Khan Uul Sample Clauses

Khan Uul. Khan Uul District is located on the southwestern part of Ulaanbaatar City alongside the Tuul river. The District has a population of 76,934 residents and is the smallest per capita central District in Ulaanbaatar. During the Communist Period, Khan Uul District was called the Workers District with many textile and animal processing factories. Today, Khan Uul is often referred to as the industrial district and is still the largest manufacturing region in Ulaanbaatar. Large factories operating in Khan Uul include the Gobi Shareholding Company, MIAT Aviation Company, and Erel Co. LTD. According to the Khan Uul District Governor, Khan Uul industries produce 100% of yarn and red brick in the city, 85% of the washed wool, 84% of the felt, 70% of the dehaired wool, 72% of soft drinks and beer, and 53% of bread and confectionary items.3 In Khan Uul District, the Apartment Area and Ger Area are geographically separated by the Tuul River. From Table 2.2, 69% (52,764) of the Khan Uul District population live in the Ger Area. The population of Khan Uul District grew at a rate of 6% between 2000 and 2002. The Apartment Area experienced a decrease in population of 11% while the Ger Area grew by 16%. As explained above, it is unclear why the apartment area population has decreased. Most likely, both areas have bigger populations than are noted below. Table 2.2 Khan Uul Population by Year and Living Area Area Population Growth Rate 2000 2002 Apartment Area 27,038 24,170 -10.6% Ger Area 45,518 52,764 15.9% Yarmag/Nisekh 39,019 44,829 14.9% Bio 3,909 4,170 6.7% Shuvuu 2,590 2,760 6.6% Olziit 0 1,005 100.0% Total 72,556 76,934 6.0% % in Ger Area 62.7% 68.6% Khan Uul Statistics Office, 2003 Khan Uul Ger Areas In the Khan Uul Ger Area, there are four main Ger Area communities: Yarmag/Nisekh, Bio, Shuvuu and Olziit. • Yarmag/Nisekh The Yarmag/Nisekh Ger Area has a total population of 44,829. Its population grew 15% over the past two years. At 10 kilometers from the city center, it is the closest community to downtown Ulaanbaatar. Yarmag was established in 1966 after a flood displaced many residents of other areas of Ulaanbaatar. Nisekh was established in 1957 after the civil aviation agency started operating in the area. As the population increased, the communities have grown into one Ger Area. Many former employees of the textile sector live in this area, and home based businesses continue to produce textile products. Compared to the other Khan Uul Ger Areas, this community is ...
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  • moorditj kwabadak Healthy people refers to the commitment we have as an organisation to ensure our staff, patients and the wider community have access to comprehensive healthcare services, in order to maintain healthy lives. Amazing care reflects the sentiment of those consumers accessing our healthcare services from feedback provided to us. This common statement resonates with the health service, and reflects our intentions in our practice and work every day. As a health service which celebrates diversity of culture and languages, it is also important that our vision is shared in the Noongar language. Our Values Our Values reflect the qualities that we demonstrate to each other and our community every day. Our staff make a difference every day to the patients, families and consumers they provide care, advice and support to. The EMHS values capture the shared responsibility that we uphold as most important, which are: • Kindness – kindness is represented in the support that we give to one another. This is how we demonstrate genuine care and compassion to each and every person.

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