Liability for Failure to Stop Payment of Pre Sample Clauses
Liability for Failure to Stop Payment of Pre authorized Transfer. If you order us to stop one of these payments three (3) business days or more before the transfer is scheduled, and we do not do so, we will be liable for your losses or damages.
Liability for Failure to Stop Payment of Pre authorized Transfer. If you order us to stop one of these payments three business days or more before the transfer is scheduled, and we do not do so, we will be liable for your losses or damages. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO STOP PAYMENT ON ANY DEBIT CARD TRANSACTION OR ON ANY TRANSACTION YOU PERFORM AT AN ATM. LIABILITY FOR FAILURE TO MAKE TRANSFERS If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will NOT be liable for instance: If, through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your account to make the transfer. If the transfer would go over the credit limit on your overdraft line. If circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken. There may be other exceptions stated in our agreement with you. UNAUTHORIZED TRANSFERS