General Services Agreement. The City reserves the right to award the total bid, to reject any or all bids in whole or in part, and to waive any informality or technical defects if, in the City’s sole judgment, the best interests of the City will be so served. This ITB and the selected offeror’s response thereto, shall constitute the basis of the scope of services in the contract by reference.
General Services Agreement. This General Services Agreement ("GSA") is made by and between Client and Company whose names appear in the Summary attached hereto as page one (1) and incorporated herein and states the terms and conditions under which Company will provide services and rent furniture and equipment (the "Equipment") to Client. All terms defined in the Summary shall have the same meaning herein. This GSA shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the General Provisions attached hereto as Section C and incorporated herein. The GSA Schedule attached hereto as page one (1) sets forth the services Company shall provide and the monthly fixed charges Client shall pay Company for such services.
General Services Agreement. Parallel Operating Agreement(s).
General Services Agreement containing any of SWI’s proprietary information shall at all times during their development and thereafter be deemed to be property of SWI.