Keywords Price expiry date (to be in line with Review Dates)
BRAND NAME OR EQUALS/DEVIATIONS Unless otherwise specified, the mention of a particular manufacturer’s brand name or number in the specifications does not imply that this particular good is the only one that will be considered for purchase. This reference is intended solely to designate the type or quality of good that will be acceptable. Equal offers will be considered and must include descriptive literature and/or specifications. Failure to provide descriptive literature and/or specifications with equal offers will result in the disqualification of the bid. The determination as to whether any alternate good or service is or is not equal shall be made solely by the County and such determination shall be final and binding upon all bidders. The County reserves the right to request and review additional information to make such a determination. Although the County provides for the consideration of alternate bids, it reserves the right to make an award in the best interest of the County. Award may not necessarily be given to the lowest bid offered. The Bidder shall be responsible for reading very carefully, and understanding completely, the requirements and the specifications of the items bid upon. Unless the bid is in response to a “Brand Name or Equal” requirement, deviations from the specifications will only be considered if requested in writing prior to the date and time specified for receipt of bids. Deviations, if accepted, will be specifically addressed in writing via an addendum to this Invitation for Bids. Any goods or services that are not in compliance with the specifications will not be accepted.
Advertising Materials 1. Open Ecosystem Partner may add its own material to the information supplied by either indirectly by Distributor or directly by SAP, solely for the purposes of Open Ecosystem Partner's own marketing activities. Any material which is added must be clearly marked as Open Ecosystem Partner's material. 2. All marketing and promotional materials developed by or for Open Ecosystem Partner, including, but not limited to, print advertisement, broadcast or telecast commercials, product brochures, sales aids, manuals, displays, and publicity concerning the Software distributed hereunder and related services must be of first quality.
Authoritative Root Database To the extent that ICANN is authorized to set policy with regard to an authoritative root server system (the “Authoritative Root Server System”), ICANN shall use commercially reasonable efforts to (a) ensure that the authoritative root will point to the top-‐level domain nameservers designated by Registry Operator for the TLD, (b) maintain a stable, secure, and authoritative publicly available database of relevant information about the TLD, in accordance with ICANN publicly available policies and procedures, and (c) coordinate the Authoritative Root Server System so that it is operated and maintained in a stable and secure manner; provided, that ICANN shall not be in breach of this Agreement and ICANN shall have no liability in the event that any third party (including any governmental entity or internet service provider) blocks or restricts access to the TLD in any jurisdiction.
Root-‐zone Information Publication ICANN’s publication of root-‐zone contact information for the TLD will include Registry Operator and its administrative and technical contacts. Any request to modify the contact information for the Registry Operator must be made in the format specified from time to time by ICANN at xxxx://
Advertising Limitations Provider is prohibited from using, disclosing, or selling Student Data to (a) inform, influence, or enable Targeted Advertising; or (b) develop a profile of a student, family member/guardian or group, for any purpose other than providing the Service to LEA. This section does not prohibit Provider from using Student Data (i) for adaptive learning or customized student learning (including generating personalized learning recommendations); or (ii) to make product recommendations to teachers or LEA employees; or (iii) to notify account holders about new education product updates, features, or services or from otherwise using Student Data as permitted in this DPA and its accompanying exhibits
USE OF NASA NAME AND NASA EMBLEMS A. NASA Name and Initials Partner shall not use "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" or "NASA" in a way that creates the impression that a product or service has the authorization, support, sponsorship, or endorsement of NASA, which does not, in fact, exist. Except for releases under the "Release of General Information to the Public and Media" Article, Partner must submit any proposed public use of the NASA name or initials (including press releases and all promotional and advertising use) to the NASA Associate Administrator for the Office of Communications or designee ("NASA Communications") for review and approval. Approval by NASA Office of Communications shall be based on applicable law and policy governing the use of the NASA name and initials. B. NASA Emblems Use of NASA emblems (i.e., NASA Seal, NASA Insignia, NASA logotype, NASA Program Identifiers, and the NASA Flag) is governed by 14 C.F.R. Part 1221. Partner must submit any proposed use of the emblems to NASA Communications for review and approval.
Posting licensed content on any Website The following terms and conditions apply as follows: Licensing material from an Elsevier journal: All content posted to the web site must maintain the copyright information line on the bottom of each image; A hyper-text must be included to the Homepage of the journal from which you are licensing at xxxx:// or the Elsevier homepage for books at xxxx://; Central Storage: This license does not include permission for a scanned version of the material to be stored in a central repository such as that provided by Heron/XanEdu. Licensing material from an Elsevier book: A hyper-text link must be included to the Elsevier homepage at xxxx:// . All content posted to the web site must maintain the copyright information line on the bottom of each image.
DISCLOSURE OF TBS ACCESS CODE TO THIRD PARTY (a) The Account Holder must exercise all care to ensure that the TBS Access Code is not disclosed to any person and shall take all steps to prevent forgery or fraud in connection with the use of his TBS Access Code and/or the operation of the TBS. If the TBS Access Code is disclosed to any person, the Account Holder must forthwith give the Bank written notice thereof, thereupon the Account Holder shall immediately cease to use the TBS Access Code. (b) Unless and until the Bank receives such written notice of disclosure, the Account Holder shall be fully liable and be bound by all transactions effected by the use of such TBS, with or without his consent or knowledge.
Mobile Subscriber Information You authorize your wireless carrier to disclose information about your account, such as subscriber status, payment method and device details, if available, to support identity verification, fraud avoidance and other uses in support of transactions for the duration of your business relationship with us. This information may also be shared with other companies to support your transactions with us and for identity verification and fraud avoidance purposes.