Independent Capacity of Contractor The Contractor and Contractor Parties shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers or employees of the state of Connecticut or of the Agency.
INDEPENDENT CAPACITY OF THE CONTRACTOR The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this contract. The CONTRACTOR and his or her employees or agents performing under this contract are not employees or agents of the AGENCY. The CONTRACTOR will not hold himself/herself out as or claim to be an officer or employee of the AGENCY or of the State of Washington by reason hereof, nor will the CONTRACTOR make any claim of right, privilege or benefit that would accrue to such employee under law. Conduct and control of the work will be solely with the CONTRACTOR.
INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party.
Capacity/Independent Contractor In providing the Services under this Agreement it is expressly agreed that the Contractor is acting as an independent contractor and not as an employee. The Contractor and the Client acknowledge that this Agreement does not create a partnership or joint venture between them, and is exclusively a contract for service.
Independent Contractor; Authority Notwithstanding the Services provided by the Administrator pursuant to this Agreement, the Administrator shall be deemed to be an independent contractor with respect to the Services. The management, policies and operations of the Parties (including the ultimate approval of the making or disposition of the Painting by the Issuer or Masterworks Cayman, and the terms and conditions thereof) shall be the responsibility of the Parties other than the Administrator.
Responsibility of Contractor a. Contractor shall be held strictly responsible for the proper performance of all work covered by the Contract Documents, including all work performed by Subcontractors. All work performed under this Contract shall comply in every respect to the rules and regulations of all agencies having jurisdiction over the Project or any part thereof. b. Contractor shall submit Verified Reports as defined in §§4-336 and 4-343 (c), Group 1, Chapter 4, Part I, Title 24, California Code of Regulations (“CCR”). The duties of the Contractor are as defined in §4-343, Group 1, Chapter 4, Part I, Title 24, of the CCR. Contractor shall keep and make available a copy of Title 24 of the CCR at the job site at all times. c. Where, because of short supply, any item of fabricated materials and/or equipment, indicated on drawings or specified is unobtainable and it becomes necessary, with the consent of the Project Manager, to substitute equivalent items differing in details or design, the Contractor shall promptly submit complete drawings and details indicating the necessary modifications of the work. This provision shall be governed by the terms of the General Conditions regarding Submittals: Shop Drawings, Cuts and Samples. d. With respect to work performed at and near a school site, Contractor shall at all times take all appropriate measures to ensure the security and safety of students and staff, including, but not limited to, ensuring that all of Contractor’s employees, Subcontractors, and suppliers entering school property strictly adhere to all applicable District policies and procedures, e.g., sign-in requirements, visitor badges, and access limitations.
Independent Contractor Status The Sub-Adviser shall for all purposes hereof be deemed to be an independent contractor and shall, unless otherwise provided or authorized, have no authority to act for or represent the Trust or the Adviser in any way or otherwise be deemed an agent of the Fund or the Adviser.
Responsibility of Each Party 5.22.1 Each Party is an independent contractor, and has and hereby retains the right to exercise full control of and supervision over its own performance of its obligations under this Agreement and retains full control over the employment, direction, compensation and discharge of all employees assisting in the performance of such obligations. Each Party will be solely responsible for all matters relating to payment of such employees, including compliance with social security taxes, withholding taxes and all other regulations governing such matters. Each Party will be solely responsible for proper handling, storage, transport and disposal at its own expense of all (i) substances or materials that it or its contractors or agents bring to, create or assume control over at Work Locations, and (ii) Waste resulting there from or otherwise generated in connection with its or its contractors' or agents' activities at the Work Locations. Subject to the limitations on liability and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible for (i) its own acts and performance of all obligations imposed by Applicable Law in connection with its activities, legal status and property, real or personal, and
INDEPENDENT PERSONAL SERVICES 1. Income derived by a resident of a Contracting State in respect of professional services or other activities of an independent character shall be taxable only in that State unless he has a fixed base regularly available to him in the other Contracting State for the purpose of performing his activities. If he has such a fixed base, the income may be taxed in the other State but only so much of it as is attributable to that fixed base. 2. The term "professional services" includes especially independent scientific, literary, artistic, educational or teaching activities as well as the independent activities of physicians, lawyers, engineers, architects, dentists and accountants.
Independent Monitors 8.1 The BUYER has appointed Independent Monitors (hereinafter referred to as Monitors) for this Pact in consultation with the Central Vigilance to as Monitors) for this Pact in consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission (Names and Addresses of the Monitors to be given). 8.2 The task of the Monitors shall be to review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this Pact. 8.3 The Monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and perform their functions neutrally and independently. 8.4 Both the parties accept that the Monitors have the right to access all the documents relating to the project/procurement, including minutes of meetings. 8.5 As soon as the Monitor notices, or has reason to believe, a violation of this Pact, he will so inform the Authority designated by the BUYER. 8.6 The BIDDER(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all Project documentation of the BUYER including that provided by the BIDDER. The BIDDER will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project documentation. The same is applicable to Subcontractors. The Monitor shall be under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the BIDDER/Subcontractor(s) with confidentiality. 8.7 The BUYER will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the contractual relations between the parties. The parties will offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings. 8.8 The Monitor will submit a written report to the designated Authority of BUYER/Secretary in the Department/ within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the BUYER / BIDDER and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.