Investments, withdrawals and switches. The table below shows the time it takes for investment in and withdrawal from a unit trust portfolio, as well as for switching between the available unit trust portfolios once the Administrator has accepted an instruction:
Investments, withdrawals and switches. The table below shows the time it takes for investment in and withdrawal from a unit trust portfolio, as well as for switching between the available unit trust portfolios once the Administrator has accepted an instruction: Unit price received from us Shows on investment statement Before cut-off (Business day 1) Business day 1 The price at the close of Business day 1 Business day 2 After cut-off (Business day 1) Business day 2 The price at the close of Business day 2 Business day 3
Investments, withdrawals and switches. The table below shows the time it takes for investment in and withdrawal from a unit trust portfolio, as well as for switching in between the available unit trust portfolios once we have accepted an instruction from you: Although a withdrawal will show on your statement within two business days, it may take longer for the payment to show in your bank account. The following time restrictions apply on ad hoc withdrawals: • Contributionsmadewithamonthlydebitordercannotbewithdrawnwithin45daysoftheinvestmentdate. • Contributionsmadewithachequedepositcannotbewithdrawnwithin14daysoftheinvestmentdate. • Contributionsmadewithaonce-of debitcannotbewithdrawnwithin5businessdaysoftheinvestment.
Investments, withdrawals and switches. The table below shows the time it takes for investment in and withdrawal from a unit trust portfolio, as well as for switching in between the available unit trust portfolios once we have accepted an instruction from you: Although a withdrawal will show on your statement within two business days, it may take longer for the payment to show in your bank account. The following time restrictions apply on ad hoc withdrawals: • Contributions made with a monthly debit order cannot be withdrawn within 45 days of the investment date. • Contributions made with a cheque deposit cannot be withdrawn within 45 days of the investment date. • Contributions made with a once-off debit cannot be withdrawn within 45 days of the investment.
Investments, withdrawals and switches. The table below shows the time it takes for investment in and withdrawal from a unit trust portfolio, as well as for switching in between the available unit trust portfolios once we have accepted an instruction from you: Unit price received from us investment statement Before cut-off (Business day 1) Business day 1 The price at the close of Business day 1 Business day 2 After cut-off (Business day 1) Business day 2 The price at the close of Business day 2 Business day 3 Although a withdrawal will show on your statement within two business days, it may take longer for the payment to show in your bank account. The following time restrictions apply on withdrawals: • Contributions made with a monthly debit order cannot be withdrawn within 45 days of the investment date. • Contributions made with a once-off debit cannot be withdrawn within 45 days of the investment date.