Inclement Weather 16.1 The parties are committed to working together to minimize the impact of inclement weather. The employer will ensure reasonable allowance is included in contracts taking into account historic weather conditions and forecast rainfall. 16.2 Inclement weather means the existence of rain or abnormal climatic conditions (whether hail, extreme cold, high wind, severe dust storm, extreme heat (as defined in clause 14), poor air quality (as defined in clause 15), or the like or any combination of these conditions) where it is not reasonable or it is unsafe for employees to continue working in those conditions. 16.3 The employer or its representative, when requested by the employees or their representative, must confer within a reasonable time (which does not exceed 60 minutes) for the purpose of determining whether or not the conditions referred to in clause 16.2 apply. 16.4 The time work stops due to inclement weather and the resumption of work after a period of inclement weather has ended will be recorded by the employer. 16.5 When inclement weather conditions exist, an affected employee is not required to start or continue to work where it is unreasonable or unsafe to do so. In cases where emergency work is required or it is necessary to complete a concrete pour already commenced to a practical stage, work may occur or continue provided that such work does not give rise to a reasonable concern on the part of an employee undertaking the work of an imminent risk to their health or safety. 16.6 Where emergency work or a concrete pour is completed in accordance with clause 16.5, work will be paid at the rate of 200% of the ordinary hourly rate calculated to the next hour, and in the case of wet weather, the employee will be provided with adequate wet weather gear. If an employee’s clothes become wet as a result of working in the rain the employee will be allowed to go home for the remainder of the day without loss of pay. 16.7 Where an employee is not able to perform any work at any location because of inclement weather, the employee will receive payment at the ordinary hourly rate for ordinary hours. Payment for time lost due to inclement weather is subject to a maximum of 32 hours pay in any 4-week period for each employee. Payment is subject to adherence to the terms of clause 16. 16.8 An employee working on a Job Share arrangement pursuant to clause 30—Job Share, that is affected by inclement weather, will be entitled to payment from the 32-hour inclement weather bank on a pro rata basis. 16.9 Employees accumulated inclement weather bank shall not be deducted whilst they remain on site. 16.10 Inclement weather occurring during overtime will not be taken into account for the purposes of clause 16 and employees will not be entitled to any payment for stoppages because of inclement weather that occurs outside of ordinary hours. 16.11 Employees on a portion of a site not affected by inclement weather must continue to work even though employees working on other areas of the site may have stopped work because of inclement weather. 16.12 Subject to the availability of alternative work in an employee’s classification, an employer may require employees to transfer: (a) from a location on a site where it is unreasonable and/or unsafe to work because of inclement weather, to another area on the same site, where it is reasonable and safe to work; and/or (b) from a site where it is unreasonable and/or unsafe to work because of inclement weather, to another site, where it is reasonable and safe to work, and where the employer, where necessary, provides transport. 16.13 Remaining on site where, because of inclement weather, the employees are prevented from working: (a) for more than an accumulated total of 4 hours of ordinary time in any one day; or (b) after the main meal break, for more than half of the ordinary work time; or (c) during the final 2 hours of the normal workday for more than an accumulated total of one hour; the employer will not be entitled to require the employees to remain on site beyond the expiration of any of the above circumstances. However, where genuine training has been agreed in writing between the parties, then the course maybe completed in extraordinary circumstances. 16.14 Where the employees are in the sheds, because they have been rained off, or because it is at starting time, morning tea, or lunch time, and it is raining, they will not be required to go to work in a dry area or to be transferred to another site unless: (a) the rain stops; or (b) a covered walkway has been provided; or (c) the sheds are under cover and the employees can get to the dry area without going through the rain; or (d) adequate protection is provided. 16.15 Protection must, where necessary, be provided for the employees’ tools.
Wet Weather In the event of wet weather, work in the open will continue until the particular work in hand can no longer be done safely and efficiently. Whilst it is raining, employees will be required to: Continue to work under cover or relocate to alternative work under cover, on site. Obtain materials and services for employees working under cover where there is only minimal exposure to inclement weather. When required, perform emergency and safety work. In addition, work on unexpected breakdowns, which can be corrected in limited time duration. Should a portion of the project be affected by wet weather, all other employees not so affected shall continue working in accordance with award conditions, regardless that some employees may be entitled to cease work due to wet weather. If a halt to productive work occurs due to inclement weather, the parties agree that employees may be relocated to other unaffected sites. Where the above steps are not possible, affected employees may be required to attend tool box meetings, work planning sessions or skills development activities, all of which will count as productive time for payment purposes.
Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.
