Examples of Lots in a sentence
City does not assume responsibility for the surface stormwater runoff from individual Lots to adjacent Lots or adjacent properties, the responsibility of which shall be solely that of Developer.
The purchasers of any Lots will be entitled to submit building plans and site plans, procure site plan approvals, procure building plan approvals, procure construction permits, and subject to paragraph 5.3 of this Agreement procure Certificates of Occupancy for improvements constructed on Lots in accordance with the normal approval procedures of City as established under City Code.
City will allow the immediate recording of the Plat of the Subdivision, and the conveyance of Lots in the Subdivision (or portions thereof) if Developer complies with the following provisions of this Section.
Upon the recording of the Plat Developer will be entitled to convey individual Lots or Tracts in the Subdivision to third party purchasers.