P/T In the event that an opportunity arises for a part time Employee to attend at a Union function, the parties shall meet to discuss the possibility of the Employee attending same.
ITEM DESCRIPTION Equipment (include VIN, make, model, year, serial no., accessories, or other identifying features): 12. NO. OF OPERATORS PER SHIFT 13. HRLY/ DAILY/ MILEAGE SHIFT BASIS 14. SPECIAL 15. GUARANTEE (8 HOURS) Portable Toilet Rental – Serviced(Includes first day delivery/last day pickup and daily rental rate per unit) 1 $75 Daily Ea. Portable Toilet Rental – Unserviced(Rental only, no daily service call) 1 $45 Daily Ea. Accessible Portable Toilet Rental – Serviced(Includes first day delivery/last day pickup and daily rental rate per unit) 1 $95 Daily Ea. Accessible Portable Toilet Rental – Unserviced(Rental only, no daily service call) 1 $65 Daily Ea.
F/T When a position is declared redundant, the Employee who is displaced, will be offered the opportunity to transfer to any vacant position in the same classification and same shift and the Union will be so notified.
BASIC LEASE INFORMATION The key business terms used in this Lease are defined as follows:
THE SCHEDULE Subject to the reservation set out in subclause (3) of this Clause, the Joint Venturers shall at all times during the term of this Agreement and any extensions thereof so exercise the rights conferred upon or vested in them by this Agreement and shall so operate or make use of all onshore facilities so as to ensure that the priorities set out in subclauses (2) and (4) of this Clause are observed and performed.
E N D M E N T For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows:
False Information The Borrower or any Obligor has given the Bank false or misleading information or representations.
E E M E N T In consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
First Schedule Liquidated Damages