Information Sharing During the Forensic Interview Appointment Sample Clauses

Information Sharing During the Forensic Interview Appointment. 1) Pre-Interview: Xxxxx to the interview, the detective will meet with the forensic interviewer, advocate, and DCYF/CPS social worker, if one is assigned.* The detective will provide information to the team participants regarding how the referral was received, what the child has reported thus far, who they reported it to, and the circumstances surrounding the report. The detective will also provide information that may impact the child interview, such as whether the child has special needs or has been removed from their home because of the allegation. *Additional individuals operating within their professional roles relating to the welfare of the child being interviewed may be allowed to watch the live interview if they have requested and received authorization to do so from the supervisor of the SAU, prior to the appointment. Anticipated workers include: Family Court Services Social Workers, Guardians ad Litem, school-based Title IX investigators, and/or Adult Protective Services Social Workers.
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Related to Information Sharing During the Forensic Interview Appointment

  • Initial Appointment Upon initial appointment, a bargaining unit employee shall be issued a letter of offer, signed by the xxxx/director, citing specific terms and conditions of employment and his or her initial assignment of responsibilities. The University may enclose informational addenda, except that such addenda may not abridge the employee's rights or benefits provided in the BOT-UFF Agreement or BOT- UFF Policies. All academic year appointments for employees at a University shall begin on the same date. Two weeks prior to the beginning of classes each semester, the University shall send to the UFF Chapter a list of bargaining unit employees hired since the beginning of the previous semester, showing name; rank or title; department, college, program or employment unit; salary; and principal place of employment (campus). The initial letter of offer shall contain the following elements:

  • Non-Promotive Appointment 254. An employee or officer who is a permanent appointee following completion of the probationary period or 2,080 hours of permanent service, and who accepts a non-promotive appointment in a classification having the same salary grade, or a lower salary grade, the appointee shall enter the new position at that salary step which is the same as that received in the prior appointment, or if the salary steps do not match, then the salary step which is immediately in excess of that received in the prior appointment, provided that such salary shall not exceed the maximum of the salary grade. Further increments shall be based upon the seniority increment anniversary date in the prior appointment.

  • Appointment of Representatives 6.01 The Employer acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint employees as Representatives of the Union.

  • Selection of Representatives a) Each central party and the Crown shall select its own representatives to the Committee.

  • Appointment of Key Sub-Contractors The Supplier shall ensure that all Sub-Contracts contain a provision: requiring the Supplier to pay any undisputed sums which are due from it to the Sub-Contractor within a specified period not exceeding thirty (30) days from the receipt of a valid invoice; requiring that any invoices submitted by a Sub-Contractor shall be considered and verified by the Supplier in a timely fashion and that undue delay in doing so shall not be sufficient justification for failing to regard an invoice as valid and undisputed; requiring the Sub-Contractor to include in any Sub-Contract which it in turn awards suitable provisions to impose, as between the parties to that Sub-Contract, requirements to the same effect as those required by sub-clauses 5.17.1 and 5.17.2 directly above; and conferring a right to the Customer to publish the Supplier’s compliance with its obligation to pay undisputed invoices within the specified payment period. The Supplier shall pay any undisputed sums which are due from it to a Sub-Contractor within thirty (30) days from the receipt of a valid invoice. Any invoices submitted by a Sub-Contractor to the Supplier shall be considered and verified by the Supplier in a timely fashion. Undue delay in doing so shall not be sufficient justification for the Supplier failing to regard an invoice as valid and undisputed. Notwithstanding any provision of Clauses 9.2 (Confidentiality) and 13 (Publicity, Media and Official Enquiries) if the Supplier notifies the Customer that the Supplier has failed to pay an undisputed Sub-Contractor’s invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt, or the Customer otherwise discovers the same, the Customer shall be entitled to publish the details of the late or non-payment (including on Government websites and in the press).

  • Appointment of Representative (a) Selection Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, a single representative shall be appointed to represent all of the Holders (the “Representative”). The Representative (i) may, but need not, be a Holder; (ii) shall not be affiliated with or related to the Company; and (iii) shall be selected by the Holders as follows:

  • INDEPENDENT PERSONAL SERVICES 1. Income derived by a resident of a Contracting State in respect of professional services or other activities of an independent character shall be taxable only in that State except in the following circumstances, when such income may also be taxed in the other Contracting State:

  • Appointment from a Layoff List 1. Employees who are appointed from a layoff list to a position with the same salary range from which they were laid off will be paid the amount for which they were compensated when laid off plus any across the board adjustments, including salary survey adjustments, which occurred during the time they were laid off.

  • LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT/DUAL ENROLLMENT CONTRACTOR and XXX shall follow all LEA policies and procedures that support Least Restrictive Environment (“LRE”) options and/or Dual Enrollment options for students to have access to the general curriculum and to be educated with their nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that LRE placement options are addressed at all IEP team meetings regarding students for whom ISAs have been or may be executed. This shall include IEP team consideration of supplementary aids and services, goals and objectives necessary for placement in the LRE and necessary to enable students to transition to less restrictive settings. When an IEP team has determined that a student should be transitioned into the public school setting, CONTRACTOR shall assist the LEA in implementing the IEP team’s recommendations activities to support the transition.

  • Engagement of the TAM Representative Outside of Red Hat Standard Business Hours If you have purchased Premium Red Hat Software Subscriptions, you will receive 24x7 Support for Severity 1 and 2 issues through Red Hat’s 24x7 Production Support teams and not necessarily from your assigned TAM representative. Red Hat’s 24x7 Production Support team will be responsible for addressing issues, but will consult with your TAM representative, as your TAM representative is available, for advice and to gain a better understanding of your infrastructure, environment and specific needs. If you have purchased multiple TAM Service Subscriptions in each of Red Hat’s primary Support Regions, you will receive the benefit of extended TAM Service coverage hours, but you should follow the same process and contact the Red Hat 24x7 support numbers at xxxxx://

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