Hypolimneal Aeration Sample Clauses

Hypolimneal Aeration. SCVWD will construct, install and operate a device on the downstream end of the reservoir outlet that will increase aeration of the reservoir outlet waters either through mechanical or passive methods.
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Related to Hypolimneal Aeration

  • Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning Supplier will scan its internal environments (e.g., servers, network devices, etc.) related to Deliverables monthly and external environments related to Deliverables weekly. Supplier will have a defined process to address any findings but will ensure that any high-risk vulnerabilities are addressed within 30 days.

  • Wet Weather In the event of wet weather, work in the open will continue until the particular work in hand can no longer be done safely and efficiently. Whilst it is raining, employees will be required to: Continue to work under cover or relocate to alternative work under cover, on site. Obtain materials and services for employees working under cover where there is only minimal exposure to inclement weather. When required, perform emergency and safety work. In addition, work on unexpected breakdowns, which can be corrected in limited time duration. Should a portion of the project be affected by wet weather, all other employees not so affected shall continue working in accordance with award conditions, regardless that some employees may be entitled to cease work due to wet weather. If a halt to productive work occurs due to inclement weather, the parties agree that employees may be relocated to other unaffected sites. Where the above steps are not possible, affected employees may be required to attend tool box meetings, work planning sessions or skills development activities, all of which will count as productive time for payment purposes.

  • Teaching Staff Assigned to More Than One Building Each Educator who is assigned to more than one building will be evaluated by the appropriate administrator where the individual is assigned most of the time. The principal of each building in which the Educator serves must review and sign the evaluation, and may add written comments. In cases where there is no predominate assignment, the superintendent will determine who the primary evaluator will be.

  • Platby In consideration for the services rendered by the Institute, in the Study, the Sponsor agrees to pay to the Institute according to the Budget, attached as Exhibit B hereto (the “Fee”). Jako protiplnění za služby poskytnuté Zdravotnickým zařízením při provádění Studie se Zadavatel zavazuje hradit Zdravotnickému zařízení platby podle Rozpočtu, který je ke Smlouvě přiložen jako Příloha B („Poplatek“). The Fee shall be payable for each eligible Subject properly enrolled according to the Protocol upon proper completion and delivery to the Sponsor of the Case Report Forms (the “CRF”) for each Subject. The Fees, plus VAT calculated in the legal amount, shall be the full remuneration and payment by Sponsor for all costs incurred in the course of the clinical Study. Any and all taxes or other registration charges shall be borne by the Institute. Poplatek bude splatný za každého způsobilého Účastníka, který je zařazen do Studie podle Protokolu, po řádném vyplnění a doručení Zadavateli záznamových formulářů („CRF“) za každého Účastníka. Poplatky navýšené o DPH vypočítanou v zákonné výši budou úplnou odměnou a platbou Zadavatele za všechny náklady, které vzniknou v průběhu klinické Studie. Náklady na veškeré daně nebo jiné registrační poplatky ponese Zdravotnické zařízení. The Institute will recruit a maximum of 300 Subjects into the Study. The Sponsor will not pay Fees, reimburse any expense, charge, cost, nor bear any liability to the Institute, nor to any other person or entity, in respect of any Subject in excess of the maximum number of Subjects specified in the previous sentence. Zdravotnické zařízení do Studie získá maximálně 300 Účastníků. Zadavatel nezaplatí Poplatky, neuhradí žádný výdaj, poplatek ani náklad ani neponese žádnou odpovědnost vůči Zdravotnickému zařízení ani vůči jakékoliv jiné osobě nebo subjektu, pokud jde o jakéhokoliv Účastníka nad rámec maximálního počtu Účastníků specifikovaného v předchozí větě. Fees due will be transferred by the Sponsor upon provision of a respective invoice to the following account of the Institute: Splatné Poplatky Zadavatel převede po poskytnutí příslušné faktury na následující účet Zdravotnického zařízení:

  • Tuberculosis Examination The examination shall consist of an approved intradermal tuberculosis test, which, if positive, shall be followed by an X-ray of the lungs. Nothing in Sections 5163 to 5163.2, inclusive, shall prevent the governing body of any city or county, upon recommendation of the local health officer, from establishing a rule requiring a more extensive or more frequent examination than required by Section 5163 and this section. § 5163.2. Technician taking X-ray film; Interpretation of X-ray The X-ray film may be taken by a competent and qualified X-ray technician if the X-ray film is subsequently interpreted by a licensed physician and surgeon.

  • Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs License The Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial-NoDerivs License (CC-BY-NC-ND) permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, is not used for commercial purposes and no modifications or adaptations are made. (see below) Use by commercial "for-profit" organizations Use of Wiley Open Access articles for commercial, promotional, or marketing purposes requires further explicit permission from Wiley and will be subject to a fee. Further details can be found on Wiley Online Library xxxx://xxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/WileyCDA/Section/id-410895.html Other Terms and Conditions:

  • Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.

  • Pruning Nondestructive thinning of lateral branches to enhance views or trimming, shaping, thinning or pruning of a tree necessary to its health and growth is allowed, consistent with the following standards:

  • Général Le Logiciel Apple peut activer l’accès à l’iTunes Store d’Apple, à l’App Store, iCloud et à d’autres services et sites web d’Apple et xx xxxxxx partie (dénommés collectivement et individuellement « Services »). Il se peut que ce Service ne soit pas disponible dans toutes les langues ou tous les pays. L’utilisation de ces Services requiert un accès Internet et peut nécessiter, pour certains d’entre eux, de posséder un identifiant Apple et d’accepter des conditions supplémentaires, voire entraîner des frais supplémentaires. En utilisant ce logiciel avec un compte iTunes Store, un identifiant Apple ou tout autre type de service Apple, vous acceptez les conditions générales de ce service, par exemple la dernière version des conditions générales des services Apple Media, disponibles à l’adresse https:// xxx.xxxxx.xxx/xxxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/.

