LIDB Administration Sample Clauses

LIDB Administration. CenturyLink will maintain customer information for CLEC End Users who subscribe on a retail basis to resold CenturyLink local service dial tone lines, in CenturyLink’s LIDB in the same manner that it maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated End Users. CenturyLink will update and maintain CLEC’s information in LIDB on the same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated End Users. 84.7.1 Until such time as CenturyLink’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize a resold number as CLEC’s, CenturyLink will store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and will retain revenue for LIDB look-ups to the resold number.
LIDB Administration. (a) Embarq shall maintain customer information for CLEC customers who subscribe to resold Embarq local service dial tone lines, in Embarq’s LIDB in the same manner that it maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Embarq shall update and maintain the CLEC information in LIDB on the same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. (b) Until such time as Embarq’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize a resold number as CLEC’s, Embarq shall store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and shall retain revenue for LIDB look- ups to the resold number.
LIDB Administration. Sprint shall maintain customer information for CLEC customers who subscribe to resold Sprint local service dial tone lines, in Sprint’s LIDB in the same manner that it maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Sprint shall update and maintain the CLEC information in LIDB on the same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Until such time as Sprint’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize a resold number as CLEC’s, Sprint shall store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and shall retain revenue for LIDB look-ups to the resold number.
LIDB Administration. Sprint shall maintain customer information for KMC customers who subscribe to resold Sprint local service dial tone lines, in Sprint’s LIDB in the same manner that it maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Sprint shall update and maintain the KMC information in LIDB on the same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Until such time as Sprint’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize a resold number as KMC’s, Sprint shall store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and shall retain revenue for LIDB look-ups to the resold number. At such time as Sprint’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize that the resold number is KMC’s then, if KMC desires to store resold numbers on Sprint’s LIDB, the Parties shall negotiate a separate LIDB database storage and look-up agreement.
LIDB Administration. Embarq will maintain customer information for CLEC customers who subscribe to resold Embarq local service dial tone lines, in Embarq’s LIDB in the same manner that it maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Embarq will update and maintain the CLEC information in LIDB on the same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Until such time as Embarq’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize a resold number as CLEC’s, Embarq will store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and will retain revenue for LIDB look-ups to the resold number.
LIDB Administration. Embarq ILEC shall maintain customer information for CLEC customers who subscribe to resold Embarq ILEC local service dial tone lines, in Embarq ILEC’s LIDB in the same manner that it maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Embarq ILEC shall update and maintain the CLEC information in LIDB on the same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Until such time as Embarq ILEC’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize a resold number as CLEC’s, Embarq ILEC shall store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and shall retain revenue for LIDB look-ups to the resold number.
LIDB Administration. Embarq shall maintain customer information for NuVox customers who subscribe to resold Embarq local service dial tone lines, in Embarq’s LIDB in the same manner that it maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Embarq shall update and maintain the NuVox information in LIDB on the same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Until such time as Embarq’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize a resold number as NuVox’s, Embarq shall store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and shall retain revenue for LIDB look-ups to the resold number.
LIDB Administration. CenturyLink shall maintain customer information for PAETEC customers who subscribe to resold CenturyLink local service dial tone lines, in CenturyLink’s LIDB in the same manner that it maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. CenturyLink shall update and maintain PAETEC information in LIDB on the same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Until such time as CenturyLink’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize a resold number as PAETEC’s, CenturyLink shall store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and shall retain revenue for LIDB look-ups to the resold number.
LIDB Administration. CenturyLink will maintain customer information for CLEC End Users who subscribe on a retail basis to resold CenturyLink local VHUYLFH GLDO WRQH OLQHV LQ &HQWXU\/LQN¶V /,'% LQ WKH VDPH PDQQHU WKDW LW maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated End Users. &HQWXU\/LQN ZLOO XSGDWH DQG PDLQWDLQ &/(&¶V LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ /,'% RQ WKH same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated End Users. 59.6.1 8QWLO VXFK WLPH DV &HQWXU\/LQN¶V /,'% KDV WKH VRIWZDUH FDSDELOLW\ WR UHFRJQL]H D UHVROG QXPEHU DV &/(&¶V &HQWXU\/LQN will store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and will retain revenue for LIDB look-ups to the resold number.
LIDB Administration. Sprint shall maintain customer information for AT&T customers who subscribe to resold Sprint local service dial tone lines, in Sprint’s LIDB in the same manner that it maintains information in LIDB for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Sprint shall update and maintain the AT&T information in LIDB on the same schedule that it uses for its own similarly situated end-user subscribers. Until such time as Sprint’s LIDB has the software capability to recognize a resold number as AT&T’s, Sprint shall store the resold number in its LIDB at no charge and shall retain revenue for LIDB look-ups to the resold number.