Handoff. Verizon hands off Access service based on Customer’s equipment (e.g., Ethernet, TDM, Wireless), which include the following characteristics: For Ethernet, Verizon provides a User Network Interface (UNI) that allows Customer to terminate one or more Ethernet virtual connections (“EVC’s”) onto a single Ethernet Access UNI including Ethernet LAN local – basic UNI (formerly SES) as available in the following areas: CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VA. For Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Verizon’s handoff may include an Access connection over a Dense Wave Division Multiplexing network. For Wireless Connection (Outside the US), Verizon provides Access via a wireless connection (used as primary or backup access) into Customer’s Verizon-provided services. For Software Defined Interconnect (SDI), Verizon provides an interconnection across a Third Party vendor network interface between a Customer’s Private IP service and their equipment within select Third Party data centers. Customer must separately have a suitable existing physical connection to select Third Party vendor networks. Customer must separately have a Contract for the Verizon Private IP service in order to utilize SDI service.
Handoff. Verizon hands off Access service based on Customer’s equipment (e.g., Ethernet, TDM, Wireless), which include the following characteristics: For Ethernet, Verizon provides a User Network Interface (UNI) that allows Customer to terminate one or more Ethernet virtual connections (“EVC’s”) onto a single Ethernet Access UNI). For Time Division Multiplexing (“TDM”), Verizon’s handoff may include an Access connection over a Dense Wave Division Multiplexing network. For Wireless Connection (Outside the US), Verizon provides Access via a wireless connection (used as primary or backup access) into Customer’s Verizon-provided services.
Handoff. Verizon hands off Access service based on Customer’s equipment (e.g., Ethernet, TDM, Wireless), which include the following characteristics: • For Ethernet, Verizon provides a User Network Interface (UNI) that allows Customer to terminate one or more Ethernet virtual connections (EVC’s) onto a single Ethernet Access UNI including Ethernet LAN local – basic UNI (formerly SES) as available in the following areas: CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VA. • For Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Verizon’s handoff may include an Access connection over a Dense Wave Division Multiplexing network. • For Wireless Connection (Outside the U.S.), Verizon provides a wireless connection (used as primary or backup access) into Customer’s Verizon-provided services. • For Wireless Connection (Within the U.S.), Verizon Wireless provides a wireless connection (Wireless Service) into Customer’s Verizon-provided service or the Internet with LTE Business Internet. • For Software Defined Interconnect (SDI), Verizon provides an interconnection across a Third Party vendor’s network i between a Customer’s Verizon-provided service service and their service and their collocated equipment or Cloud Service Provider (CSP) within select Third Party data centers. Customer must have a suitable existing physical connection with the Third Party vendor network in question and Customer must separately have a contract for the Verizon provided service in order to utilize SDI as an access method for that service.
Handoff. Is the event that occurs when Authority first uses the Solution in Production. For each Lab Product, Acceptance will be a separate event from Handoff.
Handoff. Verizon hands off Access service based on Customer’s equipment (e.g., Ethernet, TDM, Wireless), which include the following characteristics: For Ethernet, Verizon provides a User Network Interface (UNI) that allows Customer to terminate one or more Ethernet virtual connections (“EVC’s”) onto a single Ethernet Access UNI) including Ethernet LAN local – basic UNI (formerly SES) as available in the following areas: CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VA. For Time Division Multiplexing (“TDM”), Verizon’s handoff may include an Access connection over a Dense Wave Division Multiplexing network. For Wireless Connection (Outside the US), Verizon provides Access via a wireless connection (used as primary or backup access) into Customer’s Verizon-provided services.
Handoff. On an Ionis Development Candidate-by-Ionis Development Candidate basis, once the Handoff Data Package Criteria for the applicable Ionis Development Candidate is deemed to have been achieved as set forth in Section 3.1.4 (Handoff Data Package) or Section 3.1.6 (Roche Performing IND- Enabling Toxicology Studies for First Ionis Development Candidate), as applicable (the “Handoff”), the responsibility for further Development of such Ionis Development Candidate (including drafting the IND for such Ionis Development Candidate) transitions from Ionis to Roche, and Ionis will have no further responsibilities under the applicable R&D Plan. 3.1.6.
Handoff. Verizon hands off Access service based on Customer’s equipment (e.g., Ethernet, TDM, Wireless), which include the following characteristics: For Ethernet, Verizon provides a User Network Interface (UNI) that allows Customer to terminate one or more Ethernet virtual connections (“EVC’s”) onto a single Ethernet Access UNI including Ethernet LAN local – basic UNI (formerly SES) as available in the following areas: CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VA. For Time Division Multiplexing (“TDM”), Verizon’s handoff may include an Access connection over a Dense Wave Division Multiplexing network. For Wireless Connection (Outside the US), Verizon provides Access via a wireless connection (used as primary or backup access) into Customer’s Verizon-provided services. For Software Defined Interconnect (SDI), Verizon will provides an interconnection across a Tselect third - Pparty vendor network interface between a Customer’s Private IP service and their equipment within select Tthird P-party data centerss to the Verizon network. Customer must separately have a suitable existing physical connection to select Ththird Pparty vendor networks. A list of such select data centers is available from Customer’s account manager. Customer must separately have a service attachment/cContract for the Verizon Private IP service network in order to utilize receive thisSDI service.