LIGHT ABANDONMENT. ▪ Remove road shoulder berms except as directed. ▪ Construct non-drivable waterbars according to the attached NON-DRIVABLE WATERBAR DETAIL at a maximum spacing that will produce a vertical drop of no more than 20 feet between waterbars or between natural drainage paths and with a maximum spacing of 200 feet, or as marked in the field. ▪ Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade. Key waterbars into the cut-slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars must be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets must be on stable locations. ▪ Remove all culverts in natural drainages in accordance with STREAM DIVERSION PROCEDURE, Clause 7-5 STRUCTURE DEBRIS, and Clause 9-2 CULVERT REMOVAL FROM LIVE STREAM. Place and compact the removed fill material in accordance with ROAD PRISM WASTE DETAIL. ▪ Remove ditch cross drain culverts and leave the resulting trench open in accordance with CROSS DRAIN REMOVAL DETAIL. ▪ Cover, concurrently with abandonment, all exposed soils within 100 feet of any live stream, with a 3-inch deep layer of straw. ▪ Apply grass seed concurrently with abandonment and in accordance with Section 8 EROSION CONTROL.
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LIGHT ABANDONMENT.  Rip the surface to a minimum depth of 10 inches.  Scatter woody debris onto abandoned road surfaces.  Block roads with earth barricades in accordance with the attached EARTH BARRICADE DETAIL. ROAD CONSTRUCTION/ RECONSTRUCTION/ PRE-HAUL FROM STATION TO STATION TOL. CLASS SUBGRADE WIDTH S CROWN INCHES @ CENTERLINE OUTSLOPE INCHES IN 00 XXXX XXXX XXXXX R DITCH WIDTH DEPTH W D GRUBBING LIMITS G1 G2 CLEARING LIMITS C1 C2 K5000 Pre-haul 0+00 42+37 19’ 4” 16’ 3’ 1’ NA NA K5000 Pre-haul 90+00 94+70 19’ 4” 16’ 3’ 1’ NA NA K5030 Pre-haul 0+00 20+70 12’ 4” 14’ NA NA NA NA K5031 Pre-haul 0+00 11+40 12’ 4” 14’ NA NA NA NA K5112 Pre-haul 0+00 12+30 12’ 4” 14’ NA NA NA NA K5200 Pre-haul 0+00 21+50 12’ 4” 14’ NA NA NA NA ROAD CONSTRUCTION/ RECONSTRUCTION/ PRE-HAUL FROM STATION TO STATION TOL. CLASS SUBGRADE WIDTH S CROWN INCHES @ CENTERLINE OUTSLOPE INCHES IN 00 XXXX XXXX XXXXX R DITCH WIDTH DEPTH W D GRUBBING LIMITS G1 G2 CLEARING LIMITS C1 C2 K5040 Pre-haul Maintenance 0+00 0+50 12’ 4” 12’ XX XX XX XX K5002A Construction 0+00 2+00 C 12’ 4” 12’ NA NA SEE NOTE SEE NOTE K5003A Construction 0+00 2+00 C 12’ 4” 12’ NA NA SEE NOTE SEE NOTE K5004A Construction 0+00 2+00 C 12’ 4” 12’ NA NA SEE NOTE SEE NOTE Road Number From Station To Station Rock Slope K2 Compacted Rock Depth B2 C.Y./ Station # of Stations C.Y. Subtotal Rock Source K5000 0+00 42+37 1 ½ :1 4” 31 42.37 1331 K6812 Pit Run K5000 94+70 106+10 1 ½ :1 4” 31 11.40 353 K6812 Pit Run BALLAST TOTAL 1667 Cubic Yards COMPACTION LIST Road From Station To Station Type Equipment Type Equipment Weight (lbs) Minimum Number of Passes Maximum Operating Speed (mph) Q Coyote Bar Timber Sale Page 19 of 25 Contract No. 30-101463 Based on a 12’ road width. All clearing distances are measured horizontally from the centerline of the road. All ditches are 1’ deep. Ditched roads are crowned 4” at the centerline. Roads with no ditch are outsloped 4” in 10’. 0‐10% 16’ 14’ 10‐20% 17’ 15’ 20‐30% 19’ 17’ 30‐40% 22’ 18’ 40‐50% 27’ 22’ 0‐10% 16’ 11’ 10‐20% 17’ 12’ 20‐30% 19’ 13’ 30‐40% 22’ 15’ 40‐50% 27’ 17’ 0‐10% 14’ 16’ 10‐20% 15’ 17’ 20‐30% 17’ 19’ 30‐40% 18’ 22’ 40‐50% 22’ 27’ 0‐10% 11’ 16’ 10‐20% 12’ 17’ 20‐30% 13’ 19’ 30‐40% 15’ 22’ 40‐50% 17’ 27’  Maintain slope lines to a stable gradient compatible with the cut slope/fill slope ratios. Remove slides up to 50 cubic yards in volume from ditches and the roadway. Repair fill‐ failures, in accordance with Clause 4‐6 EMBANKMENT SLOPE RATIO, with selected material or material approved by th...
