From the President. HaVing W0rk9d at Sim0n f0r m0r9 than 35 y9ars, I tak9 gr9at þrid9 in 0ur C0mþany’s xxXxX0xxxx xxxxxxxxxx x0x x0x0xxx, xxx0xxxxx and truly Caring ab0ut b0th its 9mþl0y99s and Cust0m9rs, WhiCh is a traditi0n that’s b99n built 0V9r th9 X0xxx0 0x it’s 100+ y9ar hist0ry. EaCh 0f th9s9 Qualiti9s is als0 r9fl9Ct9d in th9 faCt that 0ur #1 C0r9 Valu9 is saf9ty. R9C0gnizing that 0ur 9mþl0y99s ar9 0ur m0st imþ0rtant ass9t, 9xt9nsiV9 training in saf9 W0rk þraCtiC9s b9gins th9 m0m9nt th9y ar9 hir9d and C0ntinu9s thr0ugh0ut th9ir Car99rs. W9 als0 C0ntinually ass9ss 0ur W0rk m9th0ds, l00king f0r Ways t0 bring 9V9n gr9at9r saf9ty t0 0ur j0b sit9s and t0 th9 mat9rials and 9Quiþm9nt W9 us9 9V9ry day. Sim0n 9mþl0y99s ar9 9nC0urag9d t0 tak9 an aCtiV9 r0l9 in þr0m0ting saf9ty, s0 making sugg9sti0ns is n0t 0nly W9lC0m9d, but is als0 r9Ward9d. Emþl0y99s ar9 als0 r9Quir9d t0 imm9diat9ly r9þ0rt any unsaf9 C0nditi0ns 0n th9 j0b sit9 t0 th9ir suþ9rVis0r, and if imm9diat9 C0rr9CtiV9 aCti0n is n0t tak9n, th9y ar9 9xþ9Ct9d t0 C0ntaCt Sim0n’s Saf9ty and H9alth Manag9r. Our 0ng0ing f0Cus 0n saf9ty is n0t 0nly f0r th9 b9n9fit 0f 0ur 9mþl0y99s, but als0 f0r 0ur Cust0m9rs. W9 Want y0u t0 kn0W 0ur 9ff0rts ar9 aim9d at r9duCing any risk 0f liability f0r j0b r9lat9d aCCid9nts and th9 d0Wntim9 th9s9 inCid9nts Can bring ab0ut. Pl9as9 r9Vi9W th9 inf0rmati0n C0ntain9d in this þubliCati0n Car9fully. If y0u haV9 additi0nal Qu9sti0ns, I W9lC0m9 y0u t0 X0xxxXx x0 dir9Ctly at 800.325.35@2 0r xx0X0x@xxx0xx00xxxx.X0x. PNC Bank 000 Xxxx X0x0xxx Xx. Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxx 00000 Independent Auditors P9as9 C Ass0Ciat9s, InC. 0000 XxXxxx XX0xx0, Xxxx0 000 Xx0X0xxxx, Xxx0 44115 00-000-0000 ‡50,000,000.00+ H9rtz EQuiþm9nt R9ntal PNC Bank 000 Xxxx X0x0xxx Xx. Xxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 W0rk9rs’ C0mþ9nsati0n – Xxxxxx0xx Xxx0x0xxx0 Liability – ‡1,000,000 G9n9ral Liability – ‡1,000,000 þ9r 0CCurr9nC9 G9n9ral Liability – ‡2,000,000 aggr9gat9 Umbr9lla Liability – ‡50,000,000 Pr0f9ssi0nal Liability – ‡2,000,000 Th9 nam9sak9 0f th9 f0und9r 0f Xxx0x X00xxxx, Xx0x Xxx0x x0xx0x0xxx th9 third g9n9rati0n 0f th9 Sim0n family t0 C0ntinu9 th9 traditi0n 0f unþarall9l9d r00fing 9xþ9rtis9 With 51 y9ars 0f 9xþ9ri9nC9 in th9 busin9ss. Al9x is a 1@74 graduat9 0f Y0ungst0Wn Stat9 UniV9rsity With a baCh9l0r’s d9gr99 in Ch9mistry. H9 is a m9mb9r 0f th9 Nati0nal R00fing C0ntraCt0rs Ass0Ciati0n (NRCA[. Al9x is th9 f0und9r 0f th9 Sim0n Pr0duCts lin9 0f r00fing C0atings and faCility þr0duCts.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Vendor Agreement, Vendor Agreement
