Licence in Opiq Sample Clauses

Licence in Opiq. User logs in Opiq.

Related to Licence in Opiq

  • Licence You must ensure that you hold all necessary licences, permits and approvals that are required by Law (including a Dairy Industry Licence) in order to comply with your obligations under this Contract. Failure to comply with the obligations under this clause may result in DFMC suspending the collection of your milk until such time as the failure is rectified.

  • Site License We grant you a non-assignable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide right and license to internally use and install the Software on any number of Development Workstations, Machines, Servers or users at a single Site as listed in the Order Form for Commercial purposes.

  • Licence Fees 4.1 In consideration of the licences and authorisations granted under this Agreement, the Licensee will pay to ICE the Licence Fees for the Term in advance, in Euro. 4.2 The Licence Fees shall be payable online by debit/credit card via ICE’s designated payment provider, Stripe Payments Europe Ltd and its affiliates (please see ICE’s Privacy Policy for further information). For the avoidance of doubt, this Agreement shall not come into force until the Licensee has paid the Licence Fees. 4.3 The Licence Fees are non-refundable and recoupable against the usage limit(s) and revenue cap(s) set out in the Cover Sheet during the Term. For the purposes of calculating recoupment, each Stream / Download / Subscriber Month on a Licensed Service in a Tier 2 country will count as 0.5, while each Stream / Download / Subscriber Month in a Tier 1 country will count as 1. 4.4 Where it is necessary for the Licensee to exchange the currency of an amount into Euro for the purpose of the revenue cap(s) in the Cover Sheet or the sum set out in clause 4.8, the exchange rate used will be the average exchange rate for the Term as published in the European Central Bank Monthly statistics bulletin. 4.5 The Licensee may at any time during the Term purchase a licence for additional Licensed Services online via ICE’s website. The licence for the additional Licensed Services purchased shall commence once the Licence Fees have been paid for such additional Licensed Services. 4.6 The Licensee shall notify ICE immediately if the maximum usage limits in Band 16 in any one Licensed Service are exceeded. If the maximum usage limits are exceeded, this Agreement shall terminate, and the Licensee shall contact ICE to discuss the appropriate licence applicable to the Licensee. 4.7 The Licensee shall notify ICE immediately (by email to if the Licensee’s usage of any of the Licensed Services exceeds the limits stated in the Cover Sheet, so that the amount the Licensee pays as Licence Fees may be adjusted accordingly. 4.8 The Licensee shall notify ICE if the Gross Revenue from the Licensed Service(s) exceeds the sum of EUR 500,000 (or such other threshold sum for the ICE Direct Licence scheme as may be published on ICE’s website ( from time to time at the Rights Holders’ and ICE’s discretion) (excluding the applicable Sales Tax) per annum. In such circumstances, this Agreement shall terminate, and the Licensee shall contact ICE to discuss the appropriate licence applicable to the Licensee. 4.9 The Licence Fees set out in this Agreement are combined fees for the licensing of the Mechanical Rights and the corresponding Performing Rights for each Repertoire Work and any other rights that are expressly granted to the Licensee hereunder, including (in accordance with established industry practice) for shares in Musical Works that are under copyright control or unmatched works (or a portion thereof) used on the Licensed Services, applying a consistent approach to ICE’s other licensees that operate services similar to those of the Licensee in the applicable period. 4.10 The Rights Holders confirm and warrant that ICE is authorised to receive all payments under this Agreement on behalf of the Rights Holders. Accordingly, the Licensee will pay to ICE Licence Fees and any other payments falling due under this Agreement in consideration of the licences and authorisations granted under this Agreement. 4.11 The Licensee will pay its own bank charges on transfers of sums payable to ICE. 4.12 All licence fees and payments referred to in this Agreement are subject to any applicable Sales Tax, which the Licensee will pay to ICE at the rate or rates from time to time in force on any sums payable under this Agreement.

  • License; Use Upon delivery to an Authorized Person or a person reasonably believed by Custodian to be an Authorized Person of the Fund of software enabling the Fund to obtain access to the System (the “Software”), Custodian grants to the Fund a personal, nontransferable and nonexclusive license to use the Software solely for the purpose of transmitting Written Instructions, receiving reports, making inquiries or otherwise communicating with Custodian in connection with the Account(s). The Fund shall use the Software solely for its own internal and proper business purposes and not in the operation of a service bureau. Except as set forth herein, no license or right of any kind is granted to the Fund with respect to the Software. The Fund acknowledges that Custodian and its suppliers retain and have title and exclusive proprietary rights to the Software, including any trade secrets or other ideas, concepts, know-how, methodologies, or information incorporated therein and the exclusive rights to any copyrights, trademarks and patents (including registrations and applications for registration of either), or other statutory or legal protections available in respect thereof. The Fund further acknowledges that all or a part of the Software may be copyrighted or trademarked (or a registration or claim made therefor) by Custodian or its suppliers. The Fund shall not take any action with respect tot the Software inconsistent with the foregoing acknowledgement, nor shall the Fund attempt to decompile, reverse engineer or modify the Software. The Fund may not xxx, sell, lease or provide, directly or indirectly, any of the Software of any portion thereof to any other person or entity without Custodian’s prior written consent. The Fund may not remove any statutory copyright notice or other notice included in the Software or on any media containing the Software. The Fund shall reproduce any such notice on any reproduction of the Software and shall add any statutory copyright notice or other notice to the Software or media upon Custodian’s request.

