INSTALLATIONS SURRENDERED. Any Installations made shall remain on and be surrendered with the Leased Property on expiration or termination of the Lease Term, provided, however, (a) Tenant may elect, by giving written notice to Landlord within thirty (30) days before the expiration of the Term, or within thirty (30) days after termination of the Term, to remove any Installations that Tenant made to the Leased Property, and (b) Landlord may elect, by giving written notice to Tenant within thirty (30) days before the expiration of the Term, to require Tenant to remove any Installations that Tenant made to the Leased Property, except any loading dock.
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  • Utility Installations Trade Fixtures Alterations 8.3.1 The term “Utility Installations” refers to all floor and window coverings, air and/or vacuum lines, power panels, electrical distribution, security and fire protection systems, communication cabling, lighting fixtures, HVAC equipment, plumbing, and fencing in or on the Premises. The term “

  • Maintenance Repairs Utility Installations Trade Fixtures and Alterations 7.1 Lessee's Obligations.

  • Installation Tenant may install and use Tenant's Lines and make connections and disconnections at the terminal blocks as described above, provided Tenant shall: (i) obtain Landlord's prior written approval of all aspects thereof, (ii) use an experienced and qualified contractor designated or approved in writing in advance by Landlord (whom Landlord may require to enter an access and indemnity agreement on Landlord's then standard form of agreement therefor), (iii) comply with such inside wire standards as Landlord may adopt from time to time, and all other provisions of this Lease, including Paragraph 8 respecting alterations, and the Building rules respecting access to the wire closets, (iv) not install Lines in the same sleeve, chaseway or other enclosure in close proximity with electrical wire, and not install PVC-coated Lines under any circumstances, (v) thoroughly test any riser Lines to which Tenant intends to connect any Lines to ensure that such riser Lines are available and are not then connected to or used for telephone, data transmission or any other purpose by any other party (whether or not Landlord has previously approved such connections), and not connect to any such unavailable or connected riser Lines, and (vi) not connect any equipment to the Lines which may create an electromagnetic field exceeding the normal insulation ratings of ordinary twisted pair riser cable or cause radiation higher than normal background radiation, unless the Lines therefor (including riser Lines) are appropriately insulated to prevent such excessive electromagnetic fields or radiation (and such insulation shall not be provided by the use of additional unused twisted pair Lines). As a condition to permitting installation of new Lines, Landlord may require that Tenant remove any existing Lines located in or serving the Premises.

  • Interior (a) Ceilings, sidewalls and bulkhead panels shall be clean and free of cracks and stains;

  • Damage or Destruction of Premises If the Premises, the Unit or the Building or any part thereof shall be damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty (a “casualty”), or ordered to be demolished by the action of any public authority in consequence of a casualty, or taken by any exercise of the right of eminent domain, Tenant shall immediately give notice thereof to Landlord. Unless this Lease is terminated as provided herein, this Lease shall remain in full force and effect and Landlord shall proceed (or shall cause the Primary Board to proceed) with diligence to repair or cause to be repaired such damage so as to restore the Premises, the Building and access thereto, or what may remain thereof (including the Initial Tenant Work but excluding any other Tenant Work), as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately prior to such damage, destruction or taking, subject to then applicable Legal Requirements and Title Matters, but neither Landlord nor the Primary Board shall be required to expend in such repair or rebuilding more than the proceeds of insurance or award of damages, if any, recovered or recoverable with respect to such damage, destruction or taking (plus, in the case of casualty, the amount of any insurance deductibles (which shall be deemed Operating Costs)), less Landlord’s (or the Primary Board’s) reasonable expenses incurred in collecting such proceeds or award, as the case may be, but in the case of damage or destruction only to the extent Landlord was carrying the insurance required to be carried pursuant to this Lease at the time of such damage or destruction. All such repairs made necessary by any negligent act or omission or any willful misconduct of Tenant shall be made by Landlord (or the Primary Board) at Tenant’s expense to the extent that the cost of such repairs is not covered by insurance proceeds available therefor (including the payment by Tenant of any applicable deductible amount). Landlord shall not be liable for delays in the making of any such repairs that are due to Force Majeure, nor shall Landlord be liable for any inconvenience or annoyance to Tenant or injury to the business of Tenant resulting from delays in repairing such damage. All repairs to and replacements of Tenant Property and any Tenant Work other than the Initial Tenant Work shall be made by and at the expense of Tenant, which work Tenant shall promptly commence as soon as practicable and thereafter prosecute diligently to completion.

  • Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Sublessee shall have the right to use during the Term the office furnishings and equipment within the Subleased Premises that are identified on Exhibit C attached hereto, as such exhibit may be adjusted by mutual agreement of the parties prior to the Third Floor Premises Delivery Date (the “Furniture”), provided Sublessee may only use the Furniture located in the Second Floor Premises after the Second Floor Commencement Date. The Furniture is provided in its “AS IS, WHERE IS” condition, without representation or warranty whatsoever. Sublessee shall insure the Furniture under the property insurance policy required under the Master Lease, as incorporated herein, and pay all taxes with respect to the Furniture. Sublessee shall maintain the Furniture in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the same occurring during the Term. Sublessee shall surrender the Furniture to Sublessor upon the termination of this Sublease in the same condition as exists as of the applicable Delivery Date, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Sublessee shall not remove any of the Furniture from the Subleased Premises. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Sublessee may provide Sublessor with written notice one (1) time not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the Third Floor Premises Delivery Date that lists any items of Furniture that Sublessee does not want to use and Sublessor shall, at no cost to Sublessee, remove such items from the Subleased Premises prior to the Third Floor Premises Delivery Date and such items shall no longer be considered Furniture hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, provided Sublessee is not in default beyond the expiration of any applicable cure or grace period as of the date of the expiration or earlier termination of this Sublease, which condition may be waived by Sublessor in its sole discretion, then upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Sublease, the Furniture shall become the property of Sublessee, and Sublessee shall accept the same in its “AS IS, WHERE IS” condition, without representation or warranty whatsoever except as provided in the Bill of Sale referred to in the following sentence. In the event the Furniture is to become the property of Sublessee upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Sublease pursuant to the terms of the immediately preceding sentence, then Sublessor agrees to execute and deliver to Sublessee a Bill of Sale in the form of Exhibit D attached hereto conveying and transferring to Sublessee the Furniture.

  • Improvements; Alterations Improvements to the Premises shall be installed at Tenant’s expense only in accordance with plans and specifications which have been previously submitted to and approved in writing by Landlord, which approval shall be governed by the provisions set forth in this Section 8(a). No alterations or physical additions in or to the Premises may be made without Landlord’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; however, Landlord may withhold its consent to any alteration or addition that would adversely affect (in the reasonable discretion of Landlord) the (1) Building’s Structure or the Building’s Systems (including the Building’s restrooms or mechanical rooms), (2) exterior appearance of the Building, (3) appearance of the Building’s common areas or elevator lobby areas, or (4) provision of services to other occupants of the Building. Tenant shall not paint or install lighting or decorations, signs, window or door lettering, or advertising media of any type visible from the exterior of the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion. All alterations, additions, and improvements shall be constructed, maintained, and used by Tenant, at its risk and expense, in accordance with all Laws; Landlord’s consent to or approval of any alterations, additions or improvements (or the plans therefor) shall not constitute a representation or warranty by Landlord, nor Landlord’s acceptance, that the same comply with sound architectural and/or engineering practices or with all applicable Laws, and Tenant shall be solely responsible for ensuring all such compliance.

  • Alterations and Repairs Tenant shall not erect any drywall partitions, make any alterations in or additions or changes to the Premises without the Landlord’s prior written approval in each and every instance, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Unless otherwise provided by written agreement, all Tenant’s Improvements upon the Premises and any replacements therefore, including, but not limited to all air-conditioning or heating systems, decorations, partitions, electrical systems affixed to the Premises, except furniture or movable trade fixtures installed at the expense of Tenant, shall become the property of the Landlord and shall remain upon, and be surrendered with, the Premises as a part thereof and at the termination of this Lease, without compensation to Tenant; unless, however, Landlord, by notice given the Tenant, shall elect to have Tenant remove any or all such Tenant Improvements. Thereupon Tenant shall accomplish such removal at its sole cost, repair any damage caused by such removal, and restore the Premises to their former condition. If Tenant does not remove said additions, decorations, fixtures, hardware, non-trade fixtures and improvements after request to do so by Landlord, Landlord may remove the same and Tenant shall pay the cost of such removal to the Landlord upon demand. Tenant hereby agrees to hold Landlord and Landlord’s beneficiaries, their agents and employees harmless from any and all liabilities of every kind and description which may arise out of or be connected in any way with said alterations or additions. Any mechanic’s lien filed against the Premises, or the Building or the Property, for work claimed to have been furnished to Tenant shall be discharged of record by Tenant within ten (10) days thereafter, at Tenant’s expense, provided however Tenant shall have the right to contest any such lien on the posting of reasonably sufficient security.

  • Maintenance and Repairs 7.1 Tenant shall, at its expense, throughout the Term and all renewals and extensions thereof, maintain in good order, condition and repair the Premises, including but not limited to heating and air conditioning equipment, walls, floors and ceilings, window exteriors, mechanical and electrical systems and equipment exclusively serving the Premises, electric light fixtures, bulbs, tubes and tube casings, doors, floor coverings, dock doors, levelers, plumbing system and plumbing fixtures, Tenant’s signs and utility facilities not maintained by Landlord. Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to extend to Tenant the benefit from warranties on such items, if any, that have been made by Landlord’s contractors or vendors and to extend to Tenant, as and if available, any bulk buying power that Landlord may have with such contractors or vendors. If any portion of the Premises or any system or equipment in the Premises which Tenant is obligated to repair cannot be fully repaired, Tenant shall promptly replace the same, regardless of whether the benefit of such replacement extends beyond the Term. Tenant shall, at Tenant’s expense, maintain a preventive maintenance contract providing for the regular inspection (at least quarterly) and maintenance of the heating and air conditioning system by a licensed and qualified heating and air conditioning contractor, or Tenant shall perform such HVAC inspection and maintenance with duly licensed and qualified employee. The cost of such preventive maintenance contract shall be paid by Tenant and an expense solely chargeable to Tenant; but if Landlord so elects, same may be billed directly by Landlord to Tenant where Landlord on Tenant’s behalf enters into such preventive maintenance contract and in such case shall be deemed Additional Rent (Landlord alone may so elect whether to enter into such preventive maintenance contract on Tenant’s behalf). Landlord shall have the right, upon notice to Tenant, to undertake the responsibility for preventive maintenance of any other system or component at Tenant’s expense. Tenant shall be responsible for janitorial services and trash removal from the Premises, at Tenant’s expense. Landlord and Tenant intend that, at all times during the Term, Tenant shall maintain the Premises in good order and condition and appearances reasonably commensurate with the balance of the Property. All of Tenant’s obligations to maintain and repair shall be accomplished at Tenant’s sole expense. If Tenant fails to maintain and repair the Premises as required by this Section, Landlord may, on 10 days’ prior written notice (except that no notice shall be required in case of emergency), enter the Premises and perform such maintenance or repair on behalf of Tenant; provided such entry is made in compliance with Applicable Laws, including but not limited to, the Marijuana code. In such cases, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord immediately upon demand for all costs incurred in performing such maintenance or repair plus an administration fee equal to 5% of such actual and reasonable costs or expenses.

  • Repairs Tenant and its agents shall have been given full opportunity to inspect and examine the Premises prior to occupancy and, by entry hereunder, Tenant accepts the Premises in its present "as is" condition, except for latent defects, and without any warranty as to the condition of the Premises or the Building; provided, however, Landlord warrants that all tenant improvements constructed by Landlord in the Premises shall be free from material defects for a period of one (1) year from the date the Premises are delivered to Tenant by Landlord. Except as required by Landlord in the next paragraph below, Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, keep the Premises and every part thereof in good condition and repair, ordinary wear and tear and damage thereto by fire, earthquake, act of God or the elements excepted. If Tenant does not make such repairs, Landlord may, after reasonable notice to Tenant, make such repairs and Tenant shall pay (the costs thereof and any accrued interest thereon upon demand. In the event Tenant makes any repairs to the Premises or Building at the expense of Landlord as provided by any law, statute or ordinance now or hereafter in effect, Tenant shall do so only after having given reasonable notice to Landlord and Tenant shall only incur reasonable costs in making such repairs and shall make only such repairs as are reasonable, necessary and prudent under the prevailing circumstances. Landlord shall, at Landlord's expense subject to the provisions of Article 5, keep the structural portion including the HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems of the Building in good order, condi- Upon the expiration or sooner termination of the Term hereof, Tenant shall surrender the Premises to Landlord in the same condition as when received, ordinary wear and tear and damage thereto by fire, earthquake, act of God or the elements excepted.

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