Identification When performing work on District property, Contractor shall be in appropriate work attire (or uniform, if applicable) at all times. If Contractor does not have a specific uniform, then Contractor shall provide identification tags and/or any other mechanism the District in its sole discretion determines is required to easily identify Contractor. Contractor and its employees shall (i) display on their clothes the above-mentioned identifying information and (ii) carry photo identification and present it to any District personnel upon request. If Contractor cannot produce such identification or if the identification is unacceptable to District, District may provide at its sole discretion, District-produced identification tags to Contractor, costs to be borne by Contractor.
Your Member Identification Card Your BCBSRI member ID card is your key to getting healthcare coverage. It shows your healthcare provider that you’re part of the nation’s most trusted health plan. All BCBSRI members receive ID cards, which provide important information about your coverage. This card is for identification only, and you must show it whenever you receive healthcare services. Please note you must be a current member to receive covered services. Tips for keeping your card safe: • Carry it with you at all times. • Keep it in a safe location, just as you would with a credit card or money. • Let BCBSRI know right away if it is lost or stolen.