Stream Bank definition

Stream Bank means the sloping land that contains the stream channel and the normal flows of the stream.
Stream Bank means a slope of land adjoining and confining a stream channel.
Stream Bank means the point on a stream's cross-section defined by the bank-full elevation.

Examples of Stream Bank in a sentence

  • For applications involving Stream Bank Protection Zones, the grading plan shall identify newly planted areas and include slope stabilizing measures to prevent erosion, ensure vegetative coverage and limit plant mortality.

  • NR 51.54 Grants for wild lakes.Subchapter VII — Stream Bank ProtectionNR 51.60 Purpose.NR 51.61 Applicability.NR 51.62 Definitions.NR 51.63 Priority stream identification.

  • Where a Stream Bank Protection Zone includes all or part of a significant wetland as identified on official maps adopted by the City of Ashland, the distance to the Stream Bank Protection Zone boundary shall be measured from, and include, the upland edge of the wetland.

  • The title should be 10 words or less and clearly communicate the project type, such as “Orange Creek AMD Treatment System Construction” or “Muddy Run Stream Bank Stabilization Design and Permitting”.

  • Bottomland Hardwood Forest Influence on Floodplain Hydrology and Stream Bank Stability in an Urbanizing Watershed of the Central U.S. Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) – San Francisco, CA, December 3-7, 2012.

More Definitions of Stream Bank

Stream Bank means the terrain alongside the bed of a river, creek, or stream. The bank consists of the sides of the channel between which the flow is confined.
Stream Bank means that portion of the land surface extending from the stream water surface to the ordinary high water mark recognized by the Water Resources Manager and thence to fifty (50) feet upland of the ordinary high water mark.
Stream Bank means the sloping land that contains the stream channel and the normal flows of the stream. Where no established top-of-bank can be determined, the stream bank will be the “ordinary high water mark” as defined by the Corps of Engineers in Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulation, Part 328.3.
Stream Bank means the confining cut of a stream channel and is usually identified as the point where the normal stream flow has wrested the vegetation. For non-trout waters, the normal stream flow is any stream flow that consists solely of base flow or consists of both base flow and direct runoff during any period of the year. Base flow results from groundwater that enters the stream channel through the soil. This includes spring flows into streams. Direct runoff is the water entering stream channels promptly after rainfalls or snow melts.
Stream Bank means the usual boundaries, not the flood boundaries, of a stream channel.
Stream Bank means the uppermost part of the bank, usually marked by a break in slope, or as otherwise defined by rules of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR). A stream bank is not necessarily the water's edge.
Stream Bank means the confining cut of a stream channel and is usually identified as the point where the normal stream flow has wrested the vegetation (Rule 391-3-7-.01(bb)).