it nor any affiliate is currently on the Suspended Vendor List, Convicted Vendor List, or the Discriminatory Vendor List, or on any similar list maintained by any other state or the federal government. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Department in writing if its ability to perform is compromised in any manner during the term of the Contract. Contractor’s candidates shall complete this Resume Self-Certification Form. Completed Resume Self-Certification Forms shall be submitted within the Contractor’s response to Customer’s requests for quote. “I the undersigned do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that information in my resume submitted for consideration of the State of Florida contract position is true, correct, complete, and made in good faith to the best of my knowledge and belief. If an omission, falsification, misstatement, or misrepresentation has been made regarding my education, work ability, experience, employment history, and/or fitness for employment as a contractor, I may be disqualified as a contractor, and the matter will be reported to appropriate agency or law enforcement personnel. I understand that there may be civil and/or criminal penalties for misrepresenting pertinent information in connection with contract positions, including, but not limited to, penalties available under sections 287.133 or 817.566, Florida Statutes. I further understand that if I am not a United States citizen, violation cases may be reported to the US Department of Homeland Security for potential deportation.” “In addition, I the undersigned do hereby consent to the release of my information by employers, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, and other individuals and organizations to investigators and other authorized agents of Florida for verification and investigation purposes. I understand that any documents submitted to procure a contract(s) with the State of Florida, including resumes, are public records.” Print Full Legal Name of Candidate Candidate’s Signature Date Candidate’s Form of Identification Presented Identification number Contractor’s Witness Signature One Date Contractor’s Witness Signature Two Date Print Name Contractor’s Witness One Print Name Contractor’s Witness Two Customers shall complete this Contractor Selection Justification Form for each candidate selected and attach all completed forms to the purchase order. Date: Contractor’s Name: Contractor’s Contact Information: Candidate’s Name: Address: _ Phone: _ Email: Date Candidate will be available: _ Hourly rate of candidate: $ Position candidate recommended for: _ Justification for selection of candidate: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Agency: Division/Section/Unit: _ Printed Name: _ Title: _ Signature _ Date: Contractor's Name: Quarter: Purchase Order (PO) Number: PO Total $ Amount: PO Starting Date Ending Date Please review the attached Rating Definitions and provide your opinion by rating the following: 1. Effectiveness performing tasks 2. Quality & completeness of work 3 ❒ 3 ❒ 2 ❒ 2 ❒ 1 ❒ 1 ❒
Information to be Provided The notice of intent to introduce a technological change shall contain: the nature of the change; effective date of the change; the approximate number, type and location of Local members affected by change; and the anticipated effects the change may have on Local members. The Board shall update this information as new developments arise and modifications are made.
To be Provided Annually but no later than December 1 i) Current complete address listing, ii) Details of all absences of members from the workplace due to an injury for which the member received Workplace Safety and Insurance Board benefits, iii) All approved leaves of absence including type of leave. Any additional information requests beyond that noted above may be provided, if possible, by the Employer at the expense of the Plan, unless the Employer is obligated by law to provide the information.
Ability to Abandon CVR A Holder may at any time, at such Holder’s option, abandon all of such Holder’s remaining rights in a CVR by transferring such CVR to Parent without consideration therefor. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to prohibit Parent from offering to acquire CVRs for consideration in its sole discretion.
Warranty of Services Contractor warrants that the services provided conform to the contract requirements, including all descriptions, specifications and attachments made a part of this contract. The Department’s acceptance of services provided by Contractor shall not relieve Contractor from its obligations under this warranty. In addition to its other remedies under this contract, at law, or in equity, the Department may, at Contractor's expense, require prompt correction of any services failing to meet Contractor's warranty herein. Services corrected by Contractor shall be subject to all the provisions of this contract in the manner and to the same extent as services originally furnished.
Ability to Bear Risk The Purchaser represents and warrants that (i) the financial situation of the Purchaser is such that the Purchaser can afford to bear the economic risk of holding the Shares for an indefinite period and (ii) the Purchaser can afford to suffer the complete loss of the Purchaser's investment in the Shares.