LIGHT ABANDONMENT.  Remove road shoulder berms except as directed.  Construct non‐drivable waterbars according to the attached NON‐DRIVABLE WATERBAR DETAIL at a maximum spacing that will produce a vertical drop of no more than 10 feet between waterbars or between natural drainage paths and with a maximum spacing of 100 feet, or as marked in the field.  Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade.  Key waterbars into the cut‐slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars must be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets must be on stable locations.  Block roads with EARTHEN BARRICADE in accordance with the attached EARTHEN BARRICADE DETAIL.  Remove culverts.  Remove ditch cross drain culverts and leave the resulting trench open.  Slope all trench walls and approach embankments no steeper than 1.5:1.  Apply grass seed concurrently with abandonment and in accordance with Section 8 EROSION CONTROL.  Scatter woody debris onto abandoned road surfaces. Polyethylene culverts must meet AASHTO M‐294 specifications, or ASTM F‐2648 specifications for recycled polyethylene. Culverts must be Type S – double walled with a corrugated exterior and smooth interior.
LIGHT ABANDONMENT.  Remove all ditch relief culverts. The resulting slopes must be drivable and 2:1 or flatter. Place and compact the removed fill material in a location that will not erode into any ditchlines  Remove all culverts in natural drainages. The resulting slopes must be 2:1 or flatter. Strive to match the existing native stream bank gradient. The natural streambed width must be re‐established. Place and compact the removed fill material in a location that will not erode into any Type 1 through 5 waters or wetlands.  All removed culverts are the property of the Purchaser, and shall be removed from state land.  Construct drivable waterbars at natural drainage points and at a spacing that will produce a vertical drop of no more than 20 feet between waterbars and with a maximum horizontal spacing of 400 feet.  Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade.  Key waterbars into the cut‐slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars must be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets must be on stable locations.  Inslope or outslope the road as appropriate.  Pull back unstable fill that has potential of failing and entering any ditchlines. Place and compact removed material in a stable location.  Remove berms.  Block the road by constructing an aggressive barrier of dense interlocked large woody debris (logs, stumps, root wads, etc.) so that four wheel highway vehicles cannot pass the point of abandonment. Typical barrier dimensions are 10 feet high by 20 feet deep, spanning the entire road prism from top of cutslope to toe of fillslope. Long term effectiveness is the primary objective. If necessary construct a vehicular turn‐around near the point of abandonment.  Apply grass seed to all exposed soils resulting from the abandonment work and in accordance with Section 8 EROSION CONTROL. See special requirements in clause 8‐15 REVEGETATION.  Construct additional road barriers of interlocking large woody debris to prevent access from the PH‐15 Road to the intersecting PH‐ML Road. The PH‐15 Road shall remain drivable at all times in accordance with Clause 1‐42 UTILITY ACCESS ROAD.
LIGHT ABANDONMENT.  Rip the surface to a minimum depth of 12 inches.  Outslope roadway or inslope to a waterbar as appropriate.  Construct non-drivable waterbars according to the attached NON-DRIVABLE WATERBAR DETAIL at a maximum spacing which will produce a vertical drop of no more than 10 feet between waterbars or between natural drainage paths and with a maximum spacing of 200 feet, or as marked in the field.  Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade.  Key waterbars into the cut-slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars shall be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets shall be on stable locations.  Remove culverts and leave the resulting trench open. The removed fill material shall be placed and compacted in a location that will not erode into any Type 1 through 5 waters or wetlands. Slope all trench walls and approach embankments no steeper than 1.5:1.  Scatter woody debris onto abandoned road surfaces as directed by the Contract Administrator.  Block roads with earthen barricades according to the attached EARTHEN BARRICADE DETAIL.  Apply grass seed concurrently with abandonment to all exposed soil within the old roadway limits and in accordance with Section 8 EROSION CONTROL.  Cover, concurrently with abandonment, all exposed soils within 100 feet of any live stream, with a 4-inch deep layer of straw.
LIGHT ABANDONMENT.  Rip the surface to a minimum depth of 10 inches.  Construct non‐drivable waterbars according to the attached NON‐DRIVABLE WATERBAR DETAIL at a maximum spacing that will produce a vertical drop of no more than 10 feet between waterbars or between natural drainage paths and with a maximum spacing of 100 feet, or as marked in the field.  Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade.  Key waterbars into the cut‐slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars must be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets must be on stable locations.  Remove ditch cross drain culverts and leave the resulting trench open.  Slope all trench walls and approach embankments no steeper than 1.5:1.  Apply grass seed concurrently with abandonment and in accordance with Section 8 EROSION CONTROL. Polyethylene culverts must meet AASHTO M‐294 specifications, or ASTM F‐2648 specifications for recycled polyethylene. Culverts must be Type S – double walled with a corrugated exterior and smooth interior.
