Account Numbers State Street shall process all payment orders on the basis of the account number contained in the payment order. In the event of a discrepancy between any name indicated on the payment order and the account number, the account number shall take precedence and govern. Financial institutions that receive payment orders initiated by State Street at the instruction of the Client may also process payment orders on the basis of account numbers, regardless of any name included in the payment order. State Street will also rely on any financial institution identification numbers included in any payment order, regardless of any financial institution name included in the payment order.
Account Number This authorization shall remain in effect until revoked or until a subsequent Notice of Account Designation is provided to the Administrative Agent.
Identification Cards Identification (“ID”) cards are issued by Us for identification purposes only. Possession of any ID card confers no right to services or benefits under this Contract. To be entitled to such services or benefits, Your Premiums must be paid in full at the time that the services are sought to be received.
Personal Identification Number We will issue you a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for use with your Card at VISA NET automatic teller machines (ATM’s). These numbers are issued to you for your security purposes. These numbers are confidential and should not e disclosed to third parties. You are responsible for safekeeping your PIN. You agree not to disclose or otherwise make available your PIN to anyone not authorized to sign on your Accounts. To keep your Account secure, please do not write your PIN on your Card or keep it in the same place as your Card.
Non-Identification Approved Users agree not to use the requested datasets, either alone or in concert with any other information, to identify or contact individual participants from whom data and/or samples were collected. Approved Users also agree not to generate information (e.g., facial images or comparable representations) that could allow the identities of research participants to be readily ascertained. These provisions do not apply to research investigators operating with specific IRB approval, pursuant to 45 CFR 46, to contact individuals within datasets or to obtain and use identifying information under an 2 The project anniversary date can be found in “My Projects” after logging in to the dbGaP authorized-access portal. IRB-approved research protocol. All investigators including any Approved User conducting “human subjects research” within the scope of 45 CFR 46 must comply with the requirements contained therein.
Account Name The Grant will be paid in instalments by the Commonwealth in accordance with the agreed Milestones, and compliance by the Grantee with its obligations under this Agreement.
Identification When performing work on District property, Contractor shall be in appropriate work attire (or uniform, if applicable) at all times. If Contractor does not have a specific uniform, then Contractor shall provide identification tags and/or any other mechanism the District in its sole discretion determines is required to easily identify Contractor. Contractor and its employees shall (i) display on their clothes the above-mentioned identifying information and (ii) carry photo identification and present it to any District personnel upon request. If Contractor cannot produce such identification or if the identification is unacceptable to District, District may provide at its sole discretion, District-produced identification tags to Contractor, costs to be borne by Contractor.
Tax Identification Number All deposits to the Accounts shall be subject to the Escrow Agent's receipt of a valid tax identification number for the Company, Manager or Potential Investor, as applicable.
Employer Identification Number The Administrator shall have and use its own Employer Identification Number for purposes of calculating payroll tax withholdings and providing reports state and federal tax authorities.
Contact Numbers The Parties agree to provide one another with toll-free nation- wide (50 states) contact numbers for the purpose of ordering, provisioning and maintenance of services.