How and When Transactions Are Posted. The table below explains generally how and when we post transactions. This information may assist you with understanding how much money you have and how much may be available to you at any given time. The processing order may differ from the order you make the transactions and could also impact your Available and Current balances. Transaction Type Description and Order “Real Time” Transactions Certain transactions are considered “Real Time” transactions that occur and post to your account generally when they are initiated during the course of the day. These include ATM Transactions, Teller Transactions, Point-of-Sale (“POS”) Debit Card transactions, Wire Transfers and other account transfers you initiate in the Branch, ATM, Call Center or Teachers Online Banking, with deposit transactions subject to our Funds Availability Disclosure below. Holds placed by merchants on POS Debit Card Transactions are resolved in real time when submitted by the merchant, but this may occur after the transaction is initiated. Other “Batch” Transactions Other transactions are grouped together in batches by similar transaction types, and post to your account at various times during the day on business days only. These transactions are processed in the order they are received by us, which may differ from the order in which you write a check or otherwise initiate a payment. ● ACH credits, followed by ACH debits (such as online bill payments) (5 times each day) ● Inclearing checks (checks written from your Teachers’ account) (once each day) ● Mobile deposits (3 times each day)