Landscape Develop and coordinate landscape design concepts entailing analysis of existing conditions, proposed components and how the occupants will use the facility. Include location and description of planting, ground improvements and visual barriers.
Infrastructure Improvements The design, redevelopment and construction and completion of certain infrastructure improvements, including sewer, stormwater, electrical and water main improvements, along with other similar improvements.
Aesthetics All decisions of the Design Professional on matters of aesthetics are final, conclusive, and binding on all parties if consistent with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT A leave of absence without pay of up to one (1) contract year may be granted to any employee, upon application, for the purpose of engaging in study at an accredited college or university reasonably related to professional responsibilities.
Lots 5.1. The 1 (one) standard lot size is the measurement unit specified for each CFD. The Company may offer standard lots, micro-lots and mini-lots, in its discretion, as defined from time to time in the Contract Specifications or the Company’s Website.
Curriculum Development This includes the analysis and coordination of textual materials; constant review of current literature in the field, some of which are selected for the college library collection, the preparation of selective, descriptive materials such as outlines and syllabi; conferring with other faculty and administration on curricular problems; and, the attendance and participation in inter and intra-college conferences and advisory committees.
School Improvement The conditions which follow shall govern employee participation in any and all plans, programs, or projects included in the terms, site-based decision making, school improvement, effective schools as provided in Act 197, P.A. 1987 (Section 15.1919 (919b) MSA) or other similar plans:
Landscaping Maintaining, tending and cultivating and (as necessary) re-stocking any garden or grassed areas including replacing plants, shrubs and trees as necessary.
Prosthetics Crowns and Bridges (Plan B) paying for 60% of the approved Schedule of Fees.
Design At no cost to SCE, Seller shall be responsible for: