PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE. 4.1 In consideration for the Licence Granted to the Licensee, the Licensee must pay to SAMRO an annual Licence Fee calculated in accordance with the SAMRO Tariff RT, as amended from time to time (“Licence Fee”).
4.2 The Licence Fee is payable annually, in advance, within 30 days (including weekends and public holidays) of the date of invoice.
4.3 The Licence Fee is based on the information provided by the Licensee. The licensee warrants that all information provided to SAMRO is true, correct and up to date.
4.4 XXXXX may amend the Tariff and Licence Fee payable, with 3 (three) months’ prior written notice of any such amendment to the Licensee.
4.5 The Licensee is liable for payment of the amended licence fee from the date that the amended Tariff becomes effective.
4.6 If any increased Licence Fee becomes payable as a result of a change in the manner and extent of the Performance or usage of XXXXX’s Repertoire, the Licensee must forthwith pay the proper proportion of such increased fee from the date of such change in the manner or extent of Performance of music.
4.7 If the amended Licence Fee is less than that which the Licensee previously paid, the pro-rata balance in respect thereof will be set off as a credit against the Licence Fee payable for the next ensuing year or, at the Licensee’s option, refunded.
4.8 XXXXX will have the right, at any time during the subsistence of the Agreement, to reassess and check the Licence Fee payable by the Licensee and the parameters upon which the Licence Fee is payable.
PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE. 4.1 In consideration for the Licence Granted to the Licensee, the Licensee must pay to SAMRO an annual Licence Fee calculated in accordance with the SAMRO Tariff CR1, as amended from time to time (“Licence Fee”).
4.2 The Licence Fee is payable annually, in advance, within 30 days (including weekends and public holidays) of the date of invoice.
4.3 The Licence Fee is based on the information provided by the Licensee. The licensee warrants that all information provided to SAMRO is true, correct and up to date.
4.4 XXXXX may amend the Tariff and Licence Fee payable, with 3 (This agreement consists of Part A, B, C, D, E, F and G Please see overleaf)
PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE. In consideration of the rights granted to it by the CWB under this agreement, the Licensee must pay to the CWB the Licence Fee as prescribed in Item 4 of this agreement.
PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE. 4.1 In consideration for the Licence Granted to the Licensee, the Licensee must pay to SAMRO an annual Licence Fee calculated in accordance with the SAMRO Tariff CR1, as amended from time to time (“Licence Fee”).
4.2 The Licence Fee is payable annually, in advance, within 30 days (including weekends and public holidays) of the date of invoice.
4.3 The Licence Fee is based on the information provided by the Licensee. The licensee warrants that all information provided to SAMRO is true, correct and up to date. following amounts:
7.3.1 1 (one percent) of Gross Revenue from admission fees.
4.1 In consideration for the Licence Granted to the Licensee, the Licensee must pay to SAMRO an annual Licence Fee calculated in accordance with the SAMRO Tariff HT, as amended from time to time (“Licence Fee”).
PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE. (a) One off User – licence fee shall be paid at any time prior to occupation.
(b) Regular User – licence fee (or pro rata part thereof) shall be paid on the 1st day of each month.
(c) Payment may be made:
A. By cheque made payable to OR B. By bank direct deposit to Church: Please send cheque:
PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE. In consideration of the Licensor granting the Licence, the Licensee shall pay to the Licensor the License Fee.
PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE. The Licensee must pay the Licence Fee to the Licensor, or such other person or bank as the Licensor directs, in advance without demand or deduction, the first payment to be made on the Commencement Date and subsequent payments on the same day of each year during the Term, with the last payment to be made on a pro rata basis.
PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE. 5.1 The Customer shall pay the Licence Fee to the Supplier on the Commencement Date or on the submission of the invoice by the Supplier.
5.2 The Supplier reserves the right to charge Fees where the Customer requests the provision of Services.
5.3 Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Customer shall pay the Supplier within 30 days of receiving an invoice from the Supplier. The Customer must pay interest on any amount due and not paid by the Customer within the time required by this Agreement at the rate of interest specified in the Purchase Order.
PAYMENT OF LICENCE FEE. 4.1 In consideration for the Licence Granted to the Licensee, the Licensee must pay to SAMRO an annual Licence Fee calculated in accordance with the SAMRO Tariff HT, as amended from time to time (“Licence Fee”). following:
7.3.1 An annual fee of R12.66 for every customer seating capacity up to the first 50; thereafter
7.3.2 An annual fee of R10.08 for every additional customer seating capacity from 51 to 75; thereafter
7.3.3 An annual fee of R7.59 for every additional customer seating capacity from 76 to 100; thereafter
7.3.4 An annual fee of R6.30 for every additional customer seating capacity from 101 to 200; thereafter
7.3.5 An annual fee of R4.73 for every customer seating capacity over 200.
7.3.6 All the above are subject to a minimum annual fee of R190.35.