Civil Aviation i. The Parties recognize as applicable to each other the rights, privileges and obligations provided for by the multilateral aviation agreements to which they are both party, particularly by the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation (The Chicago Convention) and the 1944 International Air Services Transit Agreement.
ii. In addition, the Parties shall, upon entry into force of this Agreement, establish a trilateral committee composed of the two Parties and the IVG to design the most efficient management system for civil aviation, including those relevant aspects of the air traffic control system. In the absence of consensus the IVG may make its own recommendations.
Civil Aviation. 1. The Parties recognise as applicable to each other the rights, privileges and obligations provided for by the multilateral aviation agreements to which they are both party, particularly by the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation (The Chicago Convention) and the 1944 International Air Services Transit Agreement.
2. Any declaration of national emergency by a Party under Article 89 of the Chicago Convention will not be applied to the other Party on a discriminatory basis.
3. The Parties take note of the negotiations on the international air corridor to be opened between them in accordance with the Washington Declaration. In addition, the Parties shall, upon ratification of this Treaty, enter into negotiations for the purpose of concluding a Civil Aviation Agreement. All the above negotiations are to be concluded not later than 6 months from the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this Treaty.
Civil Aviation. Administrative Authority — refers to the Civil Aviation Administration and the Civil Aviation Regional Administration.
Civil Aviation. All civil aircraft of any na- tional registry, including:
Civil Aviation. I Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) 7/12/44 - 25.04.77 A 25.05.77
Civil Aviation. I. The Parties recognize as applicable to each other the rights, privileges and obligations provided for by the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation (The Chicago Convention) and the 1944 International Air Services Transit Agreement. These Conventions shall guide all the relations between Palestine and Israel with respect to matters of civil aviation.
II. In addition, Palestine and Israel shall each have separate air-traffic control over their respective air space, upon entry into force of the Treaty. Palestine and Israel shall also establish a Joint Committee for Technical Coordination of Civil Aviation Matters.
III. A detailed agreement with respect to civil aviation, including the option of an air corridor between the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in line with the above principles, shall be included in the Treaty.
Civil Aviation. Rehabilitation of the runway at Kabul’s international airport, and provision of consultants’ services and goods, including, without limitation, communication, radio, meteorological, ground-handling and de-icing equipment, and a power distribution system, to upgrade the capabilities of said airport.
Civil Aviation. The Parties acknowledge the importance of ensuring regular direct flights between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, for passengers and cargo, as an essential means for developing and promoting their relations. They recognize as applicable to each other the rights, privileges and obligations provided for by the multilateral aviation agreements to which they are both a party, their annexes and any amendments thereof applicable to both Parties, particularly the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation, opened for signature at Chicago on the seventh day of December 1944, and the 1944 International Air Services Transit Agreement. Accordingly, the Parties shall as soon as practicable conclude all the necessary agreements and arrangements governing civil aviation, and consequently work towards establishing an international air corridor between their two States in accordance with international law. They shall also reach and implement the necessary agreements and arrangements with respect to visas and consular services to facilitate travel for the citizens of both States. ةيساسأ ةليسوك ، عئاضبلاو نيرفاسملل ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراإملاو ليئارسإ نيب ةمظتنإم ةرشابإم ةيوج تلحر نامض ةيمهأب نافرطلا رقي افارإطلا ةددعتملا ناريطلا تاياقافتا يف اهيلع صوصنملا تاإمازتللاو تاازايتإملاو قوقحلا نأب نافرتعي .امهنيب تااقلعلا زيزعتو ريوطتل مت يتلا ، يلودلا يندملا ناريطلل 1944 ةياقافتا اميس ل ، نيفرطلا لك ىلع قبطنت اهيلع تليدعت ةيأو اهتاقفرإمو ، اهيف افرإط امه يتلا ، كلذ ىلع ءق انبو .1944 اماعل يلودلا يوجلا لقنلا ةياقافتاو ، 1944 ربمسيد نإم عباسلا امويلا يف وغاكيش يف عياقوتلا لجأ نإم اهحتف ىلع لمعلا يلاتلابو ، يندملا ناريطلا مكحت يتلاو نكمإم تاقو براقأ يف ةإمازللا تابيترتلاو تااقافتلا عيمج اماربإ نيفرطلا ىلع نيعتي قلعتي اميف ةإمازللا تابيترتلاو تااقافتلا ذيفنتو ىلإ لصوتلا امهيلع نيعتي امك .يلودلا نوناقلل اققفو امهيتلود نيب يلود يوج رمإم ءاشنإ نيتلودلا ينإطاومل رفسلا ليهستل ةيلصنقلا تاإمدخلاو تاريشأتلاب.
Civil Aviation. 1. The Parties recognize as applicable to each other the rights, privileges and obligations provided for by the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation (The Chicago Convention) and the 1944 International Air Services Transit Agreement. These Conventions shall guide all the relations between Palestine and Israel with respect to matters of civil aviation.
2. In addition, Palestine and Israel shall each have separate air-traffic control over their respective air space, upon entry into force of the Treaty. Palestine and Israel shall also establish a Joint Committee for Technical Coordination of Civil Aviation Matters.
3. A detailed agreement with respect to civil aviation, in line with the above principles, shall be included in the Treaty.
Civil Aviation. (a) Development and carrying out of a strategic development plan to enable CAMA to manage civil aviation, establish an efficient financial management system, analyze user charges and improve airport efficiency.
(b) Provision of training in airport operations, safety procedures, air traffic control, air navigation, electronics maintenance, mechanics and other specialized technical subjects, financial control, and the English language to strengthen staff capabilities within CAMA.
(c) Provision of emergency airport equipment, meteorological equipment and aviation equipment and spare parts.