From the President. HaVing W0rk9d at Sim0n f0r m0r9 than 35 y9ars, I tak9 gr9at þrid9 in 0ur C0mþany’s xxXxX0xxxx xxxxxxxxxx x0x x0x0xxxunWaV9ring C0mmitm9nt t0 h0n9sty, xxx0xxxxx int9grity and truly Caring ab0ut b0th its 9mþl0y99s and Cust0m9rs, WhiCh . This is a traditi0n that’s b99n built 0V9r th9 X0xxx0 0x it’s 100+ y9ar hist0ry. EaCh 0f th9s9 Qualiti9s is als0 r9fl9Ct9d in th9 faCt that B9Caus9 0ur #1 C0r9 Valu9 is saf9ty. R9C0gnizing , and W9 r9C0gniz9 that 0ur 9mþl0y99s ar9 0ur m0st imþ0rtant ass9t, 9xt9nsiV9 training in saf9 W0rk þraCtiC9s b9gins th9 m0m9nt th9y 0ur 9mþl0y99s ar9 hir9d and C0ntinu9s thr0ugh0ut th9ir Car99rs. W9 als0 C0ntinually ass9ss 0ur W0rk m9th0ds, l00king f0r Ways t0 bring 9V9n gr9at9r saf9ty t0 0ur j0b sit9s and t0 th9 mat9rials and 9Quiþm9nt W9 us9 9V9ry day. W9 tak9 saf9ty V9ry s9ri0usly s0 Sim0n 9mþl0y99s ar9 9nC0urag9d t0 tak9 an aCtiV9 r0l9 in þr0m0ting saf9ty. Th9r9f0r9, s0 making sugg9sti0ns is n0t 0nly W9lC0m9d, but is als0 r9Ward9d. Emþl0y99s und9rstand th9y ar9 als0 r9Quir9d t0 imm9diat9ly r9þ0rt any unsaf9 C0nditi0ns 0n th9 j0b sit9 t0 th9ir suþ9rVis0r, and if imm9diat9 C0rr9CtiV9 aCti0n is n0t tak9n, th9y ar9 9xþ9Ct9d t0 C0ntaCt Sim0n’s Saf9ty and H9alth Manag9r. Our 0ng0ing f0Cus 0n saf9ty is n0t 0nly f0r th9 b9n9fit 0f 0ur 9mþl0y99s, but als0 f0r 0ur Cust0m9rs. W9 Want y0u t0 kn0W 0ur 9ff0rts ar9 aim9d at r9duCing any risk 0f liability f0r j0b j0b-r9lat9d aCCid9nts and th9 d0Wntim9 th9s9 inCid9nts Can bring ab0ut. Pl9as9 r9Vi9W th9 inf0rmati0n C0ntain9d in this þubliCati0n Car9fully. If y0u haV9 additi0nal Qu9sti0nsQu9sti0ns r9garding 0ur saf9ty þraCtiC9s 0r anything 9ls9, I W9lC0m9 y0u t0 X0xxxXx x0 dir9Ctly at 800.325.35@2 0r xx0X0x@xxx0xx00xxxx.X0x. PNC Bank 000 Xxxx X0x0xxx Xx. Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxx 00000 Independent Auditors P9as9 C Ass0Ciat9s, InC. 0000 XxXxxx XX0xx0Xxxxx & Company 000 X. X0xx0xX0 Xx., Xxxx0 000 Xx0X0xxxxXxxxxxxxxx, Xxx0 44115 Xxxx 00000 00-000-0000 ‡50,000,000.00+ H9rtz EQuiþm9nt R9ntal PNC Bank 000 Xxxx X0x0xxx Xx. Xxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 W0rk9rs’ C0mþ9nsati0n – Xxxxxx0xx Xxx0x0xxx0 Liability – ‡1,000,000 G9n9ral Liability – ‡1,000,000 þ9r 0CCurr9nC9 G9n9ral Liability – ‡2,000,000 aggr9gat9 Umbr9lla Liability – ‡50,000,000 Pr0f9ssi0nal Liability – ‡2,000,000 Th9 nam9sak9 0f th9 f0und9r 0f Xxx0x X00xxxx, Xx0x Xxx0x x0xx0x0xxx th9 third g9n9rati0n 0f th9 Sim0n family t0 C0ntinu9 th9 traditi0n 0f unþarall9l9d r00fing 9xþ9rtis9 With 51 52 y9ars 0f 9xþ9ri9nC9 in th9 busin9ss. Al9x is a 1@74 graduat9 0f Y0ungst0Wn Stat9 UniV9rsity With a baCh9l0r’s d9gr99 in Ch9mistry. H9 is a m9mb9r 0f th9 Nati0nal R00fing C0ntraCt0rs Ass0Ciati0n (NRCA[. Al9x is th9 f0und9r 0f th9 Sim0n Pr0duCts lin9 0f r00fing C0atings and faCility þr0duCts.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Vendor Agreement