GENERAL PROVISIONS AND CONFIDENTIALITY. 8.1 The original documentation relevant to MF Power which is in Sellers’ possession will be put at Buyer’s disposal, in his offices, as from the 10th Working Day after the Contract execution. The Buyer undertakes to collect the documentation within the following 15 Working Days, upon signature of the relevant receipt and anticipating via fax at least 24 hours in advance to the Sellers his will to collect the documentation.
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  • General Confidentiality (a) For purposes of this Agreement, “

  • Records and Confidentiality All records pertaining to the operation and administration of the Trust and the Fund (whether prepared by the Adviser or supplied to the Adviser by the Trust or the Fund) are the property and subject to the control of the Trust. In the event of the termination of this agreement, all such records in the possession of the Adviser shall be promptly turned over to the Trust free from any claim or retention of rights. All such records shall be deemed to be confidential in nature and the Adviser shall not disclose or use any records or information obtained pursuant to this Agreement in any manner whatsoever except as expressly authorized by the Trust or as required by federal or state regulatory authorities. The Adviser shall submit to all regulatory and administrative bodies having jurisdiction over the operations of the Adviser or the Trust, present or future, any information, reports or other material obtained pursuant to this Agreement which any such body may request or require pursuant to applicable laws or regulations.

  • Access and Confidentiality (a) Until the earlier of the Closing Date and the date on which the Agreement is terminated pursuant to Article 10, Seller shall afford to Purchaser and its officers and authorized agents and representatives reasonable access during normal business hours to the properties, books, records, contracts, documents, files and other information of or relating to the Assets and the Assumed Liabilities; provided, however, that nothing herein shall afford Purchaser the right to review any information to the extent relating solely to loans held by Seller not constituting Loans, including information regarding borrowers, or any information to the extent relating solely to Seller’s other branches, facilities and operations not subject to this Agreement. Seller shall identify to Purchaser, within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date hereof, a group of its salaried personnel (with the necessary expertise and experience to assist Purchaser) that shall constitute a “transition group” who will be available to Purchaser at reasonable times during normal business hours to provide information and assistance in connection with Purchaser’s investigation of matters relating to the Assets, the Assumed Liabilities and transition matters. Such transition group will also work cooperatively to identify and resolve issues arising from any commingling of Records with Seller’s records for its other branches, assets and operations not subject to this Agreement. Seller shall furnish Purchaser with such additional financial and operating data and other information about its business operations at the Branches as may be reasonably necessary for the orderly transfer of the business operations of the Branches, and Purchaser shall be responsible for any documented, out-of-pocket third party costs reasonably incurred by Seller in connection with furnishing such information; provided, however, that nothing herein shall afford Purchaser the right to review any information relating to loans held by Seller not constituting Loans, including information regarding borrowers or any information relating to Seller’s other branches, facilities and operations not subject to this Agreement. Any investigation pursuant to this Section 7.2(a) shall be conducted in such manner as not to unreasonably interfere with the conduct of Seller’s business. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall not be required to provide access to or disclose information where such access or disclosure would impose an unreasonable burden on Seller, or any employee of Seller, or would violate or prejudice the rights of customers, jeopardize any attorney-client privilege or contravene any law, rule, regulation, order, judgment, decree, fiduciary duty or binding agreement entered into and disclosed to Purchaser prior to the date of this Agreement. Seller and Purchaser shall use reasonable best efforts to make appropriate substitute disclosure arrangements under circumstances in which the restrictions of the preceding sentence apply.

  • Duration of Confidentiality The provisions of this Article XIII shall apply during the term of this Agreement and for two years following termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 14.1, and shall continue to apply to any Member who withdraws, who is deemed to have withdrawn, or who Transfers its Ownership Interest, for two years following the date of such occurrence.

  • Loyalty and Confidentiality a. During the term of this Agreement Executive: (i) shall devote all his time, attention, skill, and efforts to the faithful performance of his duties hereunder; provided, however, that from time to time, Executive may serve on the boards of directors of, and hold any other offices or positions in, companies or organizations which will not present any conflict of interest with the Company and the Bank or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, unfavorably affect the performance of Executive’s duties pursuant to this Agreement, or violate any applicable statute or regulation and (ii) shall not engage in any business or activity contrary to the business affairs or interests of the Company and the Bank.

