Electric Storage Resources Developer interconnecting an electric storage resource shall establish an operating range in Appendix C of its LGIA that specifies a minimum state of charge and a maximum state of charge between which the electric storage resource will be required to provide primary frequency response consistent with the conditions set forth in Articles 9.5.5,,, and of this Agreement. Appendix C shall specify whether the operating range is static or dynamic, and shall consider (1) the expected magnitude of frequency deviations in the interconnection; (2) the expected duration that system frequency will remain outside of the deadband parameter in the interconnection; (3) the expected incidence of frequency deviations outside of the deadband parameter in the interconnection; (4) the physical capabilities of the electric storage resource; (5) operational limitations of the electric storage resources due to manufacturer specification; and (6) any other relevant factors agreed to by the NYISO, Connecting Transmission Owner, and Developer. If the operating range is dynamic, then Appendix C must establish how frequently the operating range will be reevaluated and the factors that may be considered during its reevaluation. Developer’s electric storage resource is required to provide timely and sustained primary frequency response consistent with Article of this Agreement when it is online and dispatched to inject electricity to the New York State Transmission System and/or receive electricity from the New York State Transmission System. This excludes circumstances when the electric storage resource is not dispatched to inject electricity to the New York State Transmission System and/or dispatched to receive electricity from the New York State Transmission System. If Developer’s electric storage resource is charging at the time of a frequency deviation outside of its deadband parameter, it is to increase (for over-frequency deviations) or decrease (for under-frequency deviations) the rate at which it is charging in accordance with its droop parameter. Developer’s electric storage resource is not required to change from charging to discharging, or vice versa, unless the response necessitated by the droop and deadband settings requires it to do so and it is technically capable of making such a transition.
Electric Service 1. The Authority shall make available Electric Service to enable the Customer to receive the Allocation in accordance with this Agreement, Service Tariff No. WNY-2 and the Rules. 2. The Customer shall not be entitled to receive Electric Service under this Agreement for any EP and/or RP allocation unless such EP and/or RP allocation is identified in Schedule A. 3. The Authority will provide, and the Customer shall accept and pay for, Electric Service with respect to the Allocation specified in Schedule A. If Schedule C specifies a Takedown Schedule for the Allocation, the Authority will provide, and the Customer shall accept and pay for, Electric Service with respect to the Allocation in accordance with such Takedown Schedule. 4. The Authority shall provide UCAP in amounts necessary to meet the Customer’s NYISO UCAP requirements associated with the Allocation in accordance with the NYISO Tariffs. The Customer shall be responsible to pay the Authority for such UCAP in accordance with Service Tariff No. WNY-2. 5. The provision of Electric Service associated with the Allocation is an unbundled service separate from the transmission and delivery of power and energy to the Customer. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that Customer’s local electric utility, not the Authority, shall be responsible for delivering the Allocation to the Facility specified in Schedule A in accordance with the applicable Utility Tariff(s). 6. The Contract Demand for the Customer’s Allocation may be modified by the Authority if the amount of Firm Power and Firm Energy available for sale as EP or RP from the Project is modified as required to comply with any ruling, order, or decision of any regulatory or judicial body having jurisdiction, including but not limited to FERC. Any such modification will be made on a pro rata basis to all EP and RP customers, as applicable, based on the terms of such ruling, order, or decision. 7. The Contract Demand may not exceed the Allocation. 8. The Customer’s Facility must be metered by the Customer’s local electric utility in a manner satisfactory to the Authority, or another metering arrangement satisfactory to the Authority must be provided (collectively, “Metering Arrangement”). A Metering Arrangement that is not satisfactory to the Authority shall be grounds, after notice to the Customer, for the Authority to modify, withhold, suspend, or terminate Electric Service to the Customer. If a Metering Arrangement is not made to conform to the Authority’s requirements within thirty
Interconnection Facilities Engineering Procurement and Construction Interconnection Facilities, Network Upgrades, and Distribution Upgrades shall be studied, designed, and constructed pursuant to Good Utility Practice. Such studies, design and construction shall be based on the assumed accuracy and completeness of all technical information received by the Participating TO and the CAISO from the Interconnection Customer associated with interconnecting the Large Generating Facility.
Electric If Customer has selected an Electricity Fixed Rate on the Application, Customer’s Price will be based on the Fixed Rate(s) which includes Local and State taxes, Gross Receipts Tax (GRT), PJM Adjustment (defined below) charges and adjustments and Utility applied charges and/or fees related to generation, plus the Administration Charge, which includes, Electricity Balancing Amount and third party utility and billing charges.
Electrical Equipment Residents must use only CSA, UL-approved or Canadian-certified electrical equipment; the rated wattage of light fixtures must never be exceeded; and only replacement bulbs supplied by Waterloo maintenance staff may be used. Do not leave any unattended electrical equipment turned on (i.e. hair straighteners, lights etc.)
Pipelines Developer shall have no interest in the pipeline gathering system, which gathering system shall remain the sole property of Operator or its Affiliates and shall be maintained at their sole cost and expense.
Drainage Systems (1) Clear culvert inlets, outlets, and sediment catching basins. (2) Maintain waterbars, drainage dips, and other water diversion measures. (3) During active use, patrol and maintain functional drainage. (4) Repair damaged culvert ends.
Non-Synchronous Generation The Interconnection Customer shall design its Small Generating Facility to maintain a composite power delivery at continuous rated power output at the high-side of the generator substation at a power factor within the range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging, unless the NYISO or the Transmission Owner in whose Transmission District the Small Generating Facility interconnects has established a different power factor range that applies to all similarly situated non-synchronous generators in the control area or Transmission District (as applicable) on a comparable basis, in accordance with Good Utility Practice. This power factor range standard shall be dynamic and can be met using, for example, power electronics designed to supply this level of reactive capability (taking into account any limitations due to voltage level, real power output, etc.) or fixed and switched capacitors, or a combination of the two. This requirement shall only apply to newly interconnecting non-synchronous generators that have not yet executed a Facilities Study Agreement as of September 21, 2016.
ELECTRICAL SERVICES The Company must construct and reticulate electrical requirements for all amenities and facilities. The Company must construct sub-station and distribution boards necessary to reticulate power to all Company owned or leased facilities which provide amenities to the public. The electrical installation must be to the design and installation standards of the State Energy Commission of Western Australia. All electrical reticulation must be placed underground.
Infrastructure Infrastructure serves as the foundation and building blocks of an integrated IT solution. It is the hardware which supports Application Services (C.3.2) and IT Management Services (C.3.3); the software and services which enable that hardware to function; and the hardware, software, and services which allow for secure communication and interoperability between all business and application service components. Infrastructure services facilitate the development and maintenance of critical IT infrastructures required to support Federal government business operations. This section includes the technical framework components that make up integrated IT solutions. One or any combination of these components may be used to deliver IT solutions intended to perform a wide array of functions which allow agencies to deliver services to their customers (or users), whether internal or external, in an efficient and effective manner. Infrastructure includes hardware, software, licensing, technical support, and warranty services from third party sources, as well as technological refreshment and enhancements for that hardware and software. This section is aligned with the FEA/DoDEA Technical Reference Model (TRM) which describes these components using a vocabulary that is common throughout the entire Federal government. A detailed review of the TRM is provided in Section J, Attachment 5. Infrastructure includes complete life cycle support for all hardware, software, and services represented above, including planning, analysis, research and development, design, development, integration and testing, implementation, operations and maintenance, information assurance, and final disposition of these components. The services also include administration and help desk functions necessary to support the IT infrastructure (e.g., desktop support, network administration). Infrastructure components of an integrated IT solution can be categorized as follows: