Independent Contact Sample Clauses

Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with this study how it is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee to speak to someone independent of the research team at +0 0000 000000. You can also write an email to the NUGSE Research Committee at Please sign this consent form if you agree to participate in this study.  I have carefully read the information provided;  I have been given full information regarding the purpose and procedures of the study;  I understand how the data collected will be used, and that any confidential information will be seen only by the researchers and will not be revealed to anyone else;  I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason;  With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to participate in this study. Signature: Date: The extra copy of this signed and dated consent form is for you to keep. Қосымша A
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Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee to speak to someone independent of the research team at +0 0000 000000. You can also write an email to the NUGSE Research Committee at Please sign this consent form if you agree and allow to conduct this research study. I have carefully read the information provided; • I have been given full information regarding the purpose and procedures of the study; • I understand how the data collected will be used, and that any confidential information will be seen only by the researchers and will not be revealed to anyone else; • I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason; • With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to participate in this study. Principal’s Signature: Date: Student researcher Signature: Date: Приложение Е ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЕ ПИСЬМО ДИРЕКТОРУ ШКОЛЫ (Russian version) X, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, магистрант Высшей Школы Образования Назарбаев Университета по программе «Лидерство в образовании» провожу исследование по теме «Роль учебной программы в развитии понимания о воспитании глобального гражданства у учителей в одной из государственных школ в Акмолинской области, Казахстан». Обращаюсь к Вам с просьбой дать разрешение на проведение научного исследования на базе школы, руководителем которой Вы являетесь. Исследование будет направлено на понимание учителей о воспитании глобального гражданства. В исследовании будут также рассмотрены мнения учителей о воспитании глобального гражданства, а также их понимание того, как данное понятие интегрируется в различных академических предметных областях в учебной программе. Кроме того, исследование будет направлено на изучение учебной программы на наличие аспекта "воспитание глобального гражданства». Учителям будет предложено принять участие в интервью, которое займет примерно 45 минут, а также один из их уроков будет посещен исследователем. Учителя могут отказаться от участия в исследовании в любое время. При их разрешении ответы будут записаны на диктофон. Анонимность учителей будет защищена. Аудиозапись интервью будет уничтожена после транскрибирования данных. В процессе анализа, только два человека будут иметь доступ к информации: мой руководитель и x. Полная анонимность будет сохранена, имен...
Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee to at Please sign this consent from if you agree to participate in this study. ● I have carefully read the information provided; ● I have been given full information regarding the purpose and procedures of the study; ● I understand how the data collected will be used, and that any confidential information will be seen only by the researchers and will not be revealed to anyone else; ● I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason; ● With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to participate in this study. Signature: Date: The extra copy of this signed and dated consent form is for you to keep. According to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan an individual under the age of 18 is considered a child. Any participant falling into that category should be given the Parental Consent Form and have it signed by at least one of his/her parent(s) or guardian(s). Appendix B
Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee to speak to someone independent of the research team at +0 0000 000000. You can also write an email to the NUGSE Research Committee at Please sign this consent from if you agree to participate in this study. • I have carefully read the information provided;
Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee at Please sign this consent from if you agree to participate in this study. • I have carefully read the information provided; • I have been given full information regarding the purpose and procedures of the study; • I understand how the data collected will be used, and that any confidential information will be seen only by the researchers and will not be revealed to anyone else; • I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason; • With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to participate in this study. Signature: Date:
Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee to speak to someone independent of the research team at +0 0000 000000. You can also write an email to the NUGSE Research Committee at Please sign this consent form if you agree to participate in this study. • I have carefully read the information provided; • I have been given full information regarding the purpose and procedures of the study; • I understand how the data collected will be used, and that any confidential information will be seen only by the researchers and will not be revealed to anyone else; • I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason; • With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to participate in this study. Signature: Date: The extra copy of this signed and dated consent form is for you to keep. ЗЕРТТЕУГЕ ҚАТЫСУҒА КЕЛІСІМ ФОРМАСЫ (қатысушы мұғалімдер үшін) Қазастандағы үлгерімі төмен дарынды оқұшыларды қалпына келтіру: мұғалімдердің көз қарасы, тәжірибесі және практика. Сипаттама: Сіздерді Қызылорда қаласындағы НЗМ-де үлгерімі төмен дарынды балаларды табысты түрде қалпына келтірудің тәсілдерін анықтап, дарындылықтың төмен деңгейіне әкелетін факторларды зерттеуге қатысуға шақырамын. ЗЕРТТЕУ УАҚЫТЫ: Сұхбат шамамен жарты сағатқа созылады және өзге адамдар оны естімеуі немесе бөгет болмауы үшін сұхбат оқшауланған оңаша сыныпта өтеді. ЗЕРТТЕУ ҚАІУІПТЕРІ ЖӘНЕ АРТЫҚШЫЛЫҚТАРЫ: Сұхбаттасу барысында біршама психологиялық қауіптер болуы мүмкін. Сұхбаттасу мектепте орын алатындықтан, ақпараттың тарап кету қаупі бар және сұхбат беруші ретінде сіздің жеке мәліметтеріңіз анықталуы мүмкін. Осындай қауіп-қатерлердің алдын алу үшін, егер де сіз зерттеуші тарапынан қандай да бір қысым сезінсеңіз немесе оның сұрақтарын ыңғайсыз деп тапсаңыз, кез-келген уақытта сұхбат беруден бас тартуға немесе кейбір сұрақтарға жауап бермеуге құқығыңыз бар. Зерттеушінің мақсаты - үй тапсырмасы туралы сіздің көзқарастарыңызды зерделеу. Сіздің жауаптарыңыз сіздің мектеппен қарым-қатынасыңызға немесе сіз бен зерттеуші арасындағы қатынасқа әсер етпейді. Сізге осы сұхбаттың транскрипт көшірмесі беріледі. Анонимділікті сақтау және өзгелер сізді танып қалмау үшін бірқатар әдістер қолданылады. Сіздің есімдеріңіз жасырын аттармен құпия түрде жасалады (мысалы, ...
Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee to at Please sign this consent from if you agree to participate in this study. • I have carefully read the information provided; • I have been given full information regarding the purpose and procedures of the study; • I understand how the data collected will be used, and that any confidential information will be seen only by the researchers and will not be revealed to anyone else; • I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason; • With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to participate in this study. Signature: Date: The extra copy of this signed and dated consent form is for you to keep. According to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan an individual under the age of 18 is considered a child. Any participant falling into that category should be given the Parental Consent Form and have it signed by at least one of his/her parent(s) or guardian(s). СОГЛАСИЕ НА УЧАСТИЕ В ИНТЕРВЬЮ INFORMED CONSENT FORM – Interview ( Russian version) ТЕМА ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ: Изучение мотивации учителей в рамках текущих школьных реформ в одной из школ для одаренных детей в Казахстане. ОПИСАНИЕ: Вам предлагается участвовать в исследовании, изучающем мотивацию учителя в рамках нынешних школьных реформ в школе для одаренных детей. Интервью будет сосредоточено на изучении текущей мотивационной среды в школе. Это исследование не накладывает никаких рисков на ваше здоровье, репутацию и работу. Ваше имя, фамилия и должность не будут упомянуты где-либо в связи с теми сведениями, которые вы сообщите. ПРОЦЕДУРА ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Вам будет необходимо ответить на некоторые вопросы интервью. Разговор будет записан с вашего разрешения на диктофон. Решение об участии в этом исследовании полностью добровольное. Вы можете отказаться от участия в исследовании в любое время. Вы имеете право не отвечать на некоторые вопросы, которые заставляют вас чувствовать себя некомфортно, или полностью отказаться от интервью в любой момент процесса. Вы имеете право просить не использовать какой-либо из ваших материалов для интервью во время этого исследования. Ваше участие в собеседовании займет приблизительно 40 минут. РИСКИ И ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА: Поскольку участники защищены конфиденциальностью и анон...
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Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee to speak to someone independent of the research team at +0 0000 000000. You can also write an email to the NUGSE Research Committee at Please sign this consent from if you agree to participate in this study. • I have carefully read the information provided; • I have been given full information regarding the purpose and procedures of the study; • I understand how the data collected will be used, and that any confidential information will be seen only by the researchers and will not be revealed to anyone else; • I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason; • With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to participate in this study. Signature: Date:
Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee to speak to someone independent of the research team at +0 0000 000000. You can also write an email to the NUGSE Research Committee at Please sign this consent form on behalf of the students’ parents if you give your consent for their participation in this study. • I have carefully read the information provided; • I have been given full information regarding the purpose and procedures of the study; • I understand how the data collected will be used, and that any confidential information will be seen only by the researchers and will not be revealed to anyone else; • I understand that students are free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason; With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to give consent for students to participate in this study. Signature: Date: The extra copy of this signed and dated consent form is for you to keep. According to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan an individual under the age of 18 is considered a child. Any participant falling into that category should be given the Parental Consent Form and have it signed by at least one of his/her parent(s) or guardian(s). Appendix B Informed Consent (Participant Version) Academic burnout among high-school students in Kazakhstan: The protective role of personality and academic motivation.
Independent Contact. If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the NUGSE Research Committee to speak to someone independent of the research team at +0 0000 000000. You can also write an email to the NUGSE Research Committee at Please sign this consent from if you agree to participate in this study. • I have carefully read the information provided; • I have been given full information regarding the purpose and procedures of the study; • I understand how the data collected will be used, and that any confidential information will be seen only by the researchers and will not be revealed to anyone else; • I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason; • With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree, of my own free will, to participate in this study. Signature: Date: The extra copy of this signed and dated consent form is for you to keep. According to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan an individual under the age of 18 is considered a child. Any participant falling into that category should be given the Parental Consent Form and have it signed by at least one of his/her parent(s) or guardian(s). Appendix C School Burnout Inventory (SBI)/Мектептегі шаршауды анықтайтын сауалнама/ Опросник выгорания учеников Please choose the alternative that best describes your situation (estimation from previous month) Сіздің жағдайыңызды дұрыс сипаттайтын жауапты таңдаңыз (өткен айдан бері) Выберите варианты ответов, который наиболее подходит Вашей ситуации (за прошлый и нынешний месяц) Completely disagree/ Мүлдем келіспеймін/ Абсолютно не согласен Partly disagree/ Жартылай келіспеймін/ Частично не согласен Disagree/ келіспеймін/ Не согласен Partly agree/ Жартылай келісемін/ Частично согласен Agree/ Xxxxxxxxx /согласен Completely agree/ Толықтай келісемін/ Абсолютно согласен 1 I feel overwhelmed by my schoolwork мектептегі берілетін жұмыс маған ауыр тиеді Я чувствую, что не справляюсь с учебными заданиями и требованиями
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