Move-in; Inspection; Delay Before Resident may access or occupy the premises, any required installments or other payments then due (including any Administrative Fee, which is earned and payable upon mutual execution of this Agreement) must be paid in full with cleared funds and guaranty or prepayment requirements satisfied. The application fee (if any) is non-refundable and is not applicable toward any other payments required of Resident under this Agreement. Prior to Resident’s taking possession of the assigned bedroom space (and any re-assigned bedroom space), Resident will conduct an inspection of the assigned bedroom space and apartment and will note on the Check-In/Check-Out Inspection Report (“Inspection Report”) any defects, damage or other conditions observed, if not already identified by Owner on such report; upon completion and approval by Owner, the Inspection Report will become part of this Agreement. At the time of move-out, Resident is encouraged to inspect the bedroom space and apartment with Owner’s representative by making an appointment during business hours at least 48 hours in advance. Within three business days following Resident’s move-out (or, as applicable, following the move-out of all residents of an apartment) at the termination of this Agreement, or within a reasonable time if Resident moves out without notifying Owner, Owner will note the then-present condition of the assigned bedroom space and apartment, including all appliances and fixtures, and any damages incurred and/or extraordinary cleaning deemed necessary by Owner or extraordinary wear as determined by Owner. Resident will promptly pay all costs of restoring the bedroom space and apartment to the same condition upon move-in, less normal wear. Resident acknowledges that except as provided in the Inspection Report, each bedroom space and apartment are being delivered in "as-is" condition, and Resident’s acceptance of the assigned bedroom space and apartment at the beginning of the Term constitutes Resident’s acknowledgment that the bedroom space and apartment and all fixtures are in good repair and condition. Owner will not be responsible for any damages or consequences suffered by Resident as a result of Owner’s inability to timely deliver possession of the apartment or assigned bedroom space to Resident on the anticipated Start Date; in such event, the rent payable will be abated until Owner tenders possession and such delay will not extend or decrease the term or change the End Date. Resident acknowledges that any model apartment at the Property shown to Resident in person, online or through other means is intended to be representative of the general quality and type of construction and materials within apartments. Specific items of décor and furnishings and the actual colors, styles, materials, upholstery and other treatments in the apartment assigned to Resident may vary from those in the model apartment. The actual apartment assigned to Resident may also vary in approximate size, square footage and layout. Resident’s apartment will not include custom lighting, lamps, decorations, linens, unattached appliances or other personal property as may be shown in the model apartment.
Weather User understands and agrees that during the term of this agreement, User will strictly adhere to the Weather Protocols set forth in the Grand Park Emergency Management Plan. The Grand Park Emergency Management Plan is made available on the Grand Park website or by request a copy may be provided by the Commission. In the event of inclement weather, the Commission will retain final determination as to the ability of the facility to support the Event. a. If the facility is unable to support the event due to an "Act of God" the Commission will not provide a refund or credit to the User. User may obtain event insurance through a vendor of their choosing to cover the "Act of God" scenario. b. If the facility is deemed unable to support the event by the Commission, the Commission will work with the User to reschedule such activity as was affected by the facility closure. In such case that the activity may not be rescheduled, Commission will credit the User for such activity as was affected by the closure and allow the credit to be utilized toward a future event. c. If the facility is deemed unable to support the event by the User, the Commission will work with the User to reschedule such activity as was affected within the general time constraints of the User's Event. In such case that the activity may not be rescheduled, Commission will not credit the User.
Termination due to Force Majeure 13.5.1 If the Force Majeure Event or its effects continue to be present beyond the period as specified in Article 4.5.3, either Party shall have the right to cause termination of the Agreement. In such an event, this Agreement shall terminate on the date of such Termination Notice.
Termination Due to Force Majeure Event If the period of Force Majeure continues or is in the reasonable judgment of the Parties likely to continue beyond a period of 120 (one hundred and twenty) Days, the Parties may mutually decide to terminate this Agreement or continue this Agreement on mutually agreed revised terms. If the Parties are unable to reach an agreement in this regard, the Affected Party shall after the expiry of the said period of 120 (one hundred and twenty ) Days be entitled to terminate the Agreement in which event, the provisions of Articles 16 and 17 shall, to the extent expressly made applicable, apply.
Force Majeure Delays In any case where either party hereto is required to do any act (other than the payment of money), delays caused by or resulting from Acts of God or Nature, war, civil commotion, fire, flood or other casualty, labor difficulties, shortages of labor or materials or equipment, government regulations, delay by government or regulatory agencies with respect to approval or permit process, unusually severe weather, or other causes beyond such party’s reasonable control the time during which act shall be completed, shall be deemed to be extended by the period of such delay, whether such time be designated by a fixed date, a fixed time or “a reasonable time.”
Independence from Material Breach Determination Except as set forth in Section X.D.1.c, these provisions for payment of Stipulated Penalties shall not affect or otherwise set a standard for OIG’s decision that Xxxxx has materially breached this IA, which decision shall be made at OIG’s discretion and shall be governed by the provisions in Section X.D, below.
Adverse Weather Shall be only weather that satisfies all of the following conditions: (1) unusually severe precipitation, sleet, snow, hail, or extreme temperature or air conditions in excess of the norm for the location and time of year it occurred based on the closest weather station data averaged over the past five years, (2) that is unanticipated and would cause unsafe work conditions and/or is unsuitable for scheduled work that should not be performed during inclement weather (i.e., exterior finishes), and (3) at the Project.