  • STAFF ORIENTATION 4101 The Employer shall provide an appropriate orientation program for nurses newly employed. The orientation program shall include such essential information as policies, nursing procedures, the location of supplies and equipment, fire, safety and disaster plans. Where necessary, orientation shall be provided for nurses moving to a new area of practice. 4102 The Employer shall provide a program of inservice education for nurses pertinent to patient care. 4103 The Employer shall provide, access to reference materials as is required in relation to maintaining current knowledge of general nursing care. APPENDIX "A" - SALARIES A1. Effective April 1, 2013 - Monthly salaries include a 2% general increase. - Hourly salary is calculated as (monthly salary x 12) ÷ annual hours. Nurse Classification Annual Hours Start Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 20 Year 1 Licensed Practical Nurse 2015 Hourly 25.198 26.022 26.836 27.825 28.732 29.745 30.804 31.420 Monthly 4,231.164 4,369.528 4,506.212 4,672.281 4,824.582 4,994.681 5,172.505 5,275.942 Annual 50,773.970 52,434.330 54,074.540 56,067.375 57,894.980 59,936.175 62,070.060 63,311.300 Nurse II 2015 Hourly 32.917 34.066 35.218 36.419 37.593 38.811 39.587 Monthly 5,527.313 5,720.249 5,913.689 6,115.357 6,312.491 6,517.014 6,647.317 Annual 66,327.755 68,642.990 70,964.270 73,384.285 75,749.895 78,204.165 79,767.805 Nurse II (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 33.575 34.747 35.923 37.148 38.345 39.587 Monthly 5,637.802 5,834.600 6,032.070 6,237.768 6,438.765 6,647.317 Annual 67,653.625 70,015.205 72,384.845 74,853.220 77,265.175 79,767.805 Nurse III 2015 Hourly 34.168 35.321 36.523 37.697 38.787 39.975 41.201 42.025 Monthly 5,737.377 5,930.985 6,132.820 6,329.955 6,512.984 6,712.469 6,918.335 7,056.698 Annual 68,848.520 71,171.815 73,593.845 75,959.455 78,155.805 80,549.625 83,020.015 84,680.375 Nurse III (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 34.851 36.027 37.254 38.451 39.563 40.775 42.025 Monthly 5,852.064 6,049.534 6,255.568 6,456.564 6,643.287 6,846.802 7,056.698 Annual 70,224.765 72,594.405 75,066.810 77,478.765 79,719.445 82,161.625 84,680.375 Nurse IV 2015 Hourly 35.340 36.649 37.959 39.387 41.024 42.612 44.273 45.158 Monthly 5,934.175 6,153.978 6,373.949 6,613.734 6,888.613 7,155.265 7,434.175 7,582.781 Annual 71,210.100 73,847.735 76,487.385 79,364.805 82,663.360 85,863.180 89,210.095 90,993.370 Nurse IV (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 36.047 37.382 38.718 40.175 41.844 43.464 45.158 Monthly 6,052.892 6,277.061 6,501.398 6,746.052 7,026.305 7,298.330 7,582.781 Annual 72,634.705 75,324.730 78,016.770 80,952.625 84,315.660 87,579.960 90,993.370 Nurse V 2015 Hourly 37.305 38.733 40.369 41.957 43.690 45.388 47.157 48.100 Monthly 6,264.131 6,503.916 6,778.628 7,045.280 7,336.279 7,621.402 7,918.446 8,076.792 Annual 75,169.575 78,046.995 81,343.535 84,543.355 88,035.350 91,456.820 95,021.355 96,921.500 Nurse V (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 38.051 39.508 41.177 42.797 44.564 46.296 48.100 Monthly 6,389.397 6,634.052 6,914.305 7,186.330 7,483.038 7,773.870 8,076.792 Annual 76,672.765 79,608.620 82,971.655 86,235.955 89,796.460 93,286.440 96,921.500 Nurse Practitioner 2015 Hourly 42.515 45.635 47.511 49.385 51.408 52.437 Monthly 7,138.977 7,662.877 7,977.889 8,292.565 8,632.260 8,805.046 Annual 85,667.725 91,954.525 95,734.665 99,510.775 103,587.120 105,660.555 Nurse Practitioner (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 43.365 46.548 48.461 50.373 52.437 Monthly 7,281.706 7,816.185 8,137.410 8,458.466 8,805.046 Annual 87,380.475 93,794.220 97,648.915 101,501.595 105,660.555 Weekend Worker Rates Annual Hours Start Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 20 Year 1 Weekend Worker - Licensed Practical Nurse 2015 Hourly 28.977 29.925 30.861 31.999 33.042 34.206 35.425 36.133 Monthly 4,865.721 5,024.906 5,182.076 5,373.165 5,548.303 5,743.758 5,948.448 6,067.333 Annual 58,388.655 60,298.875 62,184.915 64,477.985 66,579.630 68,925.090 71,381.375 72,807.995 Weekend Worker - Nurse II 2015 Hourly 37.855 39.176 40.501 41.882 43.232 44.633 45.526 Monthly 6,356.485 6,578.303 6,800.793 7,032.686 7,259.373 7,494.625 7,644.574 Annual 76,277.825 78,939.640 81,609.515 84,392.230 87,112.480 89,935.495 91,734.890 Weekend Worker - Nurse II (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 38.612 39.959 41.311 42.720 44.097 45.526 Monthly 6,483.598 6,709.782 6,936.805 7,173.400 7,404.621 7,644.574 Annual 77,803.180 80,517.385 83,241.665 86,080.800 88,855.455 91,734.890 Weekend Worker - Nurse III 2015 Hourly 39.293 40.619 42.002 43.352 44.605 45.971 47.381 48.329 Monthly 6,597.950 6,820.607 7,052.836 7,279.523 7,489.923 7,719.297 7,956.060 8,115.245 Annual 79,175.395 81,847.285 84,634.030 87,354.280 89,879.075 92,631.565 95,472.715 97,382.935 Weekend Worker - Nurse III (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 40.079 41.431 42.842 44.219 45.497 46.891 48.329 Monthly 6,729.932 6,956.955 7,193.886 7,425.107 7,639.705 7,873.780 8,115.245 Annual 80,759.185 83,483.465 86,326.630 89,101.285 91,676.455 94,485.365 97,382.935 Weekend Worker - Nurse IV 2015 Hourly 40.641 42.146 43.653 45.295 47.177 49.003 50.914 51.932 Monthly 6,824.301 7,077.016 7,330.066 7,605.785 7,921.805 8,228.420 8,549.309 8,720.248 Annual 81,891.615 84,924.190 87,960.795 91,269.425 95,061.655 98,741.045 102,591.710 104,642.980 Weekend Worker - Nurse IV (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 41.454 42.989 44.526 46.201 48.121 49.983 51.932 Monthly 6,960.818 7,218.570 7,476.658 7,757.918 8,080.318 8,392.979 8,720.248 Annual 83,529.810 86,622.835 89,719.890 93,095.015 96,963.815 100,715.745 104,642.980 Weekend Worker - Nurse V 2015 Hourly 42.900 44.543 46.425 48.251 50.244 52.196 54.230 55.315 Monthly 7,203.625 7,479.512 7,795.531 8,102.147 8,436.805 8,764.578 9,106.121 9,288.310 Annual 86,443.500 89,754.145 93,546.375 97,225.765 101,241.660 105,174.940 109,273.450 111,459.725 Weekend Worker - Nurse V (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 43.758 45.434 47.353 49.216 51.249 53.240 55.315 Monthly 7,347.698 7,629.126 7,951.358 8,264.187 8,605.561 8,939.883 9,288.310 Annual 88,172.370 91,549.510 95,416.295 99,170.240 103,266.735 107,278.600 111,459.725 1 Eligibility for the 20 Year increment is determined in accordance w ith Article 2105.

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