  • Confidentiality Provisions (a) Each Management Stockholder acknowledges, represents, and agrees that: (i) the Company’s financial statements and any other Confidential Information (as defined below) that the Company may, in its sole discretion, furnish to the Stockholders contain confidential, proprietary, and material nonpublic information about the Company; (ii) it shall keep the Confidential Information and all information therein secret and confidential; (iii) it shall hold same in accordance with its customary procedures, if any, for handling confidential information on investments; (iv) it shall not disclose the Confidential Information or any information therein to anyone except (A) to its Affiliates (that do not compete with, or engage in any of the same businesses as, the Company), officers, directors, employees, agents or advisors, who are directly involved in the administration of its stockholding in the Company, all of whom must be advised of and agree to adhere to the terms of this Section 6, (B) as required by law, or (C) as requested or required by any provincial, state, federal, national or foreign authority or examiner regulating banks or banking or claiming to have the authority to regulate banks or banking; (v) it shall be responsible for any breach of the terms of this Section 6 committed to anyone to whom it disclosed the Confidential Information or any information therein; (vi) it shall not use the Confidential Information or any information therein for any purpose other than for appropriate purposes in connection with its stockholding in the Company; and (vii) in the event of any breach of the terms of this Section 6, the Company shall be entitled to specific performance and/or injunctive relief (without bond) as a remedy for any such breach, in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity, and shall be entitled to reimbursement of all legal fees and litigation expenses incurred in enforcing the terms of this Section 6.

  • Non Competition and Confidentiality The Executive agrees that:

  • Access to Information; Confidentiality (a) Upon reasonable advance written notice, subject to applicable logistical restrictions or limitations as a result of COVID-19 or any COVID-19 Measures and solely for purposes of furthering the Merger Transactions, the Company shall, and shall cause each of its Subsidiaries to, afford to Parent, Merger Sub and their respective representatives reasonable access during normal business hours during the period from the date of this Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time or the valid termination of this Agreement pursuant to Article VII, to all their respective properties, assets, books, contracts, commitments, personnel and records and, during such period, the Company shall, and shall cause each of its Subsidiaries to, furnish promptly to Parent: (i) a copy of each report, schedule, registration statement and other document filed or received by it during such period pursuant to the requirements of federal or state securities Laws and (ii) all other information concerning its business, properties and personnel as Parent or Merger Sub may reasonably request (including Tax Returns filed and those in preparation and the workpapers of its auditors). Nothing herein (including, for the avoidance of doubt, this Section 5.2(a) and Section 5.2(b)) shall require the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to provide such access or information to the extent that such action (A) would reasonably be expected to result in a waiver of attorney-client privilege, work product doctrine or similar privilege, (B) specifically relates to the evaluation, deliberation or minutes of the Company Board (or any committee or subcommittee thereof) related to the Merger Transactions, the strategic and financial alternatives process leading thereto, or any information or materials provided to the Company Board (or any committee or subcommittee thereof) in connection therewith or (C) would reasonably be expected to violate any applicable Law or any confidentiality obligation owing to a third party so long as the Company shall promptly notify Parent of any such confidentiality obligations or access restrictions and use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain the consent of such third party to provide such information and otherwise provide such access to Parent, if requested and (b) generally describe the type of information that cannot be disclosed to Parent (to the extent not prohibited by law or the underlying document). No investigation pursuant to this Section 5.2 shall affect any representation or warranty in this Agreement of any party hereto or any condition to the obligations of the parties hereto. All requests for access pursuant to this Section 5.2 must be directed to the Chief Financial Officer of the Company or another person designated in writing by the Company. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Parent and Merger Sub shall not, and shall cause their respective representatives not to, contact any partner, licensor, licensee, customer or supplier of the Company in connection with the Offer, the Merger or any of the other Merger Transactions without the Company’s prior written consent (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), and Parent and Merger Sub acknowledge and agree that any such contact shall be arranged by and with a representative of the Company participating.

  • General Provisions In connection with any Registration Statement and any Prospectus required by this Agreement to permit the sale or resale of Transfer Restricted Securities (including, without limitation, any Registration Statement and the related Prospectus required to permit resales of Initial Securities by Broker-Dealers), each of the Company and the Guarantors shall:

  • RECORD RETENTION AND CONFIDENTIALITY Ultimus shall keep and maintain on behalf of the Trust all books and records which the Trust and Ultimus is, or may be, required to keep and maintain pursuant to any applicable statutes, rules and regulations, including without limitation Rules 31a-1 and 31a-2 under the 1940 Act, relating to the maintenance of books and records in connection with the services to be provided hereunder. Ultimus further agrees that all such books and records shall be the property of the Trust, and agrees to surrender the records of the Trust upon request, and to make such books and records available for inspection by the Trust or by the SEC at reasonable times and otherwise to keep confidential all books and records and other information relative to the Trust and its shareholders; except when requested to divulge such information by duly-constituted authorities or court process. If Ultimus is requested or required to disclose any confidential information supplied to it by the Trust, Ultimus shall, unless prohibited by law, promptly notify the Trust of such request(s) so that the Trust may seek an appropriate protective order. Nonpublic personal shareholder information shall remain the sole property of the Trust. Such information shall not be disclosed or used for any purpose except in connection with the performance of the duties and responsibilities described herein or as required or permitted by law. The provisions of this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. The parties agree to comply with any and all regulations promulgated by the SEC or other applicable laws regarding the confidentiality of shareholder information.

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