LIGHT ABANDONMENT.  Remove road shoulder berms except as directed.  Construct non‐drivable waterbars according to the attached NON‐DRIVABLE WATERBAR DETAIL at a maximum spacing which will produce a vertical drop of no more than 10 feet between waterbars or between natural drainage paths and with a maximum spacing of 100 feet, or as marked in the field.  Key waterbars into the cut‐slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars shall be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets shall be on stable locations.  Block roads with earthen barricades according to the attached EARTHEN BARRICADE DETAIL.  Remove culverts  Remove ditch cross drain culverts and leave the resulting trench open.  Slope all trench walls and approach embankments no steeper than 1.5:1.  Scatter woody debris onto abandoned road surfaces.  Remove all culverts in natural drainages. The resulting slopes shall be 1:1 or flatter. Strive for matching the existing native stream bank gradient. The natural streambed width shall be re‐established. The removed fill material shall be placed and compacted in a location that will not erode into any Type 1 through 5 waters or wetlands.  Transport all removed culverts off site. All removed culverts shall become the property of the Purchaser.  Construct non‐drivable waterbars at natural drainage points and at a spacing that will produce a vertical drop of no more than 10 feet between waterbars and with a maximum horizontal spacing of 300 feet.  Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade.  Key waterbars into the cut‐slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars shall be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets shall be on stable locations.  Inslope or outslope the road as appropriate.  Remove bridges and other structures.  Pull back unstable fill that has potential of failing and entering any Type 1 through 5 waters or wetlands. Removed material shall be placed and compacted in a stable location.  Remove berms except as designed.  Block the road by constructing an aggressive barrier of dense interlocked large woody debris (logs, stumps, root wads, etc.) so that four wheel highway vehicles cannot pass the point of abandonment. Typical barrier dimensions are 10 feet high by 20 feet deep, spanning the entire road prism from top of cutslope to toe of fillslope. Long term effectiveness is the primary objective. If necessary construct a vehicular turn‐around near the point of abandonment.  Apply...
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LIGHT ABANDONMENT.  Rip the surface to a minimum depth of 6 inches.  Block roads with earthen barricades at locations as specified on the EARTHEN BARRICADE LIST, and in accordance with the attached EARTHEN BARRICADE DETAIL.  Construct non‐drivable waterbars according to the attached NON‐DRIVABLE WATERBAR DETAIL at locations as specified on the NON‐DRIVABLE WATERBAR LIST.  Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade.  Key waterbars into the cut‐slope. Waterbars must be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets must be on stable locations.  Scatter woody debris onto abandoned road surfaces.
LIGHT ABANDONMENT. ▪ Remove road shoulder berms except as directed. ▪ Rip the surface to a minimum depth of 10 inches. ▪ Construct non−drivable waterbars according to the attached NON−DRIVABLE WATERBAR DETAIL at a maximum spacing that will produce a vertical drop of no more than 10 feet between waterbars or between natural drainage paths and with a maximum spacing of 100 feet, or as marked in the field. ▪ Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade. ▪ Key waterbars into the cut−slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars must be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets must be on stable locations. ▪ Apply grass seed concurrently with abandonment and in accordance with Section 8 EROSION CONTROL. ▪ Scatter woody debris onto abandoned road surfaces. TYPICAL SECTION SHEET Road Number From Station To Station Tolerance Class Subgrade Width Road Width Ditch Crown in. @ CL Grubbing Limits Clearing Limits Width Depth S R W D G1 G2 C1 C2 Private Drive 0+00 9+61 X 00 00 0 0 0 - - - - SURFACE Road Number From Station To Station Rock Slope Compacted Rock Depth (in) C.Y. per Station or Unit # of Stations or C.Y. Units Subtotal Rock Source K2 B2 Private Drive 0+00 9+61 20 Commercial Spot Rock REQUIRED CRUSHED ROCK: 20 CY COMPACTION LIST Road From Station To Station Type Max Depth Per Lift (inches) Equipment Type Equipment Weight (lbs) Minimum Number of Passes Maximum Operating Speed (mph) Maximum Amount of Deflection (inches) 3 1 Cuts and Fills
LIGHT ABANDONMENT.  Construct non‐drivable waterbars according to the attached NON‐DRIVABLE WATERBAR DETAIL at a maximum spacing that will produce a vertical drop of no more than 10 feet between waterbars or between natural drainage paths and with a maximum spacing of 300 feet, or as marked in the field.  Skew waterbars at least 30 degrees from perpendicular to the road centerline on roads in excess of 3 percent grade.  Key waterbars into the cut‐slope to intercept the ditch. Waterbars must be outsloped to provide positive drainage. Outlets must be on stable locations.  Block roads with earthen barricades in accordance with the attached EARTHEN BARRICADE DETAIL.  Remove culverts in Type 3 water according to Clause 9‐2 CULVERT REMOVAL FROM LIVE STREAM.  Remove ditch cross drain culverts and leave the resulting trench open.  Apply grass seed concurrently with decommissioning and in accordance with Section 8 EROSION CONTROL.  Cover, concurrently with abandonment, all exposed soils within 50 feet of any live stream, with a 3‐inch deep layer of straw.  Provide and evenly spread a 3‐inch layer of straw to all exposed soils associated with stream culvert and puncheon removals, as well as all waste material generated by fill removal that is within 30 feet of excavation limits. Polyethylene culverts must meet AASHTO M‐294 specifications, or ASTM F‐2648 specifications for recycled polyethylene. Culverts must be Type S – double walled with a corrugated exterior and smooth interior.
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