  • Licence Grant If you use our software as part of using our Services then we and our licensors grant you a licence that is personal to you only, which is limited, non- exclusive, revocable, non-transferable and without the right to sub-licence. A “licence” is legal way in which we are able to grant you the right to use something for a specific and limited – in this context we use to describe how we grant you the right to use the Service (including its software). You are permitted to use the software provided by us for use solely for the purposes of availing of our Services pursuant to this Agreement and for no other purpose whatsoever. Unless expressly granted by us in this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as granting you a licence to use any of our software or other intellectual property rights for any other purposes.

  • License IO, which owns certain intellectual property rights to the name “Masterworks” hereby grants the Company effective upon the commencement of the Offering, a non-exclusive, royalty free license to use the name “Masterworks”. Other than with respect to this license, the Company will have no legal right to use the “Masterworks” name. In the event that the Administrator ceases to administer the Company’s operations, the Company will be required to change its name to eliminate the use of “Masterworks”.

  • Commercial Driver’s License As a result of recent Federal statutory requirements, the State of Michigan enacted Act 346 of 1988. The parties agree that as a result of these statutory requirements some employees within the Technical Bargaining Unit may be required to obtain and retain a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) to continue to perform certain duties for the State. Whenever a CDL is referred to in this Section, it is understood to mean the CDL and any required endorsements. In order to implement this provision, the parties agree to the following: A. The Employer will reimburse the cost of obtaining and renewing the required CDL group license and endorsements for those employees in positions where such license and endorsements are required. B. The Employer will reimburse, on a one time basis, the fee for the skills test, if required, provided the skills test is not being required because of the employee's poor driving record. In that case, the employee is responsible for the cost of the skills test. Where a skills test is required, the employee will be permitted to utilize the appropriate state vehicle. C. Employees shall be eligible for one grant of administrative leave to take the test to obtain or renew the CDL. Should the employee fail the test initially, the employee shall complete the necessary requirements on non-work time. D. Employees reassigned to a position requiring a CDL shall be eligible for reimbursement and administrative leave in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this Section. E. Employees desiring to transfer, promote, bump or be recalled to a position requiring a CDL are not eligible for reimbursement for obtaining the initial CDL but shall be eligible for reimbursement for renewals. F. Employees who fail to obtain, or retain, a CDL may be subject to removal from their positions. Employees who fail required tests may seek a 90 day extension of their current license, during which the Employer will retain the employee in his or her current or equivalent position. The Employer shall not be responsible for any fees associated with such extensions. At the end of the 90 day extension, if the employee fails to pass all required tests, the employee may be reassigned at the Employer's discretion, in accordance with applicable contractual provisions, to an available position not requiring a CDL for which the employee is qualified, or, if no position is available the employee will be laid off without bumping rights and will be placed on the Departmental Recall List, subject to recall in accordance with this Agreement. Those employees not choosing to extend their license for the 90 day period will be removed from their positions at the expiration of their current license and may be reassigned at the Employer's discretion, in accordance with applicable contractual provisions, to an available position not requiring a CDL for which the employee qualifies, or if no position is available, he or she will be laid off without bumping rights and will be placed on the Departmental Recall list. G. Employees required to obtain a medical certification of fitness shall have the "Examination to Determine Physical Condition of Drivers" form filed in their medical file. A copy of the medical "Examiners Certificate" shall be placed in their personnel file. The Employer agrees to pay for the examination and to grant administrative leave for the time necessary to complete the examination. The fitness standards for a CDL are unchanged from current Federal Department of Transportation Standards and Michigan Motor Carrier Standards. H. Employees who do not meet the required physical standards but who are otherwise qualified for a CDL may apply for a waiver to the Motor Carrier Appeal Board. I. Those employees employed by the State as intra-state drivers prior to June 10, 1984 shall be grandparented into the process and thereby be exempt from the medical certification requirement.

  • Software Licence The following licence terms apply whether HP provides software to Customer as part of a managed service or as a separate software transaction.

  • Licence Fee The Licensee must pay the Licence Fee to the School Council: (a) at the School Council’s address specified in Item 15 of Schedule 1 (or to any other address as the School Council notifies the Licensee by Notice from time to time); and (b) without demand by the School Council at the times and in the manner set out in Item 7 of Schedule 1 (or at such other times or in such other manner as the School Council notifies the Licensee by Notice from time to time).

  • PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE 4.1 In consideration for the Licence Granted to the Licensee, the Licensee must pay to SAMRO an annual Licence Fee calculated in accordance with the SAMRO Tariff I, as amended from time to time (“Licence Fee”). 4.2 The Licence Fee is payable annually, in advance, within 30 days (including weekends and public holidays) of the date of invoice. 4.3 The Licence Fee is based on the information provided by the Licensee. The licensee warrants that all information provided to SAMRO is true, correct and up to date. 4.4 XXXXX, may amend the Tariff and Licence Fee payable, with 3 (three) months’ prior written notice of any such amendment to the Licensee. 4.5 The Licensee is liable for payment of the amended licence fee from the date that the amended Tariff becomes effective. 4.6 If any increased Licence Fee becomes payable as a result of a change in the manner and extent of the Performance or usage of XXXXX’s Repertoire, the Licensee must forthwith pay the proper proportion of such increased fee from the date of such change in the manner or extent of Performance of music. 4.7 If the amended Licence Fee is less than that which the Licensee previously paid, the pro-rata balance in respect thereof will be set off as a credit against the Licence Fee payable for the next ensuing year or, at the Licensee’s option, refunded. 4.8 XXXXX will have the right, at any time during the subsistence of the Agreement, to reassess and check the Licence Fee payable by the Licensee and the parameters upon which the Licence Fee is payable.